Can you imagine if Ford behaved the same way Kavanaugh did?

Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.

You don’t have an objective bone in your body, clown
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.

You don’t have an objective bone in your body, clown
Oh, you try too hard, Taz. I feel bad for you.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Quit pretending you know he is innocent. It’s so stupid. Do I know he is guilty? No I do not. Unlike your dumbass, I try to be objective.

You don’t have an objective bone in your body, clown
Oh, you try too hard, Taz. I feel bad for you.
You are not objective as evidenced by your opening post in this thread.
Kavanaugh LIED about Drinking alot.
On that alone he LIED to Congress.

Swisher (a Yalie), and even another Yale Supporter of his called him out today
They will tell the FBI
Swisher TWICE called him a "Sloppy Drunk", as well as decribing his other Heavy drinking activities.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

As he should have been. As an innocent man his life and that of his families has been wrecked.
Fuck your high minded posture bullshit.
Due process is required in this country to destroy someone's life not your God Damn feelings.
Gramps Boo FN Hoo keep supporting the scum ...Speaks a lot about you
You are the one supporting scum. In fact, you are scum.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
You are a moron of epic proportions. What would have actually been fair and objective was if Ford had to only present her case the SAME way Kavanaugh did you dumb shit. Nothing else would have made any goddamn sense.
Kavanaugh LIED about Drinking alot.
On that alone he LIED to Congress.

Swisher (a Yalie), and even another Yale Supporter of his called him out today
They will tell the FBI
Swisher TWICE called him a "Sloppy Drunk", as well as decribing his other Heavy drinking activities.
Really? Can you quote him lying? . . . . . . . . . . I didn't think so.

Swisher is probably just another leftwing radical feminist. Unless she can demonstrate that Kavanaugh blacked out, her claims are meaningless. Everyone drinks heavily in college, including Swisher. If that kind of behavior barred you from the SC, then we could never seat anyone on the court. What's next, playing spin-the-bottle in the 5th grade is a show stopper?
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Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
You are a moron of epic proportions. What would have actually been fair and objective was if Ford had to only present her case the SAME way Kavanaugh did you dumb shit. Nothing else would have made any goddamn sense.
Who stopped her from doing that? Certainly it wasn't the Republicans.

Talk about a dumbshit.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

I love how the snowflakes think they can BULLY people now and then mock then when they respond.

I thought you haters hated bullying? Oh yeah, when you do it, it's just righteous. /new rules
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
You are a moron of epic proportions. What would have actually been fair and objective was if Ford had to only present her case the SAME way Kavanaugh did you dumb shit. Nothing else would have made any goddamn sense.
Who stopped her from doing that? Certainly it wasn't the Republicans.

Talk about a dumbshit.

I'm just going to say this once. That black and white photo does her no favors. Christine Ford has the most aged, damaged skin on a 51 year old woman I have ever seen. She easily looks 15-20 years older. Even her hand when she was sworn in. She is a surfer.

Probably not enough sun protection. Everyone take this as a warning about sun protection.
Can you imagine if Kavanaugh was treated the same way as Ford was? You know...with the presumption of innocence? She was treated with kid gloves by EVERYONE...even the "prosecutor" that questioned her. I think everyone was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown if they asked her anything hard and they'd be blamed for making a "true American hero" go crazy!
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
You are a moron of epic proportions. What would have actually been fair and objective was if Ford had to only present her case the SAME way Kavanaugh did you dumb shit. Nothing else would have made any goddamn sense.
Who stopped her from doing that? Certainly it wasn't the Republicans.

Talk about a dumbshit.

I'm just going to say this once. That black and white photo does her no favors. Christine Ford has the most aged, damaged skin on a 51 year old woman I have ever seen. She easily looks 15-20 years older. Even her hand when she was sworn in. She is a surfer.

Probably not enough sun protection. Everyone take this as a warning about sun protection.
You didnt need to say it at all. It adds nothing.
For one thing, it didn’t make any fucking sense for a prosecutor to examine her anyway. This wasn’t some court case where someone was charged with a crime. Legally speaking, it made no goddamn sense to use a prosecutor.

Also, Kavanaugh had a substantial amount of time to tell his side of the story. No one even questioned him! Ford was the only one questioned by a lawyer. Did that thought ever occur to you? Quit pretending Kavanaugh is some victim. You both come across as such snowflakes. Man up.
Legally speaking, this is a circus, so why do you expect anyone to behave as if it's a courtroom? Why would the lawyer representing Republicans question Kavanaugh?

You're a fucking imbecile. Kavanaugh is the victim. How is the crazy lying slut Ford the victim? She's smearing an innocent man.
You are a moron of epic proportions. What would have actually been fair and objective was if Ford had to only present her case the SAME way Kavanaugh did you dumb shit. Nothing else would have made any goddamn sense.
Who stopped her from doing that? Certainly it wasn't the Republicans.

Talk about a dumbshit.

I'm just going to say this once. That black and white photo does her no favors. Christine Ford has the most aged, damaged skin on a 51 year old woman I have ever seen. She easily looks 15-20 years older. Even her hand when she was sworn in. She is a surfer.

Probably not enough sun protection. Everyone take this as a warning about sun protection.
You didnt need to say it at all. It adds nothing.

K I'll say it again. Everyone but especially ladies, especially ladies in warm climates: sun protection. It seems silly when you're young, but your skin will thank you later. Also, don't smoke and stay hydrated. Also, Retin-A.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.
he was defending himself
you--like the MSM--are trying to distort the facts
I thought you Dems/lefties/etc like men to be girly...???
make up your minds please
Screaming conspiracy theories about Clinton is not defending himself, it's delusions of a deranged idiot to destroy the Clinton's. Kavanaugh brought this on himself, but he is trying to drag others down like the evil swamp rat he is!
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.
he was defending himself
you--like the MSM--are trying to distort the facts
I thought you Dems/lefties/etc like men to be girly...???
make up your minds please
Screaming conspiracy theories about Clinton is not defending himself, it's delusions of a deranged idiot to destroy the Clinton's. Kavanaugh brought this on himself, but he is trying to drag others down like the evil swamp rat he is!
Kavanaugh did nothing to bring this on himself. Only a douchebag would make such a claim.
That’s the gender double standard.
There was no "double" anything: both had plenty of time to speak. Both were dramatic. Only one lied- Blasé Ford lied and conveniently forgot a lot. The fact is they are recalling events a really long time ago in teenage years. Nobody is mature in teenage years. The big problem is that Chrissy has no evidence to back up her accusations. Big problem for her and her Democrat sponsors. I hope the FBI rips her apart and they just might under Trumps orders.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Republicans are infamous for double-standards and being inconsistent.
Kavanaugh was indignant, abrasive, and defensive. He also cried multiple times.

If Ford behaved this way, republicans would call her hysterical and unhinged. They would dismiss anything she would have actually said based on that demeanor alone. That’s the gender double standard.

Actually you're dead wrong. MANY sexual assault victims react with indignant rage.

I've actually never once heard of a sexual assault victim being admonished for being pissed off about being assaulted, but I'll take any evidence of your claim you might have. (Well, unless you're talking about the Clinton "bimbo eruptions" anyway)

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