Can you imagine what would have happenned if China deliberately uses bio-weapons!

Unless agencies leak information otherwise, we can't know if it was an intentional move by China, maybe even a practice run. I do recall that a few of us were skeptical that it came from a bat, that didn't fly with me (pun not intended) from the start. I shared my thoughts in the Conspiracy Section because that's all it was, and many of the questions I ask below are just me being a thorough investigator, even if conspiratorial. I'm no Columbo, but, I do have a few concerns.

I still have a few key questions, that even top Western intel might not know the answer to, primary, "was this intentional"? It simply can't be discounted at this point, and China has become very good at disinformation. One can't even discount that it was a trial run to understand how the world might reaction, one reason, among many, why I suggest Western leaders MUST cause Chinas economy great pain, or, it is the green light to allow it to happen again.

Some questions I have related to this, "why did China allow flights out of Wuhan when they were aware of this?" They had to have known it was easily transmitted, so why allow citizens to spread it around the globe? This is a very key question to me.

It had to be deliberate to basically "let the infected leave" as they didn't feel they could deal with it, and/or took a "better you suckers than us" approach, or, something even worse if that were possible. The Communist Party are like unaccountable covert Canadian police, they care about their own, to hell with the rest of you or your rights. To the Communists it's them vs everyone else, they hardly recognize others as human. They could lose 100M people in China and not blink. That's what absolute power does.

Let's consider the timing also. What better way than to shut down America and even try and keep Trump voters at home, alter U.S elections and Western liberty while using puppets and fools in the media to run cover and excuses for them? The follow up that "this is probably going to be even worse in the winter"! is an odd approach. The entire timing of this, just before the 2020 election, must be taken into consideration when assessing intent and source.

My hope is that the truth is found, confirmed through other trusted intelligence sources and nations leak the findings to the media and those who care. This is simply too extreme a case with more damage to lives and livelihoods to be taken lightly.

"The new report by biological scientists from the prestigious South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China, contradicts Beijing, who said it spread from contaminated bats being sold at a food market.
Biologists Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, published a pre-print entitled "The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus”, in the report they described how “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan”.
The report added: “We noted two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus in Wuhan, one of which was only 280 metres from the seafood market."
So where is the evidence it came from the lab and not the food market? I still havent seen anything other than wild guesses.
The first known person ill was a female labratory Technichian who infectred her boy friend and 40 others before it entered the wet market according to NSA sources. She is now known as patient Zero. None of the initial cases had anything to do with the wet market.
Unless agencies leak information otherwise, we can't know if it was an intentional move by China, maybe even a practice run. I do recall that a few of us were skeptical that it came from a bat, that didn't fly with me (pun not intended) from the start. I shared my thoughts in the Conspiracy Section because that's all it was, and many of the questions I ask below are just me being a thorough investigator, even if conspiratorial. I'm no Columbo, but, I do have a few concerns.

I still have a few key questions, that even top Western intel might not know the answer to, primary, "was this intentional"? It simply can't be discounted at this point, and China has become very good at disinformation. One can't even discount that it was a trial run to understand how the world might reaction, one reason, among many, why I suggest Western leaders MUST cause Chinas economy great pain, or, it is the green light to allow it to happen again.

Some questions I have related to this, "why did China allow flights out of Wuhan when they were aware of this?" They had to have known it was easily transmitted, so why allow citizens to spread it around the globe? This is a very key question to me.

It had to be deliberate to basically "let the infected leave" as they didn't feel they could deal with it, and/or took a "better you suckers than us" approach, or, something even worse if that were possible. The Communist Party are like unaccountable covert Canadian police, they care about their own, to hell with the rest of you or your rights. To the Communists it's them vs everyone else, they hardly recognize others as human. They could lose 100M people in China and not blink. That's what absolute power does.

Let's consider the timing also. What better way than to shut down America and even try and keep Trump voters at home, alter U.S elections and Western liberty while using puppets and fools in the media to run cover and excuses for them? The follow up that "this is probably going to be even worse in the winter"! is an odd approach. The entire timing of this, just before the 2020 election, must be taken into consideration when assessing intent and source.

My hope is that the truth is found, confirmed through other trusted intelligence sources and nations leak the findings to the media and those who care. This is simply too extreme a case with more damage to lives and livelihoods to be taken lightly.
Wait. So you think China released this virus on themselves to fuckup our elections? You realize this benefits Drumpf more. He can have televised briefings (campaign rallies) 3 times a day. His opponents have to sit on the sideline and wait.
The media has reported that the initial Covid-19/Corona virus outbreak was caused in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China trying to keep up with the United States in bio-weapon research. So, it came from bats - but with help with an error in containment in that lab so that a worker was infected and then went outside and infected others.

If you trust the media report. But either way - can you imagine what would have happenned if China was trying to use a bio-weapon?

Or if the WHO (World Health organization) minimized the threat?

Have any of you seen the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Is it being aired again on TV?

Much of China, the mainland, would be at this moment a smoking crater. However, it is possible that COVID-19 was intentionally released and our government is biding its time on retaliation. The truth will come out . . . eventually . . . perhaps.
The media has reported that the initial Covid-19/Corona virus outbreak was caused in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China trying to keep up with the United States in bio-weapon research. So, it came from bats - but with help with an error in containment in that lab so that a worker was infected and then went outside and infected others.

If you trust the media report. But either way - can you imagine what would have happenned if China was trying to use a bio-weapon?

Or if the WHO (World Health organization) minimized the threat?

Have any of you seen the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Is it being aired again on TV?
Drumpf would have helped China. The dumbfuck sat there and believed what they told him instead of his own intelligence agency.

Sure he did, Milkweed.

No, Corona did not come from Milkweed. But these "weeds" do utilize sunlight and the sun has a corona!

I was razzing Asclepias whose name means ''milkweed.''

He probably thought he was spelling Asclepius.
Nope. When I made my username I had no idea the forum was filled with so many racists. That would have been a cool name to run with had I known.

That's funny, considering that you are top racist on this board. I think that's the reason you signed up here.

"The new report by biological scientists from the prestigious South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China, contradicts Beijing, who said it spread from contaminated bats being sold at a food market.
Biologists Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, published a pre-print entitled "The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus”, in the report they described how “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan”.
The report added: “We noted two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus in Wuhan, one of which was only 280 metres from the seafood market."
So where is the evidence it came from the lab and not the food market? I still havent seen anything other than wild guesses.
The first known person ill was a female labratory Technichian who infectred her boy friend and 40 others before it entered the wet market according to NSA sources. She is now known as patient Zero. None of the initial cases had anything to do with the wet market.
Interesting. You got a good link to that?
The media has reported that the initial Covid-19/Corona virus outbreak was caused in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China trying to keep up with the United States in bio-weapon research. So, it came from bats - but with help with an error in containment in that lab so that a worker was infected and then went outside and infected others.

If you trust the media report. But either way - can you imagine what would have happenned if China was trying to use a bio-weapon?

Or if the WHO (World Health organization) minimized the threat?

Have any of you seen the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Is it being aired again on TV?
Drumpf would have helped China. The dumbfuck sat there and believed what they told him instead of his own intelligence agency.

Sure he did, Milkweed.

No, Corona did not come from Milkweed. But these "weeds" do utilize sunlight and the sun has a corona!

I was razzing Asclepias whose name means ''milkweed.''

He probably thought he was spelling Asclepius.
Nope. When I made my username I had no idea the forum was filled with so many racists. That would have been a cool name to run with had I known.

That's funny, considering that you are top racist on this board. I think that's the reason you signed up here.
I'm glad you consider me the top racist. That means I'm getting through to you clowns.
Unless agencies leak information otherwise, we can't know if it was an intentional move by China, maybe even a practice run. I do recall that a few of us were skeptical that it came from a bat, that didn't fly with me (pun not intended) from the start. I shared my thoughts in the Conspiracy Section because that's all it was, and many of the questions I ask below are just me being a thorough investigator, even if conspiratorial. I'm no Columbo, but, I do have a few concerns.

I still have a few key questions, that even top Western intel might not know the answer to, primary, "was this intentional"? It simply can't be discounted at this point, and China has become very good at disinformation. One can't even discount that it was a trial run to understand how the world might reaction, one reason, among many, why I suggest Western leaders MUST cause Chinas economy great pain, or, it is the green light to allow it to happen again.

Some questions I have related to this, "why did China allow flights out of Wuhan when they were aware of this?" They had to have known it was easily transmitted, so why allow citizens to spread it around the globe? This is a very key question to me.

It had to be deliberate to basically "let the infected leave" as they didn't feel they could deal with it, and/or took a "better you suckers than us" approach, or, something even worse if that were possible. The Communist Party are like unaccountable covert Canadian police, they care about their own, to hell with the rest of you or your rights. To the Communists it's them vs everyone else, they hardly recognize others as human. They could lose 100M people in China and not blink. That's what absolute power does.

Let's consider the timing also. What better way than to shut down America and even try and keep Trump voters at home, alter U.S elections and Western liberty while using puppets and fools in the media to run cover and excuses for them? The follow up that "this is probably going to be even worse in the winter"! is an odd approach. The entire timing of this, just before the 2020 election, must be taken into consideration when assessing intent and source.

My hope is that the truth is found, confirmed through other trusted intelligence sources and nations leak the findings to the media and those who care. This is simply too extreme a case with more damage to lives and livelihoods to be taken lightly.

Some food for thought...

How could you disable a nation and keep it locked down? Seed it with a virus that no one had acquired immunities for. It would spread like wild fire, overwhelm medical systems, and collapse the economy in short order. Had trump done the Obama /Biden thing and not done anything for 6 months our death toll would be in the millions. COVID-19 damages the lungs, heart, brain, liver and vascular systems. It shut down one of our prize nuclear carriers inside two weeks.

Summer will weaken its bite but colder weather could bring it back with a vengeance. It all depends on the number of people who have herd immunity by then...
The media has reported that the initial Covid-19/Corona virus outbreak was caused in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China trying to keep up with the United States in bio-weapon research. So, it came from bats - but with help with an error in containment in that lab so that a worker was infected and then went outside and infected others.

If you trust the media report. But either way - can you imagine what would have happenned if China was trying to use a bio-weapon?

Or if the WHO (World Health organization) minimized the threat?

Have any of you seen the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Is it being aired again on TV?
Drumpf would have helped China. The dumbfuck sat there and believed what they told him instead of his own intelligence agency.

Sure he did, Milkweed.

No, Corona did not come from Milkweed. But these "weeds" do utilize sunlight and the sun has a corona!

I was razzing Asclepias whose name means ''milkweed.''

He probably thought he was spelling Asclepius.
Nope. When I made my username I had no idea the forum was filled with so many racists. That would have been a cool name to run with had I known.

That's funny, considering that you are top racist on this board. I think that's the reason you signed up here.
I'm glad you consider me the top racist. That means I'm getting through to you clowns.

No, that means you're stupid as a rock. Guess what, there is no vaccine for that.
Back on topic:

"At an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.

A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.

Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”

See the article for more details.

Caution: some sources are mostly rhetoric with no scientific evidence and to me sound like political rhetoric. One source even falsely claimed there was no evidence. Well, there is evidence and there is cover-up in China - normal for human governments. The truth lies in correctly interpreting the evidence - not in saying no evidence exists.

But my main point is: can you imagine what could have happened if China deliberately used a bioweapon?
These people must be held to account!

The media has reported that the initial Covid-19/Corona virus outbreak was caused in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China trying to keep up with the United States in bio-weapon research. So, it came from bats - but with help with an error in containment in that lab so that a worker was infected and then went outside and infected others.

If you trust the media report. But either way - can you imagine what would have happenned if China was trying to use a bio-weapon?

Or if the WHO (World Health organization) minimized the threat?

Have any of you seen the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Is it being aired again on TV?
Drumpf would have helped China. The dumbfuck sat there and believed what they told him instead of his own intelligence agency.

Sure he did, Milkweed.

No, Corona did not come from Milkweed. But these "weeds" do utilize sunlight and the sun has a corona!

I was razzing Asclepias whose name means ''milkweed.''

He probably thought he was spelling Asclepius.
Nope. When I made my username I had no idea the forum was filled with so many racists. That would have been a cool name to run with had I known.

That's funny, considering that you are top racist on this board. I think that's the reason you signed up here.
I'm glad you consider me the top racist. That means I'm getting through to you clowns.

No, that means you're stupid as a rock. Guess what, there is no vaccine for that.
Stop being emotional. You let me get to you too easily. :)
China certainly proved its expertise with the development of the virus that rots liberal brains. But that was years ago so it should be of no concern now. It's transmitted only by spittle which falls like the gentle rain at Democrat Party functions but since no normal people attend it's OK.
Which media reported that?

As much I remember, leftist media called everyone who said that, including Tom Cotton, nutz and spreading conspiracy theories.

Can you be more precise?

It was on TV. They also stressed in the TV news report that China was not trying to use the bat virus as a bioweapon - but I do not trust news reports. I will research on the internet and post what I find. After all, you can trust the internet!

Just kidding btw.

Think about this for a moment. China acted very strangely.

1. They hid Human to Human transmission that they knew about in early December 2019. WHY?

2. They locked down 7 million people. Stopped all in and out from Wuhan EXCEPT international flights.. Why? China obviously knew what it was they were combating as they supplied the DNA/RNA sequencing on Dec 27th to the U.S. CDC.

3. They ordered all dead cremated. No funerals. No wakes. No contacts until the ashes were delivered. The number of dead overwhelmed the systems and 40 mobile crematoriums were brought in. The atmospheric gas concentrations, urns delivered to the area and phone lines that have gone dormant/disconnected indicate that they cremated over 80,000 bodies.

4. All data and samples taken from the dead were ordered destroyed. You dont do this unless your trying to hide its origin.

5. Dr's who were publishing papers and warning the rest of the world are now dead or missing.

6. The CDC was not allowed in to the country to investigate and now very little evidence is left.

7. The wet markets are now reopened and functioning. These were the initial blame for the outbreak but this behavior clearly shows they were not the source. The bats that hold the virus were not sold in these markets as they are not indigenous to this region by some 900kl.

NONE OF THIS ADDS UP TO ACCIDENTAL RELEASE IMHO. It does indicate coverup. It does indicate the destruction of evidence. It does indicate they were deliberately indifferent to the safety of anyone besides themselves. It indicates they knew exactly what they were dealing with as they used military decontamination measures to clean up a biological release. The bleach solution they used killed humans and animals it was so potent.

If you want to take it a step further you could say they exposed their own and seeded the world. By the time the rest of the world was exiting the carnage they would have seized control of many regions as they would have developed imunities long before the other countries could develop a response.

If China had acted responsibly, when they locked down Wuhan they would have stopped all outbound flights as well. When asked they should have been forthcoming but they enlisted the WHO to help them cover up the release for months.

These people must be held to account!
Good points. At least some are accurate. In fact, I posted sources on some of those points. Perhaps all of your points are accurate - but I am a doubting Thomas type.

It would help if you posted the sources you got your information from.
Unless agencies leak information otherwise, we can't know if it was an intentional move by China, maybe even a practice run. I do recall that a few of us were skeptical that it came from a bat, that didn't fly with me (pun not intended) from the start. I shared my thoughts in the Conspiracy Section because that's all it was, and many of the questions I ask below are just me being a thorough investigator, even if conspiratorial. I'm no Columbo, but, I do have a few concerns.

I still have a few key questions, that even top Western intel might not know the answer to, primary, "was this intentional"? It simply can't be discounted at this point, and China has become very good at disinformation. One can't even discount that it was a trial run to understand how the world might reaction, one reason, among many, why I suggest Western leaders MUST cause Chinas economy great pain, or, it is the green light to allow it to happen again.

Some questions I have related to this, "why did China allow flights out of Wuhan when they were aware of this?" They had to have known it was easily transmitted, so why allow citizens to spread it around the globe? This is a very key question to me.

It had to be deliberate to basically "let the infected leave" as they didn't feel they could deal with it, and/or took a "better you suckers than us" approach, or, something even worse if that were possible. The Communist Party are like unaccountable covert Canadian police, they care about their own, to hell with the rest of you or your rights. To the Communists it's them vs everyone else, they hardly recognize others as human. They could lose 100M people in China and not blink. That's what absolute power does.

Let's consider the timing also. What better way than to shut down America and even try and keep Trump voters at home, alter U.S elections and Western liberty while using puppets and fools in the media to run cover and excuses for them? The follow up that "this is probably going to be even worse in the winter"! is an odd approach. The entire timing of this, just before the 2020 election, must be taken into consideration when assessing intent and source.

My hope is that the truth is found, confirmed through other trusted intelligence sources and nations leak the findings to the media and those who care. This is simply too extreme a case with more damage to lives and livelihoods to be taken lightly.

I am not taking it lightly btw. I need to go to sleep soon so I have to stop researching this for now.

There is a problem with accuracy of statement from many sources - it will be hard to find the whole truth. But truth is sacred to us (John 17:17). Oh, and I/we have zero involvement in politics. I am personally very much into science - hence my user name. Though not as colorful as Asclepias!
Unless agencies leak information otherwise, we can't know if it was an intentional move by China, maybe even a practice run. I do recall that a few of us were skeptical that it came from a bat, that didn't fly with me (pun not intended) from the start. I shared my thoughts in the Conspiracy Section because that's all it was, and many of the questions I ask below are just me being a thorough investigator, even if conspiratorial. I'm no Columbo, but, I do have a few concerns.

I still have a few key questions, that even top Western intel might not know the answer to, primary, "was this intentional"? It simply can't be discounted at this point, and China has become very good at disinformation. One can't even discount that it was a trial run to understand how the world might reaction, one reason, among many, why I suggest Western leaders MUST cause Chinas economy great pain, or, it is the green light to allow it to happen again.

Some questions I have related to this, "why did China allow flights out of Wuhan when they were aware of this?" They had to have known it was easily transmitted, so why allow citizens to spread it around the globe? This is a very key question to me.

It had to be deliberate to basically "let the infected leave" as they didn't feel they could deal with it, and/or took a "better you suckers than us" approach, or, something even worse if that were possible. The Communist Party are like unaccountable covert Canadian police, they care about their own, to hell with the rest of you or your rights. To the Communists it's them vs everyone else, they hardly recognize others as human. They could lose 100M people in China and not blink. That's what absolute power does.

Let's consider the timing also. What better way than to shut down America and even try and keep Trump voters at home, alter U.S elections and Western liberty while using puppets and fools in the media to run cover and excuses for them? The follow up that "this is probably going to be even worse in the winter"! is an odd approach. The entire timing of this, just before the 2020 election, must be taken into consideration when assessing intent and source.

My hope is that the truth is found, confirmed through other trusted intelligence sources and nations leak the findings to the media and those who care. This is simply too extreme a case with more damage to lives and livelihoods to be taken lightly.

I am not taking it lightly btw. I need to go to sleep soon so I have to stop researching this for now.

There is a problem with accuracy of statement from many sources - it will be hard to find the whole truth. But truth is sacred to us (John 17:17). Oh, and I/we have zero involvement in politics. I am personally very much into science - hence my user name. Though not as colorful as Asclepias!

"At an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.

A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.

{Emphasis mine}

This IS an admission... Without saying it directly he implied it.
Which media reported that?

As much I remember, leftist media called everyone who said that, including Tom Cotton, nutz and spreading conspiracy theories.

Can you be more precise?

It was on TV. They also stressed in the TV news report that China was not trying to use the bat virus as a bioweapon - but I do not trust news reports. I will research on the internet and post what I find. After all, you can trust the internet!

Just kidding btw.

Think about this for a moment. China acted very strangely.

1. They hid Human to Human transmission that they knew about in early December 2019. WHY?

2. They locked down 7 million people. Stopped all in and out from Wuhan EXCEPT international flights.. Why? China obviously knew what it was they were combating as they supplied the DNA/RNA sequencing on Dec 27th to the U.S. CDC.

3. They ordered all dead cremated. No funerals. No wakes. No contacts until the ashes were delivered. The number of dead overwhelmed the systems and 40 mobile crematoriums were brought in. The atmospheric gas concentrations, urns delivered to the area and phone lines that have gone dormant/disconnected indicate that they cremated over 80,000 bodies.

4. All data and samples taken from the dead were ordered destroyed. You dont do this unless your trying to hide its origin.

5. Dr's who were publishing papers and warning the rest of the world are now dead or missing.

6. The CDC was not allowed in to the country to investigate and now very little evidence is left.

7. The wet markets are now reopened and functioning. These were the initial blame for the outbreak but this behavior clearly shows they were not the source. The bats that hold the virus were not sold in these markets as they are not indigenous to this region by some 900kl.

NONE OF THIS ADDS UP TO ACCIDENTAL RELEASE IMHO. It does indicate coverup. It does indicate the destruction of evidence. It does indicate they were deliberately indifferent to the safety of anyone besides themselves. It indicates they knew exactly what they were dealing with as they used military decontamination measures to clean up a biological release. The bleach solution they used killed humans and animals it was so potent.

If you want to take it a step further you could say they exposed their own and seeded the world. By the time the rest of the world was exiting the carnage they would have seized control of many regions as they would have developed imunities long before the other countries could develop a response.

If China had acted responsibly, when they locked down Wuhan they would have stopped all outbound flights as well. When asked they should have been forthcoming but they enlisted the WHO to help them cover up the release for months.

These people must be held to account!
Good points. At least some are accurate. In fact, I posted sources on some of those points. Perhaps all of your points are accurate - but I am a doubting Thomas type.

It would help if you posted the sources you got your information from.
Trust but verify. Wise words to live by.

All of these are easily verifiable in news and other sources.

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