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Can you provide evidence that Obama's policies are the direct reason for the...

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Bush isn't running for re-election. But if he were he would handily beat this turd.
The UE rate for most of Bush's term was about 5%. It has been above 9% for most of Obama's. Take away the last year of Bush's tenure and it looks better than Clinton's.
Clinton passed a steady yearly UE rate of under 4% to the lying Bushwhacker. Bush passed a nearly 8% UE rate that was skyrocketing every month to Obama. And that 8% according to CON$ is not the "real" UE rate but it is the only one CON$ ever use for Bush or Reagan. Obviously the "real" rate for Reagan and Bush was a lot higher.

Why do CON$ only use the lowest UE rate for Reagan and Bush, but use a much higher rate for Obama?? Three guesses and the first two don't count!
You cons are so stuck on this fallacy that just because Obama was president during a weakening economy, that all or most of the blame can be placed on him. Now, I am not saying Obama hasn't contributed to the recession, but I have yet to read if he actually did for sure and to what extent.

None of you could answer my question - which requires a legitimate source of information that explains the connection between Obama and the economy.

Have you read any of the posts?

Yes, and the only ones that had links were to information about the economy, but no factual analysis that there was a connection to Obama's policies.

Maybe there was one I was looking for and I missed it. Show me.

Obama placed a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf and, when ordered by a court to lift it, maintained it. Oil rigs were moved from the Gulf to other locales. The people that worked on those rigs were jobless as were those who depended on the drilling for their jobs.

As a footnote to this, Obama subsidized the oil industry in Brazil. He's not against the oil industry.

He's just against Americans being employed.

Boeing tried to open a plant in a different state, but still within the USA. Obama sued Boeing to prevent this. When Boeing made concessions to their union in Washington, the suit was dropped. Absolutely nothing associated with the plant in South Carolina changed.

Following the concessions to the the union which produced no additional jobs anywhere, Obama allowed the opening to proceed. He's not against the Aerospace industry.

He's just against Americans being employed.

Gibson makes guitars that use cherry wood imported from India, and Ally of the USA. Gibson imports the cherry wood from India and there is a treaty that states that the wood products will be finished before export to the USA. An inane treaty on its face.

With no complaint or even advice from India, Obama shut down and sued Gibson for providing the jobs to the Americans who finished the Cherry wood for use in the Guitars. He's not against the Guitar industry.

He's just against americans being employed.

How many more do you need? This guy is actively attacking American business and industry with a robust and coordinated team of energized zealots who detest any private sector success. He is not trying in any way to stop the production of anything. He is only trying to stop the production of anything by the work of Americans.

I suspect that you also detest and envy the successful in our society.

You're an idiot.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Obama will be the first President in the history of the Republic who leaves office with fewer Americans Employed than when he entered office.

I don't know what you need to be more impressed with. Is it his ability to run up the debt or to lay off the population?

Two best of's and only one opportunity to pick the biggest accomplishment.

When thinking of the Big 0, superlatives fail me.
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Some companies have already said they can't hire people because sales are down. In the past, things had turned around long before now, but Obama wasn't about to try any formula known to work in the past. The stimulus was a slush fund and much went to the unions and other special interest. It wasted money we could ill afford. The fast tracked loan to Solyndra wasted another half billion dollars. Obama and the Dems vilified companies for taking employees and clients on annual events, saying they had no business doing these things (which drummed up more business to strengthen companies) because they took bail out money. Obama knew damn well the trips were paid for long before the bail out even began and the weekend events were good for businesses, but he still attacked them for it and we saw a lot of service industry jobs bite the dust. Many companies started cancelling their annual events and it hurt the small workers big time.

Companies have also stated that they are afraid to hire or rehire laid off employees because Obamacare is going to be a business killer. The less employees, the better if companies want to survive. Obama made it difficult and many small businesses have closed their doors.

I blame him and the fed for not doing things that could have turned things around faster and instead focused on pushing through his own agenda, which he has admitted is not to benefit capitalism. He is killing capitalism and he is proud of it. He said it doesn't work and never has and made it clear that saving our free market economy is not one of his priorities.

Best unsubstantiated propaganda I've read all day. I guess minimum wage is also a job killer.

Well, you are free to enlighten us. what has the Big 0 tried to do to help the economy? Shut down drilling? Run off the oil rigs? Sue the job creators? Attack and vilify "the rich"? Tinker endlessly with the tax rates? Fan the flames of class warfare?

What is it? There's so much to pick from.

What policy that has failed has Obama employed to solve the economic problems?
I sincerely don't know if all this simplistic, linear, binary thinking ("It's all Bush's fault", "It's all Obama's fault") is actually meant to be taken seriously, but on the off chance it is, I'll toss my unsolicited two cents in:

This is a global economic mess than has been decades in the making, and it goes far beyond the name or party affiliation of any temporary White House occupant. This is cultural, and we will not see a significant or permanent turnaround until both "sides" of the argument make significant and permanent changes in their approaches.

The American Left refuses to see that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, more and more dependent on government bureaucracies in the name of compassion is, in fact, the opposite of compassion. It has stripped people of their motivation, their very dignity. And ultimately it creates a permanent dependent class that is a larger and larger drag on the economy.

The American Left also refuses to acknowledge the fact that more regulation is not necessarily better regulation. Indeed, one of the causes of this disaster was rule-breaking and outright greed by some. But instead of doing a better job of enforcing existing regulations, the Left chooses to layer more and more bureaucracy into the equation, gumming up the system to the point of paralysis. Their emotional attachment to government is inexplicable, after we all have seen how inefficient, corrupt and undependable government is.

The American Right has allowed itself to be co-opted by the Tea Party and its amusingly simplistic view of government spending (the "Keep Government Out Of Medicare" sign at a Tea Party rally is my personal favorite example of this). They're allowing themselves to be painted as the "all government is evil" party, and they spin absolutely everything in that direction, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

The American Right is also the conspicuous consumption party, trying to convince all of us that more is always better. "I deserve my Escalade" is the type of thinking that was in part responsible for the meltdown, the notion that "American Exceptionalism" (whatever the hell that is) means that we somehow deserve more only because we were fortunate enough to have popped out of the womb here.

Our culture is a mess, and that's what's bringing us down. It's not this President or that President.

I sincerely don't know if all this simplistic, linear, binary thinking ("It's all Bush's fault", "It's all Obama's fault") is actually meant to be taken seriously, but on the off chance it is, I'll toss my unsolicited two cents in:

This is a global economic mess than has been decades in the making, and it goes far beyond the name or party affiliation of any temporary White House occupant. This is cultural, and we will not see a significant or permanent turnaround until both "sides" of the argument make significant and permanent changes in their approaches.

The American Left refuses to see that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, more and more dependent on government bureaucracies in the name of compassion is, in fact, the opposite of compassion. It has stripped people of their motivation, their very dignity. And ultimately it creates a permanent dependent class that is a larger and larger drag on the economy.

The American Left also refuses to acknowledge the fact that more regulation is not necessarily better regulation. Indeed, one of the causes of this disaster was rule-breaking and outright greed by some. But instead of doing a better job of enforcing existing regulations, the Left chooses to layer more and more bureaucracy into the equation, gumming up the system to the point of paralysis. Their emotional attachment to government is inexplicable, after we all have seen how inefficient, corrupt and undependable government is.

The American Right has allowed itself to be co-opted by the Tea Party and its amusingly simplistic view of government spending (the "Keep Government Out Of Medicare" sign at a Tea Party rally is my personal favorite example of this). They're allowing themselves to be painted as the "all government is evil" party, and they spin absolutely everything in that direction, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

The American Right is also the conspicuous consumption party, trying to convince all of us that more is always better. "I deserve my Escalade" is the type of thinking that was in part responsible for the meltdown, the notion that "American Exceptionalism" (whatever the hell that is) means that we somehow deserve more only because we were fortunate enough to have popped out of the womb here.

Our culture is a mess, and that's what's bringing us down. It's not this President or that President.


For someone who decries simplistic you sure engage in it.

The UE rate for this country through most of the oughts was about 5%, with inflation in the 2% range. So to say there has been a crisis in the making for decades is unsupported. The only crisis in the making for decades is the meltdown in the Eurozone caused by exactly those policies the Left wants us to pursue now.

AMericans don't want to be lectured on how wasteful we are. Save that shit for someone else. We can afford it, we want it, we'll do it.
AMericans don't want to be lectured on how wasteful we are. Save that shit for someone else. We can afford it, we want it, we'll do it.

A vivid example of my point. "We're Amurrica, dammit, we're special, and we deserve it."

Yellow belly runs when called on his bullshit.
Typical stereotyping anti-Americanism. Go back to Cuba.

Vulgarity and name-calling. I guess that's why you're so special. Very impressive, indeed.

I sincerely don't know if all this simplistic, linear, binary thinking ("It's all Bush's fault", "It's all Obama's fault") is actually meant to be taken seriously, but on the off chance it is, I'll toss my unsolicited two cents in:

This is a global economic mess than has been decades in the making, and it goes far beyond the name or party affiliation of any temporary White House occupant. This is cultural, and we will not see a significant or permanent turnaround until both "sides" of the argument make significant and permanent changes in their approaches.

The American Left refuses to see that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, more and more dependent on government bureaucracies in the name of compassion is, in fact, the opposite of compassion. It has stripped people of their motivation, their very dignity. And ultimately it creates a permanent dependent class that is a larger and larger drag on the economy.

The American Left also refuses to acknowledge the fact that more regulation is not necessarily better regulation. Indeed, one of the causes of this disaster was rule-breaking and outright greed by some. But instead of doing a better job of enforcing existing regulations, the Left chooses to layer more and more bureaucracy into the equation, gumming up the system to the point of paralysis. Their emotional attachment to government is inexplicable, after we all have seen how inefficient, corrupt and undependable government is.

The American Right has allowed itself to be co-opted by the Tea Party and its amusingly simplistic view of government spending (the "Keep Government Out Of Medicare" sign at a Tea Party rally is my personal favorite example of this). They're allowing themselves to be painted as the "all government is evil" party, and they spin absolutely everything in that direction, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

The American Right is also the conspicuous consumption party, trying to convince all of us that more is always better. "I deserve my Escalade" is the type of thinking that was in part responsible for the meltdown, the notion that "American Exceptionalism" (whatever the hell that is) means that we somehow deserve more only because we were fortunate enough to have popped out of the womb here.

Our culture is a mess, and that's what's bringing us down. It's not this President or that President.


So the left wants more government and that is bad and the Right wants less government and that is bad? Way to take a stand!

The right does not support conspicuous consumption. It only supports the right of the individual to choose conspicuous consumption or miserly thrift or any other individual choice.

American exceptionalism was due in great part to the isolation of our land mass from the rest of the warring world. The illusion of the exceptionalism justifies the rants of many, especially the devotees of the union mentality saying that unionism is what built the dominance of American manufacturing.
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AMericans don't want to be lectured on how wasteful we are. Save that shit for someone else. We can afford it, we want it, we'll do it.

A vivid example of my point. "We're Amurrica, dammit, we're special, and we deserve it."


If it costs you nothing for me to have something and I have earned the money to buy it and am not in any way a weight for you to bear, why should it concern you you if i use whatever wealth i may have earned to purchase whatever reward i may desire?
AMericans don't want to be lectured on how wasteful we are. Save that shit for someone else. We can afford it, we want it, we'll do it.

A vivid example of my point. "We're Amurrica, dammit, we're special, and we deserve it."


If it costs you nothing for me to have something and I have earned the money to buy it and am not in any way a weight for you to bear, why should it concern you you if i use whatever wealth i may have earned to purchase whatever reward i may desire?

It shouldn't. But we all should feel guilty about it anyway.
A vivid example of my point. "We're Amurrica, dammit, we're special, and we deserve it."

Yellow belly runs when called on his bullshit.
Typical stereotyping anti-Americanism. Go back to Cuba.

Vulgarity and name-calling. I guess that's why you're so special. Very impressive, indeed.

Translation: You're spot on and I'm busted.
You want to post again and show everyone you're really an anti-Semite?
Not only that but back in the 30's the democrats were still lynching "*******."

Y'know, bringing that up a 1001st time doesn't make it any more relevant than the first 1000 times.

That's true. It's still just as relevant now as it was then. People need to be reminded 1,000 times because the Democrats will lie about it 10,000 times.

What will they lie about? I don't recall anyone ever denying that the Democratic Party was once the party of the KKK. Key word being "once".

Assholes like you can keep bringing it up all you want, but it's not true anymore. Maybe it's not true of the Republicans, either, but it's definitely no longer true of the Dems.
Y'know, bringing that up a 1001st time doesn't make it any more relevant than the first 1000 times.

That's true. It's still just as relevant now as it was then. People need to be reminded 1,000 times because the Democrats will lie about it 10,000 times.

What will they lie about? I don't recall anyone ever denying that the Democratic Party was once the party of the KKK. Key word being "once".

Assholes like you can keep bringing it up all you want, but it's not true anymore. Maybe it's not true of the Republicans, either, but it's definitely no longer true of the Dems.

Weren't the Democrats the ones crying over Robert Byrd and at the same time reminding everyone how Strom Thurmond was a segregationist?
For someone who decries simplistic you sure engage in it.

The UE rate for this country through most of the oughts was about 5%, with inflation in the 2% range. So to say there has been a crisis in the making for decades is unsupported. The only crisis in the making for decades is the meltdown in the Eurozone caused by exactly those policies the Left wants us to pursue now.

AMericans don't want to be lectured on how wasteful we are. Save that shit for someone else. We can afford it, we want it, we'll do it.

And our savings rate was negative, but obviously that couldn't be the crisis we are all talking about.
Weren't the Democrats the ones crying over Robert Byrd and at the same time reminding everyone how Strom Thurmond was a segregationist?

Strom Thurmond, in his later years, was still in favour of segregation. Robert Byrd spoke repeatedly about how he thought being a member of the KKK was idiotic and he regrets it.

And you see no difference between the two.

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