Can you be spiritual without being religious?

physiology proves the spiritual, without it the physical presence disappears.
Christian believers are by the nature of their belief, their profession, their salvation, a member of Christ's church.

The bible tells us to gather with other like believers in order to fortify each other, to glorify God, and to practice obedience in matters like tithing, communion, and baptism.

Your definitions are of course subjective, however, and mean whatever they mean to you. If you believe *religiosity* has no worth and is simply the *promotion* of a particular faith, then nobody is going to be able to have a meaningful discussion with you because that is the wrong definition of *religiosity* and promotion is not the only purpose of adhering to a specific religion. Your premise is built upon ignorance.

You put lies in my mouth. That is ignorance.

No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.


Does an enlightened spiritual mind not owe it to his fellow man to enlighten his church or temple if he thinks they are not quite on the right path?

No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.

*Spiritualism* is by it's nature anti-Christian, and is not a religion in and of itself.

It's just a desire to look at any possible supernatural explanation EXCEPT Chrsitianity, and run with it. Heavy on the ghosts and miasmas and other such nonsense.

So if you're attending church but consider yourself *spiritual* in the way GayBiker is defining it, you probably aren't a Christian.
Okay, so Christian’s cannot be spiritual.

As to the OP, believing in a spirit or soul, or that consciousness lives on or whatever, can be part of any belief system. If you can believe that without needing the weekly/daily support group meeting that is organized religion, then you could even make the claim that your faith in your spiritual belief is stronger.

Spiritual thinking has nothing to do with the spirit world.

One is real the other is not.

Can you be spiritual without being religious?

Spirituality might be exemplified by this quote.

John 6 ; 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

One can practice spirituality alone. One cannot practice religiosity without a group/tribe.

Religiosity, I would define roughly, as promoting an organized or local church/temple/tribe etc.

Spirituality ignores our tribal instincts. Our religiosity demand that we cater to our tribal/fellowship needs.

If you are spiritually minded and have a working moral system that you think is the best, I think that you should want to share it and have others follow it. To share it should have you join a church or religion so as to promote your good thinking.

Does a spiritual mind, if truly spiritual, have to join a religion, even if not morally up to your standard, in order to share your view and perhaps help that religion rise up to your better standard of excellence?

If you answer yes to that question, is that why spiritually minded atheists and others now forming atheist churches or churches that take a more secular role within society?




How do you confirm or test your spiritual thinking if you do not take it to your church or temple etc. to confirm the soundness of what you believe?


Does an enlightened spiritual mind not owe it to his fellow man to enlighten his church or temple if he thinks they are not quite on the right path?

You don’t need to belong to a cult to be spiritual.

I agree but is there a duty attached to spirituality.

Does an enlightened spiritual mind not owe it to his fellow man to enlighten his church or temple if he thinks they are not quite on the right path?

Christian believers are by the nature of their belief, their profession, their salvation, a member of Christ's church.

The bible tells us to gather with other like believers in order to fortify each other, to glorify God, and to practice obedience in matters like tithing, communion, and baptism.

Your definitions are of course subjective, however, and mean whatever they mean to you. If you believe *religiosity* has no worth and is simply the *promotion* of a particular faith, then nobody is going to be able to have a meaningful discussion with you because that is the wrong definition of *religiosity* and promotion is not the only purpose of adhering to a specific religion. Your premise is built upon ignorance.

You put lies in my mouth. That is ignorance.

Ignorance is not understanding the word *if*. Like I said...IF you use the wrong definitions for the terms you toss about, you aren't going to be able to engage in meaningful discussion.

And that appears to be exactly the case.
No, you don't have to have religion to be spiritual. There is a philosophy in China called Taoism that is a very spiritual belief system, but not so much in the religion area.


Does an enlightened spiritual mind not owe it to his fellow man to enlighten his church or temple if he thinks they are not quite on the right path?


You know, that is a very good question. On one had one may say yes to the question because some would believe it is their duty to guide others towards enlightenment.

On the other hand, there are those who would say no to the question, because they would believe that the journey towards enlightenment is what brings it about, and they wouldn't want to interfere with the journey towards enlightenment that another has, even if it isn't the path the person had chosen for themselves.

I'm of the second school of thought. Why? Because some of the largest eureka moments that I've had came because of previous experience. And, while it may seem readily apparent to even the most casual observer after my moment, but prior to the realization, it's something I would have probably never thought about before going through the experience.

As a spiritual being who is growing in my own way, I need to allow others their own way of growing. But, I won't discount that person, because maybe they have had an experience that will benefit and help me with my journey.

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