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Can you provide evidence that Obama's policies are the direct reason for the...

Increased employment is celebrated. Democrats attempting to claim it was all them is laughable.

No, actually it isn't. But let's take a look at some of the reasons WHY the unemployment numbers continue to be high, shall we?
Governments continued to shed jobs, however, with local governments laying off 35,000 people and the troubled U.S. Postal Services eliminating 5,000 jobs.
Job growth picks up in September

I thought that WOULD be something a conservative celebrates, smaller government. The Boehner is the one that said "if we lose 200,000 jobs...so be it". (Paraphrased)

And besides, the unemployment numbers ARE dropping.

November jobs report: Hiring up, unemployment down

Which ya'll still try to spin as somehow bad. You know what, at some point, you simply have to chalk it up to ODS.
Look at the numbers carefully. The unemployment rate is down because fewer people are looking for jobs, not because that many more people are working.
The November numbers suck. They point to a workforce getting discouraged and dropping out, not a fundamental improvement in the jobs picture.

It points to an aging Boomer population retireing from the workforce, but the truth does not fit the GOP meme you were stupid enough to swallow whole without thinking.
It's called Bush's Great Recession for a reason.

The reason is a small group of pissy liberals call it that - and nobody else.

Oh, and everyone else in the world except lying Pubs and brainwashed dittoheads...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Leaving aside the fact that we don't care what the fuck pissy liberals in other countries think: AGAIN, The reason is a small group of pissy liberals call it that - and nobody else.
Horse patoot, angry white man LOL. And ugly 'Merican. Change the channel or I predict sorrow.
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After 119 posts STILL NO one seems to be aware that the Federal Govt. is MISSING
$267 billion a year due to events NOT under Bush or Obama's control.. but were
natural and terrorists events!

Obama though while having NOTHING to do with that DID have a direct responsibility for cheerleading the terrorists and in doing so causing 3,000 more troops to die and $600 billion more in Iraq!
When idiots like Obama and these others MADE THESE cheerleading comments..
what IDIOT would NOT for a minute think the terrorists would use these words to recruit more terrorists?
What Idiot like Obama didn't pause for a second and say.."what am I doing here?"
I'm telling the terrorists our Troops are terrorists! Or as Murtha said our troops are killers!"
Did NOT these IDIOTS for ONE moment think of how the rest of the world would perceive these comments as
a) Traitors betraying their country..
b) Encouraging words to recruit more terrorists!

AND a Harvard study Proved these comments INCREASED violence in Iraq when made!
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",

U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"


Folks if OBAMA did none of the job killing actions THIS one comment to me should be a chiller for all of you!
YOUR president calling our troops KILLERS !
Doesn't that upset ANY OF YOU???

More like we're missing a trillion dollars that no one seems to know or care where the money is...

In the real world you just cant say "oops I misplaced a trillion dollars."

No one cares tho... oops!

NO... there is NO MISSING $trillion!
It is totally per IRS rules.. every one who has reported a loss can deduct up against the losss from their taxable income.

BUT everyone seems to forget that when the discussions about deficits,etc.

I mean why is it so complicated to realize $8 trillion in destroyed values are being subtracted against taxable income at a rate of $267 billion a year!

AND if more people understood that fundamental FACT there would be a little more solutions forthcoming and a lot less HYPERBOLE!
LOL- that's an idot angry white man definition. A racist believes another race is inferior.
You cons are so stuck on this fallacy that just because Obama was president during a weakening economy, that all or most of the blame can be placed on him. Now, I am not saying Obama hasn't contributed to the recession, but I have yet to read if he actually did for sure and to what extent.

None of you could answer my question - which requires a legitimate source of information that explains the connection between Obama and the economy.

Have you read any of the posts?

Yes, and the only ones that had links were to information about the economy, but no factual analysis that there was a connection to Obama's policies.

Maybe there was one I was looking for and I missed it. Show me.
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.
.....under my leadership energy costs will necessarily skyrocket !!! thats a quote from your dear leader in 2008 before you leftist scum voted him in !!! higher energy and fuel costs drive up the costs of shipping,food,travel,and just about everything else !!! and that cripples an economy !!
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Some companies have already said they can't hire people because sales are down. In the past, things had turned around long before now, but Obama wasn't about to try any formula known to work in the past. The stimulus was a slush fund and much went to the unions and other special interest. It wasted money we could ill afford. The fast tracked loan to Solyndra wasted another half billion dollars. Obama and the Dems vilified companies for taking employees and clients on annual events, saying they had no business doing these things (which drummed up more business to strengthen companies) because they took bail out money. Obama knew damn well the trips were paid for long before the bail out even began and the weekend events were good for businesses, but he still attacked them for it and we saw a lot of service industry jobs bite the dust. Many companies started cancelling their annual events and it hurt the small workers big time.

Companies have also stated that they are afraid to hire or rehire laid off employees because Obamacare is going to be a business killer. The less employees, the better if companies want to survive. Obama made it difficult and many small businesses have closed their doors.

I blame him and the fed for not doing things that could have turned things around faster and instead focused on pushing through his own agenda, which he has admitted is not to benefit capitalism. He is killing capitalism and he is proud of it. He said it doesn't work and never has and made it clear that saving our free market economy is not one of his priorities.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Some companies have already said they can't hire people because sales are down. In the past, things had turned around long before now, but Obama wasn't about to try any formula known to work in the past. The stimulus was a slush fund and much went to the unions and other special interest. It wasted money we could ill afford. The fast tracked loan to Solyndra wasted another half billion dollars. Obama and the Dems vilified companies for taking employees and clients on annual events, saying they had no business doing these things (which drummed up more business to strengthen companies) because they took bail out money. Obama knew damn well the trips were paid for long before the bail out even began and the weekend events were good for businesses, but he still attacked them for it and we saw a lot of service industry jobs bite the dust. Many companies started cancelling their annual events and it hurt the small workers big time.

Companies have also stated that they are afraid to hire or rehire laid off employees because Obamacare is going to be a business killer. The less employees, the better if companies want to survive. Obama made it difficult and many small businesses have closed their doors.

I blame him and the fed for not doing things that could have turned things around faster and instead focused on pushing through his own agenda, which he has admitted is not to benefit capitalism. He is killing capitalism and he is proud of it. He said it doesn't work and never has and made it clear that saving our free market economy is not one of his priorities.

Best unsubstantiated propaganda I've read all day. I guess minimum wage is also a job killer.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Bush isn't running for re-election. But if he were he would handily beat this turd.
The UE rate for most of Bush's term was about 5%. It has been above 9% for most of Obama's. Take away the last year of Bush's tenure and it looks better than Clinton's.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That&#8217;s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won&#8217;t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton&#8216;s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

$8 trillion in asset losses are being written off against tax bills at the rate of $267 billion a year since when..ah.. 2002!
OH I don't know..
1) $5 trillion due to the supposedly Clinton Dot.com bubble BUSTING!
2) a Minor event known as 9/11 occurred costing another $2 trillion!
3) Worst hurricanes in history costing another $1 trillion..

AND during that time under the 70% encouragement of Americans Iraq was liberated ONLY to have AMERICAN Democrat CHEERLEADERS wanting
1) Americans to die..(3,000 more killed due to CHEERLEADERS like Reid's "War is Lost"!
2)thousands more Americans wounded because Kerry cheerleading ("US TROOPS are Terrorists.. )
3) 6 years longer then needed.. Obama cheering terrorsts by saying (Troops are killing civilians..)..
4) $600 billion more (Murtha.."Troops are baby killers..)
5) 30% Americans favored AFTER all the above and Durbin calls American troops. "Nazi,Soviets Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime&#8211;Pol Pot or others&#8211;that had no concern for human beings.")

You seemed to forget all of that why???
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