Can you say...COUP? Homeland Security preparing for civil conflict

Is being a thumper so damaging to your brain that you can't think of any bullshit more creative that that?

I dont think of BS, so no. i can't think of it.

Bothers you too I suppose?

and i dont bible thump

Dude, you thump so hard you were featured in Bambi.

The definition of intelligence is the next definition that is going to be altered...
Well, I do think we need some Bibles.

They'll go along nicely with stockpiles of The Turner Diaries and Mein Kampf.

We'll also need printouts of the works of Ragnar Benson. When they make their move, he'll be scrubbed out of history.

How else will we learn anti-black helicopter technology?
Who is god? Is "god" Barack Obama, by any chance?

No....but it certainly isn't Glenn Beck either....or Paul Ryan, Allen West, or any other person on this planet.

did anyone claim it was?

C'mon dude....don't be so blindly partisan....LOOK at the bullshit I was responding to. That's what bothers me about you. You'll let shit from Conservatives slide right by you and jump on a Democrat responding to the bullshit. Just like FreedomBecki last night. "not so" Koshergirl can say the most vile shit to me and others, but when I defended myself Becki goes on a tirade about respect.

Hypocrisy seems to run deep with you people.
my question is why is it still there?....

ummmm....because? What do you want me to do? Personally disband it singlehandedly?

relax Steel.....i was just throwing out a question.....i did not expect you to think i was expecting YOU to take care of it....:eusa_eh:

No...I really didn't expect that....I was being kind of sarcastic. the same time....some people seem to blame Obama for not disbanding it and for using it.

I that, and the Patriot Act were two of the biggest "door openers" to limiting civil liberties of the American people. It's not easy to repeal Law....not that Obama tried....Just ask Conservatives.....they've been trying to repeal the AHCA since it's inception.

Like I have been saying all along to people who call me a "goose-stepper".....there is shit that has happened/continued under Obama that I don't care for...but he's better than ANYONE that the GOP has offered up as a replacement.
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.
I hear that bright orange is a popular color.
If I can just interupt this personal dialogue between antagonists for a moment?

Have we come to any conclusion about the up-coming civil upraising and the resulting incarceration and slaughter of Americans, yet?

I'm trying to arrange my 2013 agenda and need more details -- like what to wear in a reeducation camp, for example.

I think the freepers have backed away from this story, but I have no doubt it will continue to be circulated by their ilk.

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