Can you imagine if Ford behaved the same way Kavanaugh did?

Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Yeah, the guy came across as quite the asshole...and I was relatively neutral about him before that.
But he acted like a spoiled brat...someone who feels he is better than everyone else.
And he was way past (theoretical) frustration due to innocence...he showed arrogance, condescension, self-centeredness and emotional instability. He acted like a spoiled, intelligent teenager.
Even if Ford was flat out lying...this guy is still NOT SCOTUS material in my book.
nothing says you've got the right temparament than flying into a rage like Kavanaugh did

the Supreme Court will be 8 nerds...and The Hulk
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
I don't have to pretend. EVERY accused in this nation is considered innocent until proven guilty. Except by fucktards like you. THE LAW says I am correct
What are you a robot? So he never did this.and you know so because a jury never deliberated on it? How dumb are you?
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
I don't have to pretend. EVERY accused in this nation is considered innocent until proven guilty. Except by fucktards like you. THE LAW says I am correct
What are you a robot? So he never did this.and you know so because a jury never deliberated on it? How dumb are you?
How I feel is irrelevant. The law sides with me and you lose the argument
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
I don't have to pretend. EVERY accused in this nation is considered innocent until proven guilty. Except by fucktards like you. THE LAW says I am correct
What are you a robot? So he never did this.and you know so because a jury never deliberated on it? How dumb are you?
Gramps has lost it ,,very very dumb
She made baseless, unsubstantiated claims that have been debunked by the people she claimed as witnesses. She's scum.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
I don't have to pretend. EVERY accused in this nation is considered innocent until proven guilty. Except by fucktards like you. THE LAW says I am correct
What are you a robot? So he never did this.and you know so because a jury never deliberated on it? How dumb are you?

He didn't do it... you need to read up on how things work.
Kavanaugh couldn't win....If he had remained calm and reserved, moonbat freaks would have said he's acting like he's guilty.

It really sucks to have to defend someone who is an enemy of the 4th and 5th Amendments, but damn are you unhinged crackpots making it easy.

This is why we need to bring back dueling.
I just don't know which democrat I want on the other side...
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
I don't have to pretend. EVERY accused in this nation is considered innocent until proven guilty. Except by fucktards like you. THE LAW says I am correct
What are you a robot? So he never did this.and you know so because a jury never deliberated on it? How dumb are you?

He didn't do it... you need to read up on how things work.
his school mates call him a liar
Kavanaugh couldn't win....If he had remained calm and reserved, moonbat freaks would have said he's acting like he's guilty.

It really sucks to have to defend someone who is an enemy of the 4th and 5th Amendments, but damn are you unhinged crackpots making it easy.

This is why we need to bring back dueling.
I just don't know which democrat I want on the other side...

Meh, any of them would just shoot themselves in the foot.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
Until someone, ANYONE, puts forth REAL EVIDENCE that he committed a crime, I will continue to support him and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself in one of your crying rooms.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
Until someone, ANYONE, puts forth REAL EVIDENCE that he committed a crime, I will continue to support him and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself in one of your crying rooms.
So you automatically think he is innocent. You are such a pawn.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.
She might be believed if she behaved like Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
There's nothing stupid about it. What evidence is there of his guilt?
You are asking him to behave well over charges of engaging in sexual assault and assisting it to occur over and over
There is no way to behave well in responding
Who will be the first courageous liberal to admit to-“Hell yes we want him to have to prove himself innocent”??
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.
After your opening tirade you have the GALL to claim you are OBJECTIVE?
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!

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