Can you imagine how the rw would react if Obama told 3 GOP rednecks to go back to their shitholes?

You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
if those three rednecks was spewing pure hate for this country I would praise Obama
and by the way saying redneck is racist liken to saying the N word
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

“Rednecks” built this nation....Ragheads and wetbacks did not...Big difference.
----------------------------------- yep , 100 percent Correct . Thank you BLoser .
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
Hey! Mah trailer's right nice now I got me a winder unit blowin cold ahr.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

Trump had one intention, and that's to stoke fire among Democrats and inflict harm on the careers of four major bitches who are a detriment to society and brains. Trump 2020, win is what he does.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

“Rednecks” built this nation....Ragheads and wetbacks did not...Big difference.
Oh for fuck sake. They did not. Rednecks are lazy selfish pieces of shit.
Obama and Hillary were quite clear when they made broadbrushing comments marginalizing an entire voting block. Basically deplorable people clinging to bibles and guns and such, with a purely derogatory tone intended. Never attack the voters. Cost the dems an election.
Trump commented on Representatives who spoke anti American rhetoric. All fair targets and color has nothing to do with it. Congress is not popular with the people. Of course those same folks cling to the failing belief they are superior to the common citizen.
Lesson of 2016, not learned.
Time to go after the GOP propaganda machine that brainwashes the deplorables. They are actually very nice people who are totally misinformed and ignorant.....
As the leftist "everyone who disagrees is racist" propaganda machine goes into overdrive. Dozens of threads, media soundbites galore.

Plenty of misinformed and ignorance to go around.

Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

Again, lesson not learned, but feel free to double down on it.
Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

how is that racist exactly?
Franco can't answer that without liberal soundbites, so he bailed.
Yep telling women of color to go back home is not racist at all LOL. Not to mention stupid no matter what. And un American and bigoted.
It isn’t, color wasn’t mentioned, their loyalty to our country was. Your opinion doesn’t count as fact
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

“Rednecks” built this nation....Ragheads and wetbacks did not...Big difference.
Oh for fuck sake. They did not. Rednecks are lazy selfish pieces of shit.
Takes one to know one eh?
like? explain your position.
Umm... That's what I just did.

Did you not read the post?
I did, and I was curious where you fit in in your explanation.
educated people do not demand more welfare and hate the rich, but Democrats do
Well when they have assorted steel items hanging and pierced all over their face, purple hair, black fingernail polish and lipstick, tattoos everywhere and wearing circus clothes, no one wants to hire them, and that's the radical, indoctrinated democrats. They want to continue their free ride, so when they hear someone is offering them more free stuff, they vote for them. They don't really want a job anyway. That would require they clean themselves up and be responsible and actually work for a living, and that would cut into their perpetually offended game and protesting time.
One thing about having the orange racist in charge, we find out every day what racist bigoted intolerant brainwashed scumbags the GOP is made of....
Racist? Nope. You have zero evidence sucka
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
if those three rednecks was spewing pure hate for this country I would praise Obama
and by the way saying redneck is racist liken to saying the N word
They’re people with no conscience. Calling them scum is an insult to scum
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
Hey! Mah trailer's right nice now I got me a winder unit blowin cold ahr.
You are a man with absolutely no class
Time to go after the GOP propaganda machine that brainwashes the deplorables. They are actually very nice people who are totally misinformed and ignorant.....
As the leftist "everyone who disagrees is racist" propaganda machine goes into overdrive. Dozens of threads, media soundbites galore.

Plenty of misinformed and ignorance to go around.

Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

Again, lesson not learned, but feel free to double down on it.
Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

how is that racist exactly?
Franco can't answer that without liberal soundbites, so he bailed.
Yep telling women of color to go back home is not racist at all LOL. Not to mention stupid no matter what. And un American and bigoted.
Never mentioned color.
I could care less if they were pale white immigrants.
The fact you defend these race gimps and perma victims says everything I need to know about you.
What a great way to be a racist a****** and still be deniable LOL.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
if those three rednecks was spewing pure hate for this country I would praise Obama
and by the way saying redneck is racist liken to saying the N word
Bologna, there is no word as bad as the n word. Plenty of people love being called rednecks.... And they never said anything that bad, you are just told over and over and over and over and over again usually without quoting them... Your propaganda machine as always is the culprit.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

Moron....obama sat in a racist church for 20 years where every week the racist, Anti-American pastor, jeremiah wright, called America a shithole... he even had the racist pastor perform his wedding and baptize his daughters...

20 years in an openly racist, anti-American, Anti-Jewish church....
I guarantee nobody would be screaming and wetting their panties like the hysterical girls on the left.
Time to go after the GOP propaganda machine that brainwashes the deplorables. They are actually very nice people who are totally misinformed and ignorant.....
As the leftist "everyone who disagrees is racist" propaganda machine goes into overdrive. Dozens of threads, media soundbites galore.

Plenty of misinformed and ignorance to go around.

Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

Again, lesson not learned, but feel free to double down on it.
Nothing racist about the notion of
"America, Love it or Leave it".

how is that racist exactly?
Franco can't answer that without liberal soundbites, so he bailed.
Yep telling women of color to go back home is not racist at all LOL. Not to mention stupid no matter what. And un American and bigoted.
It isn’t, color wasn’t mentioned, their loyalty to our country was. Your opinion doesn’t count as fact
Way to keep deniability and still be a total bigot, brainwashed functional moron. The rich must be saved at all cost LOL...
Umm... That's what I just did.

Did you not read the post?
I did, and I was curious where you fit in in your explanation.
educated people do not demand more welfare and hate the rich, but Democrats do
Well when they have assorted steel items hanging and pierced all over their face, purple hair, black fingernail polish and lipstick, tattoos everywhere and wearing circus clothes, no one wants to hire them, and that's the radical, indoctrinated democrats. They want to continue their free ride, so when they hear someone is offering them more free stuff, they vote for them. They don't really want a job anyway. That would require they clean themselves up and be responsible and actually work for a living, and that would cut into their perpetually offended game and protesting time.
One thing about having the orange racist in charge, we find out every day what racist bigoted intolerant brainwashed scumbags the GOP is made of....
Racist? Nope. You have zero evidence sucka
65% think it was racist. 35% are racist LOL
I guarantee nobody would be screaming and wetting their panties like the hysterical girls on the left.
That's hilarious when most of the GOP gets hysterical over ridiculous phony scandals, the brainwashed ignoramuses.they absolutely hate Democrats based on total garbage propaganda character assassination that has no evidence or basis-in-fact. Lock her up send her back and the only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started...
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

Trump had one intention, and that's to stoke fire among Democrats and inflict harm on the careers of four major bitches who are a detriment to society and brains. Trump 2020, win is what he does.
The lying divider in Chief rah rah LOL... All he had to do to take over your party was parrot the garbage propaganda and hate that keeps the GOP going despite their giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else....
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
if those three rednecks was spewing pure hate for this country I would praise Obama
and by the way saying redneck is racist liken to saying the N word
Bologna, there is no word as bad as the n word. Plenty of people love being called rednecks.... And they never said anything that bad, you are just told over and over and over and over and over again usually without quoting them... Your propaganda machine as always is the culprit.
You are wrong. The N word has been promoted that way. We live in a nation where whats left of the movers and shakers or people who are vichy in talk but live quite differently have to walk on egg shells to not infuriate anyone backed by the Prog propaganda machine. Black people know this. They know it is a joke. To watch the white man do a song and dance for his way of life is now etched permanently in the American declining culture. Redneck is just as bad but the people involved will laugh it off. You can show all of the ignorance in reality shows about them. But gaia forbid, show the ignorance in the inner city poverty areas with reality shows and the truth will set us all free. Notice we never get those? To see how horrible people can treat each other would cause a revulsion among the general population and maybe even force us to use common sense in dealing with each other.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

If the 3 rednecks hated America and were race-baiting lying garbage like those 4 I would have applauded Obama. Screw those anti-American bitches. They can go back to where they came from.

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