Cancel Culture is destroying America

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

That's the whole point!

Xi ordered his democrat soldiers to destroy the USA in THIS ADMINISTRATION! They can't take a chance on there even being a USA before the next election

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.
So, does this mean that you Trumpeters are not going to try and cancel the careers of politicians that voted to impeach Trump? Nah, I don't think so.
I do. Liz Chaney is out! Please tell us why Trump should have been impeached

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

Until the population grows a MORAL backbone/some balls whatever-----------this will not happen. You have a strong sense of morals to go against the crowd of bullies and tell them that they are wrong and to fuck off. The communists have been brainwashing the kids for decades now teaching them to go against the grain is evil hence the real reason behind the PC bullshit. If you weren't strong enough to tell the PC crowd to go f themselves years ago, you will never have a strong enough backbone to stand up against the tyranny that now rules things.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

Maybe. But trumpkins love canceling people they hate. Ask The Dixie chicks

Nobody canceled the Dixie chicks, they continued to make music, and as far as I'm aware, are still making music. Some people just turned away from them due to their disapproval of their political views.

That is not cancel culture. Cancel culture is organizing a movement to get someone fired or demanding someone take action or suffer some consequence because they have offended your political views or feelings.

Cancel culture on either side is wrong.

I found this helpful explanation of what cancel culture is, and how it differs from boycotting, so that perhaps we can shut down the leftist game of, "Oh, I'm so stupid, I can't possibly understand what words mean, so everyone has to accept my ignorance as a general baseline".

What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.
Don’t have disgusting views and you’ll get respect. If you wanna be disgusting own it and live with your isolated consequence. I used the election as an example. You’re retarded. I feel sorry for your husband.
My husband? I am straight. You’re a little confused. Go to your safe space, leftist.
Oh. You’re a dude. Who knew?

Anyone who isn't a leftist, and therefore confused about the difference between men and women.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

Then why did tRump engage in cancel culture with GM, Harley-Davidson and Goodyear? He seemed to believe whole heartedly in cancel culture when it suited him?


What the hell are you talking about?

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

If I may make a suggestion from the feminine side of things, he should:

1) Never trust a woman who says, "I'm on the pill, let's not use a condom",
2) Always use a condom if he does not actually want to make a baby, and
3) Maybe not have sex with women he would not want to share a child with?

And yes, I advise women more or less exactly the same.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

Maybe. But trumpkins love canceling people they hate. Ask The Dixie chicks

The dipsy shits weren't "cancelled". The left was crying that they had a right to say what they wanted. They did, and the right showed they had a right to not buy their product. That's not cancel culture. They weren't "cancelled" because of their political beliefs, they were attacked because they attacked the entire country WHILE WE WERE AT WAR AND LOSING SOLDIERS , not a political party.

I believe the Dixie Chicks were boycotted and protested, which is NOT the same as cancelled.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

Yes, DDS, you lied.

I said the guy has a choice and then you lied claiming I said the guy doesn't have a choice.
What is cancel culture? If you want the right to say what you want and make people still transact with you you can fuck off. I’m not buying crap from people who think the election was stolen and raided the Capitol.
It’s in the OP. Nothing to do with the election if you clicked on the video. You are such a stupid asshole.

No he's not the stupid one here.

"Cancel culture" is yet another stupid FOX News bullshit notion like the "War on Christmas". This is a deflection from the Republicans lack of ideas, plans and or the ability to run the country without crashing the economy, and putting millions out of work.
Then why is Bill Mahar talking about it? Is he a FoxNews shill?

Bill Maher is an asshole. He has a lot of ideas which are bullshit, including about Muslims.

All this talk about "cancel culture" utterly ignores Colin Kaepernick, who was fired for "taking a knee" and hasn't worked since. The calls for his firing from the right were overwhelming. Boycott the NFL - and other sports.

Instead, FOX and you fools are focussed on people who have been deplatformed for lying, and spreading dangerous and false ideas. The easy answer to keep Republicans on privately owned platforms is really simple: STOP LYING ABOUT THE ELECTION. Stop lying about Democrats. It shouldn't be that hard to just tell the truth. If Republicans can't tell the truth, then they don't deserve to be elected.

You're not American so why the hell should anyone bother with the tripe you post?

Isn't there a forum for the politics of your nation?

You’re an idiot, so why the Hell should anyone bother with the tribe you post?

Furthermore most of what you post is lies and talking points from right wing websites with reputations for dishonesty.

Following your right wing talking points for the last 40 years has gotten you into the mess you’re in and you don’t seem to have a way out of it. Maybe it’s time you start listening to the people that got you into this mess in the first place. Listening to Republicans hasn’t gotten you very far.
RW talking points? I posted a diatribe from a liberal on a show with liberal guests? Are you drunk posting again?

Is she ever NOT drunk-posting?
My, my but you lot are triggered today. Whenever you start ragging on the fact that I'm a Canadian, I know you've got NOTHING.

Oh, is that the new lie you're telling yourself to avoid facing the obvious fact that you're intruding into discussions that don't concern you, by people who hold you in utter contempt? Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to keep from facing how meaningless it is for you to exist, I guess.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

Yes, DDS, you lied.

I said the guy has a choice and then you lied claiming I said the guy doesn't have a choice.

Choice meaning post pregnancy not pre. Don't be dishonest, your OCD ridden fat fuck.

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