Can you imagine if Ford behaved the same way Kavanaugh did?

Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Get over yourself, halfwit.

How would you react if you believed you were being accused of something you didn't do? How would you react if your name and reputation was being ruined based on false allegations? How would you react if all of this was playing out in front of your children? All of it without one iota of evidence...

Would you just roll over and quietly let it happen?

Now, just like you, I have no idea who is right and who is wrong in this case, not a single one of us do, but I will say that I believe they both are convinced they are telling the truth.
NO You should fall apart and act like an asshole Those are good things to show before the world as you look for a lifetime job in the highest court in the land AH was trying to pull a Trump
Kav was a real d bag . Could you imagine someone in his Court acting like that ? “Do YOU drink senator ?!?”

And to throw out a Clinton conspiracy?! Holy crap . Forget the Ford stuff, this guy has shown that he is not SC material .
Kav was a real d bag . Could you imagine someone in his Court acting like that ? “Do YOU drink senator ?!?”

And to throw out a Clinton conspiracy?! Holy crap . Forget the Ford stuff, this guy has shown that he is not SC material .
Doubt he's even dog catcher material
She made baseless, unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the people she claimed as witnesses. She's scum.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
She made baseless, unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the people she claimed as witnesses. She's scum.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.

Now that is some funny crap right there! Thanks for the laugh.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Even if I am wrong and he is guilty of what Mrs Ford said, he was a teenage boy. That is not the sum of his life and all evidence points to someone who has led an honorable life. A man of nore character than I could ever hope to achieve.
I did some terrible things at 16. Where would I be if that were held against me today?

I believe the preponderance of the evidence that is available about this man. He has clearly demonstrated that he is qualified for the position.

As for the crying, I think ANY human being can be overcome with emotion while under the duress of a traumatic situation.
Ever had a movie choke you up? A MOVIE....
Yeah blow it out your ass
You can cry in a dark theatre to Old yeller not on national tv while trying to get into the supreme court. So blow it out your ass! Keep supporting babies and draft dodgers!
She made baseless, unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the people she claimed as witnesses. She's scum.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick

Should there not be a presumption innocence? We need to examine the women’s accusations however false and mistaken identity, false memories ,and out right lies have happened before. Unless there is some solid evidence, we can’t ruin the accused’s life based on an accusation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but was Ford’s recollection due to therapy? Suddenly remembering something 30 years after it happened is very rare and is often a symptom of False Memory Syndrome, it usually follows the pattern of what Ford is going through. None of the four that were said to be at this small party remember ever being there and the only other girl that was supposed to be at the party said she never met Kavanaugh. Tough to be at a party of just five people and not meet everyone.

That said he has no proof that the event didn’t happen, however he shouldn’t have to prove his innocence on an event that may never have taken place.
Last edited:
She made baseless, unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the people she claimed as witnesses. She's scum.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick
Sorry but that is a convenient cope out for 36 year old complaint with absolutely NO witnesses.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick
Sorry but that is a convenient cope out for 36 year old complaint with absolutely NO witnesses.

FBI says FU Trump

Trump's Quest to Get Kavanaugh on Supreme Court Hinges on FBI
Senate panel had been set to send nomination to full chamber.
and when the FBI say you're FOS what will you say then?? They're lying?
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick

Should there not be a presumption innocence? We need to examine the women’s accusations however false and mistaken identity, false memories ,and out right lies have happened before. Unless there is some solid evidence, we can’t ruin the accused’s life based on an accusation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but was Ford’s recollection due to therapy? Suddenly remembering something 30 years after it happened is very rare and is often a symptom of False Memory Syndrome, it usually follows the pattern of what Ford is going through. None of the four that were said to be at this small party remember ever being there and the only other girl that was supposed to be at the party said she never met Kavanaugh. Tough to be at a party of just five people and not meet everyone.

That said he has no proof that the event didn’t happen, however he shouldn’t have to prove his innocence on an event that may never have taken place.
Correct me If I'm wrong ,,but you and republican slime either blame the women or they are liars EVERY time a republican molests or rapes
What a load of disgusting nonsense. When you're a decent and moral man and someone falsely accuses you of an ugly crime, you will naturally feel righteous indignation.
LOL all the FBI can do at this late date is take the EXACT same statements the committee took and say "he said, she said"
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick

Should there not be a presumption innocence? We need to examine the women’s accusations however false and mistaken identity, false memories ,and out right lies have happened before. Unless there is some solid evidence, we can’t ruin the accused’s life based on an accusation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but was Ford’s recollection due to therapy? Suddenly remembering something 30 years after it happened is very rare and is often a symptom of False Memory Syndrome, it usually follows the pattern of what Ford is going through. None of the four that were said to be at this small party remember ever being there and the only other girl that was supposed to be at the party said she never met Kavanaugh. Tough to be at a party of just five people and not meet everyone.

That said he has no proof that the event didn’t happen, however he shouldn’t have to prove his innocence on an event that may never have taken place.
Correct me If I'm wrong ,,but you and republican slime either blame the women or they are liars EVERY time a republican molests or rapes

I’m not blaming her, do you want to stick with the facts or are you just going off your bigotry and hate.
sarge it's he said THEY said
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick

Should there not be a presumption innocence? We need to examine the women’s accusations however false and mistaken identity, false memories ,and out right lies have happened before. Unless there is some solid evidence, we can’t ruin the accused’s life based on an accusation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but was Ford’s recollection due to therapy? Suddenly remembering something 30 years after it happened is very rare and is often a symptom of False Memory Syndrome, it usually follows the pattern of what Ford is going through. None of the four that were said to be at this small party remember ever being there and the only other girl that was supposed to be at the party said she never met Kavanaugh. Tough to be at a party of just five people and not meet everyone.

That said he has no proof that the event didn’t happen, however he shouldn’t have to prove his innocence on an event that may never have taken place.
Correct me If I'm wrong ,,but you and republican slime either blame the women or they are liars EVERY time a republican molests or rapes

I’m not blaming her, do you want to stick with the facts or are you just going off your bigotry and hate.
the fact is she's 100% sure it was him and and a judge wh'o's supposed to be cool and calm under pressure went bat shit crazy Can you imagine the sucker with a few beers under his belt?
And NONE of the three had ANYTHING to say in 2006 when he was confirmed to the Federal Bench and NOTHING to say for 30 years, suddenly JUST when the dems need a way to delay THEY find their spine? Ya totally believable.
1000's of women molested raped won't come forward They know the republicans will mock them and never believe them Oh blame the women Another repub trick

Should there not be a presumption innocence? We need to examine the women’s accusations however false and mistaken identity, false memories ,and out right lies have happened before. Unless there is some solid evidence, we can’t ruin the accused’s life based on an accusation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but was Ford’s recollection due to therapy? Suddenly remembering something 30 years after it happened is very rare and is often a symptom of False Memory Syndrome, it usually follows the pattern of what Ford is going through. None of the four that were said to be at this small party remember ever being there and the only other girl that was supposed to be at the party said she never met Kavanaugh. Tough to be at a party of just five people and not meet everyone.

That said he has no proof that the event didn’t happen, however he shouldn’t have to prove his innocence on an event that may never have taken place.
Correct me If I'm wrong ,,but you and republican slime either blame the women or they are liars EVERY time a republican molests or rapes

I’m not blaming her, do you want to stick with the facts or are you just going off your bigotry and hate.
the fact is she's 100% sure it was him and and a judge wh'o's supposed to be cool and calm under pressure went bat shit crazy Can you imagine the sucker with a few beers under his belt?
AND after all the nice things the pos in our WH had to say about the FBI I'm sure the FBI is going to do their damnedest to shove it up the morons trumps ass
If someone should happen to accuse Ford of a crime from thirty plus years ago and everyone in the press declared her guilty based on nothing but the unsubstaniated allegation lets see how she reacts. What really pisses the left in and out of the media off so much is that Republicans are no longer cowering under their bed and hiding afarid to fight back or defend themselves when accused they are now starting to fight back and not let themselves be steamrolled into stepping down or quitting.

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