Zone1 Can You Seriously Get Banned From Posting In The Flame Zone?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Just curious because Toro said that he was and I'm not asking what his reason was, I'm asking how is that possible when that's probably the least moderated section of the message board and it's downstairs where you can basically do no wrong.
Just curious because Toro said that he was and I'm not asking what his reason was, I'm asking how is that possible when that's probably the least moderated section of the message board and it's downstairs where you can basically do no wrong.
Yes you can...
Just curious because Toro said that he was and I'm not asking what his reason was, I'm asking how is that possible when that's probably the least moderated section of the message board and it's downstairs where you can basically do no wrong.

Your assumptions are incorrect. Many people have been banned in teh FZ.

In fact, most of the really good posters in teh FZ have been perma-pinked.

The rules still apply down here.
There are still rules or do you not comprehend written instructions?
Just curious because Toro said that he was and I'm not asking what his reason was, I'm asking how is that possible when that's probably the least moderated section of the message board and it's downstairs where you can basically do no wrong.

The rules—both as actually written, and as capriciously and inconsistently applied by the staff—are much looser downstairs, but there are some rules that apply everywhere, and yes, you can get banned for breaking them, even downstairs.
The rules—both as actually written, and as capriciously and inconsistently applied by the staff—are much looser downstairs, but there are some rules that apply everywhere, and yes, you can get banned for breaking them, even downstairs.

That's why I said basically.
You have to realize toro is a queer and moonglow and he take turns fellating each other on tv.
Perhaps a little over the top .
But I did initially think that Torment and TitLoser came out of the same Troll Academy for Young Boys and regardless both suffer badly from identical neurological autoimmune problems .
Just curious because Toro said that he was and I'm not asking what his reason was, I'm asking how is that possible when that's probably the least moderated section of the message board and it's downstairs where you can basically do no wrong.
They can ban you but they won't be serious.
Keep fighting the guards instead of the inmates and you are going to find out.

That's all part of the fun. Being banned from here isn't the punishment that some may think it to be.
That's all part of the fun. Being banned from here isn't the punishment that some may think it to be.

Reminds me of something that happened on another forum where I used to be active.

A moderator was threatening me with “severe penalties” if I didn't go along with some bit of bullshit or another on that forum. I don't remember the details, but I was left with no choice but to express my deepest contempt and mockery at that moderator and his extreme hubris, for even suggesting that he had the power to do anything to me that could be rationally construed as “severe penalties”.

The very most that any forum moderator has the power to do is to ban someone from that forum. Anyone who thinks that being banned from an internet forum constitutes “severe penalties” is someone who really needs to look into what is so fucked-up about his life that such a form could be of that importance to him.
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