Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
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According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

Class envy troll thread...
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
Government does not invest in anything except increasing government employment and enlarging bureaucracy.
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

A ghetto somewhere is missing one of its beggars.....
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

Class envy troll thread...

Well somebody has been holding down wage growth for middle class over three decades and that's despite record productivity.
It seems there is an ideology who could give a shit about the middle class. The middle class has every right to be pissed and it isn't class envy!
It seems just about every economist agrees, the middle class has severely been weakened.
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Umm, Reagan died in 2004 and his last day in office was 1/20/89. Nobody ever accused George H. Bush of being a Reaganite but the economy stayed stable for twenty freaking years until democrats got the bright idea that they would force banks to make bad loans. Democrat Barney Frank had the responsibility for Fannie Mae which was top heavy with left wing political appointees like Jamie Garelick but the economy was still stable until Frank lied to America and Fannie collapsed. Barry Hussein has been in office for about six years. When is the radical left going to give him credit for the mess?
STUPID, GOOD ONLY FOR THE GREEDY IDIOT RICH, TAX RATES AND IDIOTIC REAGAN POLICIES LIVE ON. AND MAINLY THEIR BS PROPAGANDA MACHINE that produce these zombie like arguments. Is Buffett envious of the rich? Or does he want the best for the country? Bvvvvv....
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

^ Prog Dupe asleep next to Rip Van Winkle don't know Obama bin President!
The rich have been getting richer through the entire Obama presidency maybe the left should direct their frustration over this to the current President and his ass kissing of the so called 1% instead of a man who has not been President since 89.
Franco you have hit a new low. You are not worthy to polish Reagan's spit can.

Next week you will be posting how Republicans can't win elections. How since Bush SR. Democrats have held the presidency for 13 of the 21 years. How the democrats control the Senate. But with democrats controlling the government for the last 7 years you wish to blame the man whose policies ushered in the greatest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. Yet you fail to mention the utter damage that Clinton did with his "free" trade agreements. It was predicted and is coming true. And you obviously can't realize or ignore the fact that you can't flood the country with low educated poor people just to get votes and not have it effect the economy. No you ignore all of that and blame the last president that made a person feel good to be an American. A man that put America first all the while ignoring the damage the Kenyan in the WH has done to the country.

You are a sad little man franco.
It's always someone else's fault with these whiny left

Id faint if for once they ever took some of the blame for ANYTHING
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
Government does not invest in anything except increasing government employment and enlarging bureaucracy.

And dont forget the country in which it governs idiot. You must've rode your horse to the internet which wouldnt be the internet if not for govt investment
Umm, Reagan died in 2004 and his last day in office was 1/20/89. Nobody ever accused George H. Bush of being a Reaganite but the economy stayed stable for twenty freaking years until democrats got the bright idea that they would force banks to make bad loans. Democrat Barney Frank had the responsibility for Fannie Mae which was top heavy with left wing political appointees like Jamie Garelick but the economy was still stable until Frank lied to America and Fannie collapsed. Barry Hussein has been in office for about six years. When is the radical left going to give him credit for the mess?

What a pile of crappe lol. F+F went from 75 to 25% of the real estate market in 2003 and Boooshie regulators allowed junk mortgages to be rated A+, bundled, insured and sold around the world, Rush/Fox/Beckbot. Everything you know is Pubcrappe...:cuckoo:

As long as the wealth of the richest at least triples while the rest and the country goes to hell under voodoo, nothing will change...
There needs to be higher taxes and confiscation from the rich, and more special programs for those annointed deserving by vote hungry caring civil servants... Proletariat arise !!!!
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

Ahole alert
Just shows your dear leader is realizing the dreams of his father. BTW the story time line take you back to Clinton, not Reagan.
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

Class envy troll thread...

Well somebody has been holding down wage growth for middle class over three decades and that's despite record productivity.
It seems there is an ideology who could give a shit about the middle class. The middle class has every right to be pissed and it isn't class envy!
It seems just about every economist agrees, the middle class has severely been weakened.

Middle class is not created by taxing people out of wealth and into middle class.. nor is it created by redistributing the poor and/or lazy into the middle class

The trickle up poverty of the left is in full effect

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