Can you imagine if Jim Jordan had been on the January 6th Committee

We'll of course, they play along. There is no other game in town. All this stop the steal nonsense is for their idiot base. Those of us with functioning brains understood that the likes of Trump and his minions who are under him, propped up the whole scam. It's actually been going on going all the way back to 2010 with Obama. And why did they do this, and continue to do this? They know winning "real/fair elections", is over for them. The changing demographics favoring Democrats has them boxed in. That's why we see 400 voter suppression bills or more on the books targeting minorities. They've invested all their resources in destroying our electoral process. That's what this is all about.
My guess is that most of them are just playing along, but I do wonder about a few of them.

Jordan, MTG, Boebert, those folks. It's difficult to say with them.
We'll of course, they play along. There is no other game in town. All this stop the steal nonsense is for their idiot base. Those of us with functioning brains understood that the likes of Trump and his minions who are under him, propped up the whole scam. It's actually been going on going all the way back to 2010 with Obama. And why did they do this, and continue to do this? They know winning "real/fair elections", is over for them. The changing demographics favoring Democrats has them boxed in. That's why we see 400 voter suppression bills or more on the books targeting minorities. They've invested all their resources in destroying our electoral process. That's what this is all about.
They've invested all their resources in destroying our electoral process.

Republicans are the ones attempting to get rid of the Electoral College?

News to me.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it Nazi?

There was an established order to the world - the rulers ruled and the peasants suffered.

But then came Christianity with the idea that men were responsible to God and not other men. But the Romans invented popes and bishops to put things right and get the elite ruling again. It all worked splendidly. Kings owned all and peasants suffered.

Then came that damned enlightenment, and the rise of capitalism. Capitalism has no place for kings, it fucked with the relationship of serfs and their masters. If a serf OWNS the land they work, how can a baron collect rents? How can a king collect taxes.

This wouldn't do at all.

Then it got WORSE, a NATION arose predicated on capitalism and LIBERTY. The kings in Europe said it would fail, but instead of failing, it THRIVED. Free men built the Erie Canal and specialized agriculture ending hunger in America. Plentiful food let the peasants send their children to school and became educated. Educated free men built industry, a nation thrived.

The hold out to the old ways, the democrats of the South were defeated and the last vestige of the old way was gone.

This would not do.

So the oligarchs, the captains and kings found Marx and Engles who preached that liberty was bad, and that if people would just return to being slaves, they would be cared for as their masters see fit.

You who seek Feudalism have indeed promoted dictatorship and slavery since the days of Rome - and you continue to do so. Socialism is just feudalism rebranded to appeal to the stupid.

Those of us who cherish freedom and human dignity are your enemy.

The foul beasts who are democrats had to be defeated with force of arms once before to free the people they kept enslaved. We did not end the democrats forever, which was a mistake.

Now the malignant tumor that is democrats once again threatens to destroy this nation. Good men must once again take up arms and crush the evil that is democrats and again same government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Right, the solution is to take up arms after the likes of Meadows and Jordan got their asses handed to them getting caught attacking free and fair elections.

Try as you might, scapegoating others, while Trump humpers commit crimes is your way of hiding the truth.

And your historical perspective fixes nothing, since the American Indians and Blacks weren't allowed to participate in Capitalism and Liberty.

What is going on right now with this attack from the likes of Trump, Jordan, Meadows, Bannon, Clark, the other Meadow, 400 voter suppression bills, and Trumps cultists, is to go back and take away any hopes of Capitalism and freedom for these folks. It goes back to that power and control.

You and your ilk keep talking about taking up arms. I just gave you the reasons why, and your scapegoating is for the mindless Trump humpers.
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My guess is that most of them are just playing along, but I do wonder about a few of them.

Jordan, MTG, Boebert, those folks. It's difficult to say with them.
The brain and its complicated mass of neurons can be manipulated for sure. I don't think cults would exist if the brain wasn't so susceptible to manipulation.

I believe, and this is just my theory, if you repeat something like a lie often enough, the brain, like the rest of the body, that needs nourishment and rest, becomes overworked with messages that aren't true, the brain becomes weak, and can easily accept what it absorbs. It's kind of like driving for twenty hours on the road. Your body and brain begin to feel the need for rest, and you are not as sharp as when you started.

There are politicians who know this like Jordan, Meadows, etc., and use it to their advantage I believe.
The brain and its complicated mass of neurons can be manipulated for sure. I don't think cults would exist if the brain wasn't so susceptible to manipulation.

I believe, and this is just my theory, if you repeat something like a lie often enough, the brain, like the rest of the body, that needs nourishment and rest, becomes overworked with messages that aren't true, the brain becomes weak, and can easily accept what it absorbs. It's kind of like driving for twenty hours on the road. Your body and brain begin to feel the need for rest, and you are not as sharp as when you started.

There are politicians who know this like Jordan, Meadows, etc., and use it to their advantage I believe.
Speaking of that, I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious. Indeed, repetition and isolation, when combined with a fundamental initial belief create an intellectual echo chamber, amplifying a message or ideology or belief so much that it essentially crowds out reason, curiosity and critical thinking. This is also one of the fundamental components of your average cult.

Which is, of course, what we're seeing play out in real time.
Republicans are the ones attempting to get rid of the Electoral College?

News to me.
Can't you read? I said electoral process, not electoral college. Voter suppression and overturning elections as one sees fit to do, because their party didn't get enough votes, ends real elections, and this Republic as we know it. 400 voter suppression bills does just that. You and the rest of your cultists want to return to the middle ages.
Speaking of that, I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious. Indeed, repetition and isolation, when combined with a fundamental initial belief create an intellectual echo chamber, amplifying a message or ideology or belief so much that it essentially crowds out reason, curiosity and critical thinking. This is also one of the fundamental components of your average cult.

Which is, of course, what we're seeing play out in real time.
Exactly! We have a massive cult of personality playing out here. And Trump, with his closest foot soldiers, with the likes of Jordan and Meadows, are pushing it as far as they can.
Can't you read? I said electoral process, not electoral college. Voter suppression and overturning elections as one sees fit to do, because their party didn't get enough votes, ends real elections, and this Republic as we know it. 400 voter suppression bills does just that. You and the rest of your cultists want to return to the middle ages.
I said electoral process, not electoral college.
Leave it to you to claim the electoral college is not part of the electoral process.

No wonder you back Joe.

you have similar levels of intelligence.

Leave it to you to claim the electoral college is not part of the electoral process.

No wonder you back Joe.

you have similar levels of intelligence.

View attachment 576437
The meme is appropriate, "FOR YOU." lol! Dude, you can't be that devoid of brain cells.

And what happened to your ability to read? Who knows right.

Can't you read? I said electoral process, not electoral college. Where in that sentence am I saying the electoral college is not part of the electoral process? Answer, no where. Why did you make up that lie?

Something is rotten in Washington
The lust for power by the Right is what is rotten in Washington;
The meme is appropriate, "FOR YOU." lol! Dude, you can't be that devoid of brain cells.

And what happened to your ability to read? Who knows right.

Can't you read? I said electoral process, not electoral college. Where in that sentence am I saying the electoral college is not part of the electoral process? Answer, no where. Why did you make up that lie?
The meme is appropriate, "FOR YOU."

sorry, bud.

all yours.

Dude, you can't be that devoid of brain cells.

you seem to be.

Guess that's a requirement for being so partisan.
If Rep. Jordan were on the committee, it wouldn't be a Stalinist show trial as both sides would have a chance to speak their piece instead of just one.

I know libs don't like freedom of speech, that's why they object so much to Jordan, or other moderate representatives in Congress.
This is the criminal who, even tho he was a mandatory reporter, refused to report sexual abuse of his wrestlers. He already belongs in prison.
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The lust for power by the Right is what is rotten in Washington;

the current stench is coming from Pelosi, the Squad, and their followers.

Not to mention Schiff and his buddy, the Hobbit, (aka Nadler).
the current stench is coming from Pelosi, the Squad, and their followers.

Not to mention Schiff and his buddy, the Hobbit, (aka Nadler).
Once again, you show up here to say what, nothing.

Pounding on nothing is saying and doing nothing.

What Schmidt is talking about is gerrymandering, redistricting and voter suppression by the cultists. All those things are facts. Show me where Pelosi and Schiff are doing that. You can't. The cultists are about absolute power, and you have argued nothing. Dude, you're weak and boring.
Once again, you show up here to say what, nothing.

Pounding on nothing is saying and doing nothing.

What Schmidt is talking about is gerrymandering, redistricting and voter suppression by the cultists. All those things are facts. Show me where Pelosi and Schiff are doing that. You can't. The cultists are about absolute power, and you have argued nothing. Dude, you're weak and boring.
What Schmidt is talking about is gerrymandering, redistricting and voter suppression by the cultists.

Which 'cult'? the red cult, or the blue cult?
The cultists are about absolute power,

again, which 'cult'? the red cult, or the blue cult?

how are they really different?

BTW, go away little boy.

I tire of your muckraking.
Speaking of that, I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious. Indeed, repetition and isolation, when combined with a fundamental initial belief create an intellectual echo chamber, amplifying a message or ideology or belief so much that it essentially crowds out reason, curiosity and critical thinking. This is also one of the fundamental components of your average cult.

Which is, of course, what we're seeing play out in real time.
Once again, you show up here to say what, nothing.

Pounding on nothing is saying and doing nothing.

What Schmidt is talking about is gerrymandering, redistricting and voter suppression by the cultists. All those things are facts. Show me where Pelosi and Schiff are doing that. You can't. The cultists are about absolute power, and you have argued nothing. Dude, you're weak and boring.
Normally I would invite you back up your words by challenging me on the issues. Immigration, trade, health care, race, Identity Politics, abortion, whatever else.

But you don't have the balls, because you know I'd shove your silly shit down your throat. I think that Trump is a buffoon and that you're a rube, so you think you know where I stand politically. That's how simplistic your thought processes are.

You have no balls, Karen.

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