Can you imagine if Ford behaved the same way Kavanaugh did?

How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
View attachment 219265
Yet you wanted her in the white house.
she attempted to rape all those women ? She's 100x smarter than the schmuck there now and wouldn't be bringing all the shit into our WH like the moron trump did
That's funny, she would be bringing ole Bill back in the white house. A POVEN raper in cheif.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?

Smfh you have no idea what the truth is. That’s the whole problem with this thing and claiming you DO know just makes you look asinine. You’re acting like there’s fucking video footage of the incident for fuck’s sake when in reality she can’t identify the time or the place and her witnesses can’t corroborate her story yet you’re trying to ascertain it’s obvious he’s guilty?

Seriously what planet am I living on?
Of course he is. That's what leftwing douchebags do: assume facts not in evidence and then proceed from there.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
Ms Ford is the piece of shit, along with all the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. I want to vomit every time I see these douchebags.
What does she have to gain ??? What does the douch you support have to gain?? A lifetime on the SC? we already have one pervert Thomas there and one in the WH Isn't that enough for you ?
We already know she has gained $750,000. Plus we know she's a feminazi who hates Trump and conservatives. She will write books, go on the talk show circuit and attend all the most exclusive Hollywood parties.
While the pos you support will protect trump and try to kill RvW
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
View attachment 219265
Yet you wanted her in the white house.
she attempted to rape all those women ? She's 100x smarter than the schmuck there now and wouldn't be bringing all the shit into our WH like the moron trump did
Yeah, she's so smart that she got whipped by a guy she called stupid.
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
Ms Ford is the piece of shit, along with all the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. I want to vomit every time I see these douchebags.
What does she have to gain ??? What does the douch you support have to gain?? A lifetime on the SC? we already have one pervert Thomas there and one in the WH Isn't that enough for you ?
We already know she has gained $750,000. Plus we know she's a feminazi who hates Trump and conservatives. She will write books, go on the talk show circuit and attend all the most exclusive Hollywood parties.
While the pos you support will protect trump and try to kill RvW
He's not going to kill RvW, and by "protect Trump," you mean he will enforce the Constitution.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
View attachment 219265
Yet you wanted her in the white house.
she attempted to rape all those women ? She's 100x smarter than the schmuck there now and wouldn't be bringing all the shit into our WH like the moron trump did
That's funny, she would be bringing ole Bill back in the white house. A POVEN raper in cheif.
the best president of your lifetime That's Bill with all his faults Were they any greater than the POS 's now in your WH?
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
Ms Ford is the piece of shit, along with all the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. I want to vomit every time I see these douchebags.
What does she have to gain ??? What does the douch you support have to gain?? A lifetime on the SC? we already have one pervert Thomas there and one in the WH Isn't that enough for you ?
We already know she has gained $750,000. Plus we know she's a feminazi who hates Trump and conservatives. She will write books, go on the talk show circuit and attend all the most exclusive Hollywood parties.
While the pos you support will protect trump and try to kill RvW
After last week, RvW has to go! Just think if Kavanaugh doesn't get nominated, and we get a super majority in November. We could put a real pro life justice in, then i will thank you for the stunt you pulled last week.
anyone voting for trump should just stfu about Clinton and his women problems Trump the pos has far more and you still voted for him
Kavanaugh reminds me of the joke about a guy at a job interview. The boss asked him what are some of the qualities the prospective employee could bring to his new job.

"I'm a hard worker. I'm a problem solver. And I'm chronically prompt. I've never missed a deadline,and I'm,always early to work."

"That sounds great" said the boss "What are some aspects of your personality you feel needs improvement?"

"Well, I'd have to say I'm brutally honest."

The boss said "I think being honest can be a virtue"

The interviewee said "I don't give a damn what you think!"

Kavanaugh's' comportment shows he should not be on the Supreme Court.
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?
View attachment 219265
Yet you wanted her in the white house.
she attempted to rape all those women ? She's 100x smarter than the schmuck there now and wouldn't be bringing all the shit into our WH like the moron trump did
That's funny, she would be bringing ole Bill back in the white house. A POVEN raper in cheif.
the best president of your lifetime That's Bill with all his faults Were they any greater than the POS 's now in your WH?
He raped women, and you think he is the greatest, go figure. Oh, and if wasn't for the republicans being in charge during his presidency, he wouldn't of been shit.
Kavanaugh reminds me of the joke about a guy at a job interview. The boss asked him what are some of the qualities the prospective employee could bring to his new job.

"I'm a hard worker. I'm a problem solver. And I'm chronically prompt. I've never missed a deadline,and I'm,always early to work."

"That sounds great" said the boss "What are some aspects of your personality you feel needs improvement?"

"Well, I'd have to say I'm brutally honest."

The boss said "I think being honest can be a virtue"

The interviewee said "I don't give a damn what you think!"

Kavanaugh's' comportment shows he should not be on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Get over yourself, halfwit.

How would you react if you believed you were being accused of something you didn't do? How would you react if your name and reputation was being ruined based on false allegations? How would you react if all of this was playing out in front of your children? All of it without one iota of evidence...

Would you just roll over and quietly let it happen?

Now, just like you, I have no idea who is right and who is wrong in this case, not a single one of us do, but I will say that I believe they both are convinced they are telling the truth.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Get over yourself, halfwit.

How would you react if you believed you were being accused of something you didn't do? How would you react if your name and reputation was being ruined based on false allegations? How would you react if all of this was playing out in front of your children? All of it without one iota of evidence...

Would you just roll over and quietly let it happen?

Now, just like you, I have no idea who is right and who is wrong in this case, not a single one of us do, but I will say that I believe they both are convinced they are telling the truth.
AND if he was running for dog catcher none of this would probably hit the news BUT running for the most poerful court in the land for maybe 40 years kissing republican ass ?? He needs a full investigation not the BS one Trump had to give to save his ass
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Get over yourself, halfwit.

How would you react if you believed you were being accused of something you didn't do? How would you react if your name and reputation was being ruined based on false allegations? How would you react if all of this was playing out in front of your children? All of it without one iota of evidence...

Would you just roll over and quietly let it happen?

Now, just like you, I have no idea who is right and who is wrong in this case, not a single one of us do, but I will say that I believe they both are convinced they are telling the truth.
AND if he was running for dog catcher none of this would probably hit the news BUT running for the most poerful court in the land for maybe 40 years kissing republican ass ?? He needs a full investigation not the BS one Trump had to give to save his ass
He got the same investigation as Gorsuch, and the Dim douchebags confirmed him.

Just admit you don't give a damn about the facts.
Ford has already behaved many, many, many, many times worse than Kavanaugh. She's the pathologically lying, perjuring, cheap $2 Jerry Springer whore who will fuck anything with a mammalian body temperature. "Too terrified to get on an airplane" my ass - much like me this sewer rat of the female gender has a long history of FLYING to Hawaii and Tahiti. How else did this lying life-support-system for a vagina get to these islands? Did she beam over from the starship Enterprise?
If Ford behaved the way Kavanaugh did (i.e. as an adult who outgrew his teenage years), this hideous travesty of justice would not be occurring.

Ford is being victimized by the Dems who violated her privacy and weaponized her emotional fragility.

Kavanaugh is an innocent man being told by POWER that he must prove his innocence.

I blame the Dems.

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