Can you imagine if Jim Jordan had been on the January 6th Committee

You want to call it a Republic, fine. Jordan tried to destroy this Republic.
Remember, no matter what comes out, the cult will just say it had to be done because of the "steal". So as usual, pointing it out to them is wasted effort.

Here's my question on these texts from lawmakers: Do they show that they really believe this whole farce, or are they just playing along with it for their own benefit? I've been assuming that most of them know it's a lie.
BWK you said “China did everything right”

yes or no
And you are a ridiculous nut case coward looking for a scapegoat to an argument you can't win.
This isn’t an argument. You are the person who said “China did everything right”. You don’t have a leg to stand on to attack one of our elected officials.
Trump ally Jim Jordan forwarded Mark Meadows argument for Mike Pence to reject Biden electoral votes We now have the texts of Jim Jordan attempting to persuade the vice president to illegally turn over the 2020 election. What else can you say. No one is surprised. The highest people in the Republican party are trying to overthrow our Democracy.
Your link:

"Jordan is a staunch Trump ally who had worked alongside Meadows on the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

"The Ohio lawmaker was one of dozens of House Republicans who voted to challenge election results that favored Biden after the rioters had been cleared out of the Capitol."

Capitalism and democracy have some inherent contradictions which reach a critical mass at times of intense economic stress.

"The former accumulates vast amounts of productive capital in the hands of a small minority of society who enjoy the legal privilege to dispose of such capital in any way they see fit, including let it sit idle or transferring it abroad.

Over the past forty years much of that capital has been devoted to bidding up the price of assets (primarily real estate and stocks) in the US or it has been transferred abroad, costing millions of middle class domestic jobs, and producing a record number of aristocratic oligarchs.

Many conservatives have always viewed democracy with suspicion and sided with aristocrats:

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

"Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

"Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world."
You don’t understand Bipartisan Panel

Republicans were offered a Bipartisan Panel of Senate and House representatives

Every one voted against it. They have no reason to complain about Pelosi

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Republicans wanted Pelosi to choose the panel

That is why they rejected the Bipartisan Panel
You have to get to the truth, in order to make sure these criminals are exposed, or it happens again. Everyone of these people should be denied their government positions, and indicted.
You wouldn't know the truth if it punched you in the face.
It was her panel
That is what Republicans wanted

Jordan was a Poison Pill. He should be investigated by the panel
IOW, the only "republicans" allowed were to be never-Trumpers.

You just exposed your own lies, shitferbrains.
Yes, he was.

he wanted Pelosi investigated as well as others.

She couldn't allow that.

In that case, you would have to investigate McConnell too

Jordan urged Trump to stop the attack. Trump ignored him and giggled as the TRUMPmob attacked the Capitol
IOW, the only "republicans" allowed were to be never-Trumpers.

You just exposed your own lies, shitferbrains.
McConnell was offered equal leadership of the investigation

ALL Republicans voted against it
In that case, you would have to investigate McConnell too

Jordan urged Trump to stop the attack. Trump ignored him and giggled as the TRUMPmob attacked the Capitol
That is an utter lie. In his speech Trump literally said "GO HOME AND PRIMARY OUT THE RINOS". Not one protester has been charged with insurrection, only trespassing.
Irrelevant argument. Jordan put himself in the middle of overthrowing our election. The argument that Pence should reject votes he "thought" were unconstitutional, do not exist. Thinking is not a predicate for overturning a legal election without a shred of truth about what you "think." It was never about what anyone "thought." It was about what Trump humpers wanted. Jordan needs to be in jail for treason.
And that's a total crock. It's no crime to discuss possibilities and ideas. Pence broke no laws, nor did Jordan. You wanting him in jail is ludicrous.
The fact that a man in government has been exposed for trying to take down our election process, maybe funny to you, but that's how you role.

You mean this, Herr Nazi?


A throng of protesters pushed past a police line, storming up steps to pound on the doors of the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday after the Senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

"Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Kavanaugh has got to go," the protesters chanted as they flooded the steps of the court, many with fists raised in the air, others with arms linked.

Police eventually were able to form a line between the door and the group of protesters and later shepherded them back down the steps before erecting a barricade.

The protest at the Supreme Court came shortly after Vice President Mike Pence walked down the steps of the U.S. Senate to chants of "shame" after the vote to confirm Kavanaugh.}

Oh but that's different, because Seig Heil and Uber Alles Democrat

The only American people who are laughing, are the potato head Trump cultists.

Did some fascist say "potato?"



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Believe it? Are you serious? This has been going on since the Roman days and before. Some people are all about money, power, control, and there are many, when they have that power, use that power to inflict human suffering and pain. Our history has proved that.

Well, that's the problem, isn't it Nazi?

There was an established order to the world - the rulers ruled and the peasants suffered.

But then came Christianity with the idea that men were responsible to God and not other men. But the Romans invented popes and bishops to put things right and get the elite ruling again. It all worked splendidly. Kings owned all and peasants suffered.

Then came that damned enlightenment, and the rise of capitalism. Capitalism has no place for kings, it fucked with the relationship of serfs and their masters. If a serf OWNS the land they work, how can a baron collect rents? How can a king collect taxes.

This wouldn't do at all.

Then it got WORSE, a NATION arose predicated on capitalism and LIBERTY. The kings in Europe said it would fail, but instead of failing, it THRIVED. Free men built the Erie Canal and specialized agriculture ending hunger in America. Plentiful food let the peasants send their children to school and became educated. Educated free men built industry, a nation thrived.

The hold out to the old ways, the democrats of the South were defeated and the last vestige of the old way was gone.

This would not do.

So the oligarchs, the captains and kings found Marx and Engles who preached that liberty was bad, and that if people would just return to being slaves, they would be cared for as their masters see fit.

You who seek Feudalism have indeed promoted dictatorship and slavery since the days of Rome - and you continue to do so. Socialism is just feudalism rebranded to appeal to the stupid.

Those of us who cherish freedom and human dignity are your enemy.

The foul beasts who are democrats had to be defeated with force of arms once before to free the people they kept enslaved. We did not end the democrats forever, which was a mistake.

Now the malignant tumor that is democrats once again threatens to destroy this nation. Good men must once again take up arms and crush the evil that is democrats and again same government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

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