Can you imagine if Ford behaved the same way Kavanaugh did?

Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Republicans are infamous for double-standards and being inconsistent.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.

How could they "question" him? What would they ask? Do you remember your whereabouts on a date we don't a place we have no idea...oh, and 36 years ago? This entire episode has been a farce.
That’s the gender double standard.
There was no "double" anything: both had plenty of time to speak. Both were dramatic. Only one lied- Blasé Ford lied and conveniently forgot a lot. The fact is they are recalling events a really long time ago in teenage years. Nobody is mature in teenage years. The big problem is that Chrissy has no evidence to back up her accusations. Big problem for her and her Democrat sponsors. I hope the FBI rips her apart and they just might under Trumps orders.

The FBI "investigation" is going to be a farce as well, AZGAL! They're going to ask the same 5 people the same questions that have already been asked and answered under oath and then they will report those same answers back to the Judiciary Committee at which time the Democrats on that committee will declare that not enough time and effort has been spent on these SERIOUS allegations as they demand more time to investigate!

You can see this coming a mile away. Quite frankly all that Jeff Flake has done is put off the inevitable and given the left another week to smear Brett Kavanaugh using people like Michael Avenati! Flake doesn't have the backbone to be in the Senate and make the tough calls. It's a good thing for the country that spineless people like him are getting out of Senate!
That’s the gender double standard.
There was no "double" anything: both had plenty of time to speak. Both were dramatic. Only one lied- Blasé Ford lied and conveniently forgot a lot. The fact is they are recalling events a really long time ago in teenage years. Nobody is mature in teenage years. The big problem is that Chrissy has no evidence to back up her accusations. Big problem for her and her Democrat sponsors. I hope the FBI rips her apart and they just might under Trumps orders.

The FBI "investigation" is going to be a farce as well, AZGAL! They're going to ask the same 5 people the same questions that have already been asked and answered under oath and then they will report those same answers back to the Judiciary Committee at which time the Democrats on that committee will declare that not enough time and effort has been spent on these SERIOUS allegations as they demand more time to investigate!

You can see this coming a mile away. Quite frankly all that Jeff Flake has done is put off the inevitable and given the left another week to smear Brett Kavanaugh using people like Michael Avenati! Flake doesn't have the backbone to be in the Senate and make the tough calls. It's a good thing for the country that spineless people like him are getting out of Senate!
They can do a lot more investigating into Ford's background and history, as well as the other bimbos. That can't be good for them or the Democrats.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
Until someone, ANYONE, puts forth REAL EVIDENCE that he committed a crime, I will continue to support him and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself in one of your crying rooms.
So you automatically think he is innocent. You are such a pawn.
No you idiot.

He 'presumes' he is innocent. That is what moral, upstanding citizens of this nation do.

*looks at gramps*

Well, okay, what a business leader would do!

Just yankin your chain Grampa Murked U :badgrin:
Kavanaugh LIED about Drinking alot.
On that alone he LIED to Congress.

Swisher (a Yalie), and even another Yale Supporter of his called him out today
They will tell the FBI
Swisher TWICE called him a "Sloppy Drunk", as well as decribing his other Heavy drinking activities.

She is not in the scope of the accusation.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Even if I am wrong and he is guilty of what Mrs Ford said, he was a teenage boy. That is not the sum of his life and all evidence points to someone who has led an honorable life. A man of nore character than I could ever hope to achieve.
I did some terrible things at 16. Where would I be if that were held against me today?

I believe the preponderance of the evidence that is available about this man. He has clearly demonstrated that he is qualified for the position.

As for the crying, I think ANY human being can be overcome with emotion while under the duress of a traumatic situation.
Ever had a movie choke you up? A MOVIE....
Yeah blow it out your ass
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Even if I am wrong and he is guilty of what Mrs Ford said, he was a teenage boy. That is not the sum of his life and all evidence points to someone who has led an honorable life. A man of nore character than I could ever hope to achieve.
I did some terrible things at 16. Where would I be if that were held against me today?

I believe the preponderance of the evidence that is available about this man. He has clearly demonstrated that he is qualified for the position.

As for the crying, I think ANY human being can be overcome with emotion while under the duress of a traumatic situation.
Ever had a movie choke you up? A MOVIE....
Yeah blow it out your ass
Don't cut these assholes an inch of slack. Ford is a liar and he is totally innocent. You don't help Kavanaugh by conceded that he may have done it.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Even if I am wrong and he is guilty of what Mrs Ford said, he was a teenage boy. That is not the sum of his life and all evidence points to someone who has led an honorable life. A man of nore character than I could ever hope to achieve.
I did some terrible things at 16. Where would I be if that were held against me today?

I believe the preponderance of the evidence that is available about this man. He has clearly demonstrated that he is qualified for the position.

As for the crying, I think ANY human being can be overcome with emotion while under the duress of a traumatic situation.
Ever had a movie choke you up? A MOVIE....
Yeah blow it out your ass
Don't cut these assholes an inch of slack. Ford is a liar and he is totally innocent. You don't help Kavanaugh by conceded that he may have done it.
I don't help him at all. I am a single person in KC Missouri who has ZERO influence on this situation
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

No shit Sherlock, you filthy scum attacked him and his family like a pack of rabid dogs trying to destroy his life and career. You are lucky he didn't punch one of those Dem's on the committee in the mouth.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Mean while you want to put a guy on the highest court in the land with all this shit swirling around him and just dismiss it. Lets not forget this is a grown ass man that just cried on national TV. He cried, whined and complained like a fucking child and you all want to put him on the highest court. Trump only gets the best people crying ass babies and felons. The party of John Wayne and being a mna now likes snivling crying babies and draft dodgers. John has to be rolling in his grave right now!

PS. There ain't no crying in baseball! No cryin on the highest court in the land either. Cry in my job interview you do not get the job.
Can you imagine if a women acted the way the pos gramps likes acted that way ?? Hopefully no lady in gramps life is hiding anything from him
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Boo fn hoo bripat you racist pos
How is anything I posted "racist?"

You are a major fucking imbecile.
and you're a racist women hater
Based on what, my contempt for liars who smear innocent men?
NO based on your INABILITY to see the truth to see this pos for what he is That pos is OK with you ruling for the next 40 years?? Really?

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