Can you imagine if Jim Jordan had been on the January 6th Committee

Show me where I am covering for Jordan you pathetic Nazi. You said “China did everything right” yes or no? Who are you to criticize anyone?
You said my claims were not the truth. We have his texts word for word. Jordan was crystal clear. Jordan wanted Pence to throw out certain electoral votes from certain states, and that he had the Constitutional authority to do so. Can you imagine the VP doing that. Doing such a thing destroys Democracy as we know it. It cancels out the validity of elections. Where is the lie in that claim?
Show me where I am covering for Jordan you pathetic Nazi. You said “China did everything right” yes or no? Who are you to criticize anyone? “China did everything right” yes or no? Damn boy, that is some lame ass shit right there.
Jim Jordan is one of the Trump rubes

He’d probably blame the 1/6 insurrection on BLM and claim that the moon was made of green cheese, just like all the other Trump cultists on USMB.
You said my claims were not the truth. We have his texts word for word. Jordan was crystal clear. Jordan wanted Pence to throw out certain electoral votes from certain states, and that he had the Constitutional authority to do so. Can you imagine the VP doing that. Doing such a thing destroys Democracy as we know it. It cancels out the validity of elections. Where is the lie in that claim?
I said your claims that people like me hate all non white people you pathetic foreigner. You’re a demon, a Holocaust denier and a Nazi.
Tries what again. Stop a corrupt Democrat party? If this was fair, there would be an even number of pro and anti Trump people on the panel. The fact that many here are ok with everyone on the panel being anti Trump proves what a joke it is. Unbelievable.
You are a liar. You made that shit up. Where is the corruption with the Democrats? You are a coward who can't deal with the treason from Jordan.
I said your claims that people like me hate all non white people you pathetic foreigner. You’re a demon, a Holocaust denier and a Nazi.
And you are a ridiculous nut case coward looking for a scapegoat to an argument you can't win.
Go fuck yourself, asswipe.
LOL! Look at these sore fucking losers. They know their asses got handed to them on a platter, and so they're sitting around sucking on sour grapes. What a pathetic bunch of cultist trash.
Tries what again. Stop a corrupt Democrat party? If this was fair, there would be an even number of pro and anti Trump people on the panel. The fact that many here are ok with everyone on the panel being anti Trump proves what a joke it is. Unbelievable.
They were not trying to stop the Democrat Party. The acted in a concerted attack on the constitutional peaceful transition of power and the houses of representative government, in an effort to change the value and validity of the vote, past the time of court appeals, which they repeatedly lost in court, before Democrat and Republican judges. The attack was after the certification by the state governments, all state governments, after recounts carried out, electors chosen and validated by the many states. They are still doing recounts, over a year after the election and still failing to find any proof that will hold up in a court of law, showing changes that would affect the outcome.
LOL! Look at these sore fucking losers. They know their asses got handed to them on a platter, and so they're sitting around sucking on sour grapes. What a pathetic bunch of cultist trash.
You're an idiot. Democrats are gonna get slaughtered next November. You win some, you lose some.
They were not trying to stop the Democrat Party. The acted in a concerted attack on the constitutional peaceful transition of power and the houses of representative government, in an effort to change the value and validity of the vote, past the time of court appeals, which they repeatedly lost in court, before Democrat and Republican judges. The attack was after the certification by the state governments, all state governments, after recounts carried out, electors chosen and validated by the many states. They are still doing recounts, over a year after the election and still failing to find any proof that will hold up in a court of law, showing changes that would affect the outcome.
So what? Biden is President and failing miserably. The election is long over. This is nothing more than a political distraction.
Can we get to the truth of why Pelosi refused to deploy the National Guard when days in advance, Capitol police and others requested that?? Are these people just disfunctional or corrupt? or both? Days later she has them sitting around doing nothing.
Can you give a link supporting this?
So what? Biden is President and failing miserably. The election is long over. This is nothing more than a political distraction.
No dufus, your hounding and pounding the BIG LIE that Biden stole the election, that he's an illegitimate president, and a thief, has hurt Biden and the USA. That's one of the key reason to dishonestly support Trumps big you can HURT politically, our president, our Nation and our democratic republic....and democracy. We don't INSTALL unelected representatives and presidents, dickhead!
We aren't a democracy.
Do we install our leaders or do we elect our leaders.....?

We the people, elect our leaders.....THAT is democracy.

Its not communism, it is not totalitarian, not authoritarian not a dictatorship, not fascist,

We are a form of democracy, a constitutional democratic republic, we are a democracy, we elect our representatives and president, for limited time periods.

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