Can you go one day without spending retail dollars?

Kiki Cannoli

Have you met my shadow?
May 27, 2011
I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?
I am able to go 2-3 weeks without retail expenditures, minimum. And the last couple of years, I have been making a strong habit of doing just that as much as possible.
Hayell yeah. I don't go anywhere to buy anything anyway. And if I am in the mood to shop, I do it on ebay.
I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?

Oh hell yes.
ok oh frugal ones! i didn't mean i was shopping for shoes, tires or hair gel. :razz:

maybe better stated is - everyday i need milk, or batteries (no dirty minds!) or a light bulb or dish soap, stamps, plant food, .... these are all retail items. :tongue:

ETA: really, not a coffee, bottle of water, movie rental, soda pop? nothing?
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I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?

Easily, but I have extenuating circumstances that help in this regard. See, I have social anxiety disorder, coupled with chronic depression. It's not uncommon for me to have days when I literally can't bear the idea of seeing or talking to anyone outside of my immediate family. I keep two-three days worth of food in the house, aside from the staples one always has on hand, as a rule, so that there's not a problem if I wake up to one of those days.

It's pretty hard to spend money if you don't leave the house, especially if you reserve online purchases for special occasions like I do.
Not spending is saving. I remind my sister of this constantly. She can't understand why she and her family never get ahead on finances.

On a work day- yeah I can take my lunch, but the weekends are for frivolous lollygagging. :thup:
All the time. I cut my twice-weekly shopping trips (the second trip was usually on a Sun for the milk/bread/lunchmeat run) down to once a week over a year ago. On that second trip I ALWAYS managed to spend way too much money on impulse items. Now I go to the local deli for lunchmeat for the week and just make sure I have enough milk/bread to last for a week when I do my once a week shopping.

When we stopped delivery of our local newspaper we also stopped receiving all the coupons in the paper. I just started getting the paper again specifically for the coupons and am determined to get our grocery bill down. I'm buying less but spending more because everything has gone up so much. So after watching 'Extreme Couponing' I decided to if these folks could spend next to nothing I could at least put the effort in and reduce the bill. I'll never be one of 'those' people but . . . yeah, couponing smartly just makes sense.

Also, if I don't go somewhere I don't buy anything so I try to stay out of the stores unless I really truly need something. Just because I'm pulling into a gas station (I live in the NE part of the country and we have WAWA gas station/mini marts that have terrific coffee/sandwiches, etc) does not mean I have to purchase something else. Use your debit card to purchase the gas and stay out of the store. If you're going to the store all the time . . . why? Why wouldn't you make a list of what you need for the week and go shopping? Aside from wasting money when you go frequently, you're wasting your time. Just get organized . . . you'll save time and money!
Can you go one day without spending retail dollars?

I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?
Ok, I'm a little behind the power curve here. What do you mean by "retail dollars"? :confused:

Do mean just generally spending less? Using coupons more or buying online? I do that most of the time. In fact, of the last 5 things I purchased, 4 of them I bought online the other one was gasoline.
I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?

Doubt it. :)
Yes. Quite easily. I make my daily coffee and home and bring my lunch to work (have done these ever since grad school). We do grocery shopping once a week, and periodic Costco runs to stock up on nonperishable and household stuff.

It also helps to not be a "recreational shopper". I mean, really, trawling through a mall is not my idea of a good time.
Yes. Quite easily. I make my daily coffee and home and bring my lunch to work (have done these ever since grad school). We do grocery shopping once a week, and periodic Costco runs to stock up on nonperishable and household stuff.

It also helps to not be a "recreational shopper". I mean, really, trawling through a mall is not my idea of a good time.

Hey, is Costco worth the yearly fee it charges? Do you save that back plus a substantial amount more? They're building one 5 minutes from me and I was wondering if it's worth joining. Thx.
Yes. Quite easily. I make my daily coffee and home and bring my lunch to work (have done these ever since grad school). We do grocery shopping once a week, and periodic Costco runs to stock up on nonperishable and household stuff.

It also helps to not be a "recreational shopper". I mean, really, trawling through a mall is not my idea of a good time.

Hey, is Costco worth the yearly fee it charges? Do you save that back plus a substantial amount more? They're building one 5 minutes from me and I was wondering if it's worth joining. Thx.

Funny that you mention that, because I've been wondering if it is really worth it to us at this point. We also have an Amazon Prime account - and I've transitioned to using that for a lot of non-perishable and household things. The prices are a tad higher, but the time savings make it worth it to me. The free shipping is even more worth the annual fee now that gasoline is so high (we have to drive two cities away to get to the closest Costco - not convenient for frequent use).

Mr. boe, however, loves Costco. So, we're keeping the Costco membership for now.

My folks and one of my sisters use their memberships for weekly shopping, and find fabulous bargains. If the one near you is close enough for such shopping, then I'd definitely do it.
I am finding it more and more difficult. Maybe it is self-discipine, or maybe just the new world.

Excluding using lights and such in your home or the gas already in your car. Can you go one day without opening your wallet?

Understandably it is almost formal summer and so daily purchases of fruits and vegetables become more the norm - but outside of that - am I the only one?

I live in a remote cabin I built myself just outside Lincoln, Montana, without electricity or running water. Wait a second... That's a friend of mine. Anyway, I open my wallet practically every day. If I stopped spending money, the economy would laps into a deep depression.
Yes. Quite easily. I make my daily coffee and home and bring my lunch to work (have done these ever since grad school). We do grocery shopping once a week, and periodic Costco runs to stock up on nonperishable and household stuff.

It also helps to not be a "recreational shopper". I mean, really, trawling through a mall is not my idea of a good time.

Hey, is Costco worth the yearly fee it charges? Do you save that back plus a substantial amount more? They're building one 5 minutes from me and I was wondering if it's worth joining. Thx.

Funny that you mention that, because I've been wondering if it is really worth it to us at this point. We also have an Amazon Prime account - and I've transitioned to using that for a lot of non-perishable and household things. The prices are a tad higher, but the time savings make it worth it to me. The free shipping is even more worth the annual fee now that gasoline is so high (we have to drive two cities away to get to the closest Costco - not convenient for frequent use).

Mr. boe, however, loves Costco. So, we're keeping the Costco membership for now.

My folks and one of my sisters use their memberships for weekly shopping, and find fabulous bargains. If the one near you is close enough for such shopping, then I'd definitely do it.

How much is the yearly fee?
Yes. Quite easily. I make my daily coffee and home and bring my lunch to work (have done these ever since grad school). We do grocery shopping once a week, and periodic Costco runs to stock up on nonperishable and household stuff.

It also helps to not be a "recreational shopper". I mean, really, trawling through a mall is not my idea of a good time.

Hey, is Costco worth the yearly fee it charges? Do you save that back plus a substantial amount more? They're building one 5 minutes from me and I was wondering if it's worth joining. Thx.

I used to go with my mom all the time, because she had a membership for her job. With a houseful of men, I find it VERY useful to buy a lot of things in bulk.
Hey, is Costco worth the yearly fee it charges? Do you save that back plus a substantial amount more? They're building one 5 minutes from me and I was wondering if it's worth joining. Thx.

Funny that you mention that, because I've been wondering if it is really worth it to us at this point. We also have an Amazon Prime account - and I've transitioned to using that for a lot of non-perishable and household things. The prices are a tad higher, but the time savings make it worth it to me. The free shipping is even more worth the annual fee now that gasoline is so high (we have to drive two cities away to get to the closest Costco - not convenient for frequent use).

Mr. boe, however, loves Costco. So, we're keeping the Costco membership for now.

My folks and one of my sisters use their memberships for weekly shopping, and find fabulous bargains. If the one near you is close enough for such shopping, then I'd definitely do it.

How much is the yearly fee?

The Amazon Prime fee is $79 per year; Costco is $50 (I think).

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