Can you be spiritual without being religious?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Can you be spiritual without being religious?

Spirituality might be exemplified by this quote.

John 6 ; 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

One can practice spirituality alone. One cannot practice religiosity without a group/tribe.

Religiosity, I would define roughly, as promoting an organized or local church/temple/tribe etc.

Spirituality ignores our tribal instincts. Our religiosity demand that we cater to our tribal/fellowship needs.

If you are spiritually minded and have a working moral system that you think is the best, I think that you should want to share it and have others follow it. To share it should have you join a church or religion so as to promote your good thinking.

Does a spiritual mind, if truly spiritual, have to join a religion, even if not morally up to your standard, in order to share your view and perhaps help that religion rise up to your better standard of excellence?

If you answer yes to that question, is that why spiritually minded atheists and others now forming atheist churches or churches that take a more secular role within society?


Christian believers are by the nature of their belief, their profession, their salvation, a member of Christ's church.

The bible tells us to gather with other like believers in order to fortify each other, to glorify God, and to practice obedience in matters like tithing, communion, and baptism.

Your definitions are of course subjective, however, and mean whatever they mean to you. If you believe *religiosity* has no worth and is simply the *promotion* of a particular faith, then nobody is going to be able to have a meaningful discussion with you because that is the wrong definition of *religiosity* and promotion is not the only purpose of adhering to a specific religion. Your premise is built upon ignorance.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Tao.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Tao.

Yet I'm sure I know more than you on any given subject.
noun: spiritualism
  1. 1.
    a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, especially through mediums.
  2. 2.
    the doctrine that the spirit exists as distinct from matter, or that spirit is the only reality.
Dumb and dumbfucker.
Can you be spiritual without being religious?

Spirituality might be exemplified by this quote.

John 6 ; 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

One can practice spirituality alone. One cannot practice religiosity without a group/tribe.

Religiosity, I would define roughly, as promoting an organized or local church/temple/tribe etc.

Spirituality ignores our tribal instincts. Our religiosity demand that we cater to our tribal/fellowship needs.

If you are spiritually minded and have a working moral system that you think is the best, I think that you should want to share it and have others follow it. To share it should have you join a church or religion so as to promote your good thinking.

Does a spiritual mind, if truly spiritual, have to join a religion, even if not morally up to your standard, in order to share your view and perhaps help that religion rise up to your better standard of excellence?

If you answer yes to that question, is that why spiritually minded atheists and others now forming atheist churches or churches that take a more secular role within society?



No. You can be trendy. But not spiritual.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Tao.

Yet I'm sure I know more than you on any given subject.

Doubtful. I've already gotten you beat in knowledge of Tao. And, it's not irrelevant, because the OP was asking if you can be spiritual without attending a church, and I showed him one example of it.
Spiritualism is a new religious movement based on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or the "spirit world", is seen by spiritualists, not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve. These two beliefs: that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits are more advanced than humans, lead spiritualists to a third belief, that spirits are capable of providing useful knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as about the nature of God. Some spiritualists will speak of a concept which they refer to as "spirit guides"—specific spirits, often contacted, who are relied upon for spiritual guidance.[1][2] Spiritism, a branch of spiritualism developed by Allan Kardec and today practiced mostly in Continental Europe and Latin America, especially in Brazil, emphasizes reincarnation.[3]

Spiritualism developed and reached its peak growth in membership from the 1840s to the 1920s, especially in English-speaking countries.[2][4] By 1897, spiritualism was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe,[5] mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes.

Spiritualism flourished for a half century without canonical texts or formal organization, attaining cohesion through periodicals, tours by trance lecturers, camp meetings, and the missionary activities of accomplished mediums. Many prominent spiritualists were women, and like most spiritualists, supported causes such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage.[2] By the late 1880s the credibility of the informal movement had weakened due to accusations of fraud perpetrated by mediums, and formal spiritualist organizations began to appear.[2] Spiritualism is currently practiced primarily through various denominational spiritualist churches in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

You're welcome, ignorami.

Spiritualism - Wikipedia
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

It's painfully obvious that you don't know anything about Tao.

Yet I'm sure I know more than you on any given subject.

Doubtful. I've already gotten you beat in knowledge of Tao. And, it's not irrelevant, because the OP was asking if you can be spiritual without attending a church, and I showed him one example of it.

No, he asked if you could be spiritual without being religious, you fucking idiot.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.
Okay, so Christian’s cannot be spiritual.

As to the OP, believing in a spirit or soul, or that consciousness lives on or whatever, can be part of any belief system. If you can believe that without needing the weekly/daily support group meeting that is organized religion, then you could even make the claim that your faith in your spiritual belief is stronger.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.
Okay, so Christian’s cannot be spiritual.

As to the OP, believing in a spirit or soul, or that consciousness lives on or whatever, can be part of any belief system. If you can believe that without needing the weekly/daily support group meeting that is organized religion, then you could even make the claim that your faith in your spiritual belief is stronger.

Agreed Black Flag. Especially with the last sentence. Me personally? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one dogma or belief system, and limiting yourself to just one belief can lead you to miss out on a lot. Interesting thing about various religions..................the stuff that Buddha and the stuff that Jesus taught were basically the same thing. A good friend of mine once told me to look for where belief systems were similar rather than where they differed to see where God was in each of them.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

If you believe that everyone goes to the same place when they die which is not hell, except maybe Hitler, you probably are not a Christian.

If you believe that Jesus was a really cool dude that every religion embraces in some form or other, yet insist that Christ is not the only way to God, you probably are not a Christian.

If you find yourself trying to connect to some distant universal power through such things as meditation or drug use, you probably are not a Christian.

When you sneeze and someone says"God bless you" and you turn to them and ask, "Why would I thank myself?" You probably are not a Christian.

If you think human beings are all really "good" at their core and can't come to terms with your own inner darkness, you probably are not a Christian.

If you have ever voted Dim, you probably are not a Christian.

If you think that the idea of God is ludicrous, but have no problem believing mankind was planted here by space aliens, you probably are not a Christian.

Just say'in
Can you be spiritual without being religious?

Spirituality might be exemplified by this quote.

John 6 ; 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

One can practice spirituality alone. One cannot practice religiosity without a group/tribe.

Religiosity, I would define roughly, as promoting an organized or local church/temple/tribe etc.

Spirituality ignores our tribal instincts. Our religiosity demand that we cater to our tribal/fellowship needs.

If you are spiritually minded and have a working moral system that you think is the best, I think that you should want to share it and have others follow it. To share it should have you join a church or religion so as to promote your good thinking.

Does a spiritual mind, if truly spiritual, have to join a religion, even if not morally up to your standard, in order to share your view and perhaps help that religion rise up to your better standard of excellence?

If you answer yes to that question, is that why spiritually minded atheists and others now forming atheist churches or churches that take a more secular role within society?



No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.

If you believe that everyone goes to the same place when they die which is not hell, except maybe Hitler, you probably are not a Christian.

If you believe that Jesus was a really cool dude that every religion embraces in some form or other, yet insist that Christ is not the only way to God, you probably are not a Christian.

If you find yourself trying to connect to some distant universal power through such things as meditation or drug use, you probably are not a Christian.

When you sneeze and someone says"God bless you" and you turn to them and ask, "Why would I thank myself?" You probably are not a Christian.

If you think human beings are all really "good" at their core and can't come to terms with your own inner darkness, you probably are not a Christian.

If you have ever voted Dim, you probably are not a Christian.

If you think that the idea of God is ludicrous, but have no problem believing mankind was planted here by space aliens, you probably are not a Christian.

Just say'in
If you haven’t been indoctrinated since birth into believing magical nonsense passed down by sandpeople from thousands of years ago, you probably aren’t Votto’s idea of a Christian.

If you don’t hate and condemn people today for violating a primitive belief system, for whom much of its doctrine was created to stop people from spreading disease because they were all dirty and wiped their asses with their hands, then you are probably not Votto’s idea of a Christian.
Much word salad above, beware, you may get confused, misunderstood or criticized by some know it all. But since I am a know it all, I think the OP question is interesting as religion is a nice concept, but so all over the place it can mean anything at all. Since spirituality or being spiritual is often associated with being high or lost in some nowhere, that too is a dead end. Just be nice folks, welcome immigrants, pay your taxes, help the poor, vote the idiot out, and if Pascal has a point you'll be OK. If Pascal is wrong you won't know it anyhow. Consider America today, a land of rampant idiocy where our religious are cheering Donnie John and his un-religious policies. You can't make this stuff up so why try to attach any profundity to absurdity. Just be good. When Nietzsche claimed God is dead, any reading of history up to the present moment would make one wonder if ....

'Science flies you to the moon, but religion flies you into skyscrapers.' anon

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