Cancel Culture is destroying America

Disney had been looking for a reason to fire her. She gave them one.

Of course Gina Carano's words were insensitive. I am Jewish. Holocaust has no parallel.

Sadly we do live in times of Totalitarian Control.

She didn't draw a parallel with the Holocaust. She suggested we learn from what happened before the Holocaust, so that there never WILL be a parallel with it.

You consider it "insensitive to Jews" to try to learn from what happened to them, to prevent it from ever happening again?

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

Yes, DDS, you lied.

I said the guy has a choice and then you lied claiming I said the guy doesn't have a choice.

Choice meaning post pregnancy not pre. Don't be dishonest, your OCD ridden fat fuck.

Moron, the baby is born post pregnancy. That's when men (rules you out) step up and take care of their baby.

Pieces of shit like you champion deadbeat dads who should be legally exempt from supporting their own children.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


"Look at all these Internet memes that tell me I'm not a piece of shit, and my mindless hatred is virtuous!!! Why would I ever need to have a thought of my own as long as I have memes?!?!"

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

Oh, ShortBus? What option(s) do you support for a man who gets a woman pregnant?

Well OCD ridden fat fuck:

1) He signs a document relinquishing all rights and future contact and he doesn’t have to pay a penny.

2) He retains full rights and must pay his share.

Pretty simple

Those are called choices.


Cracks me up how you rightards support dead-beat dads.


What if he was trapped? Again, I am all for pro’re not. That’s fine. It amuses me how you’re a hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck. So if my son for example is dating a girl and she says she is on the pill and she isn’t and lied to him and she gets pregnant he has zero choices? Interesting.
But she has all the choices.

You Transocrats are hypocrites to the core.


Keep telling me how you support dead-beat dads, ShortBus.


That should be a choice, right?? :lmao:

What a piece of shit you are. But then, I already knew that.

By the way, that "choice" is never going to happen. No matter how much you rightards pine for it.

Again, you never addressed that specific example. So you're deflecting as usual with your ad hominems and emojis. So you're not pro choice. But you're still an OCD ridden fat fuck.

Piece of shit ShortBus promotes dead-beat dads. :lmao:

Again, you never addressed the specific example. How would this make that person a deadbeat dad when they were trapped? So that person doesn't have a choice but the female has all the choices. That is not pro choice. Your OCD forces you to repeat the same sentence over and over again and that sucks, fat fuck, but you have yet to address the issue. Keep trying. Maybe take your meds first?

How ironic, in the very thread Deadbeat Dad ShortBus (DDS) starts about cancel culture, he promotes the notion of canceling out his own grandchild.


You're still not addressing the example, OCD ridden fat fuck and your conflation is false. Again, if the man is trapped why not give them choices.

My laughing at you addressed it, DDS. You need further explanation?

You have a child, you fucking support it. Period. No excuses.

Savvy, ya piece of shit?

So you're not pro choice. Got it. So a man has to support it but a woman may kill it.

You're definitely a special kind of hypocrite, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Shitstain, DDS. The guy had a choice. He didn't have to have unprotected sex. That was his choice.

Dayum, you're a fucking retard and a pussy, DDS.

Man up. Have a baby, support it. Don't make up stupid excuses to slither out of your responsibilities.

What part of the woman misleading him did you miss? So again, in your OCD ridden fat fuck logic, he has no choices but the woman has the choice to kill the baby. Got it.

You're quite the bizarre Transocrat.

Shitstain, DDS, that's not the baby's fault. You don't punish the baby because the mother lied to your son.

That's the kind of grandfather you're gonna be, DDS?

Idiot, I don't have a son, it is a hypothetical situation. So in your view the father doesn't have a choice but the woman may kill the baby. I get it, OCD ridden fat fuck. No need to respond further. am only 40, not 70 like you. I am not going to be a grandfather for a long time.


Having daughters but not sons means you're never gonna be a grandfather, DDS??

And now you've reduced your argument to lying. You claim I say the guy doesn't have a choice after I said the guy has a choice.

Thanks for revealing to the forum you support deadbeat dads, ya piece of shit rightie.

Lying? Same argument and I said for a long time not never, you OCD ridden fat fuck. What choice does he have if he was trapped? Woman says "I am on the pill let's not use a condom" he should call her a liar and end the relationship? What?

Once the "father" leaves the woman can have the child or not still. Correct? He has no say either way.

Thanks for proving you're not really pro choice, OCD ridden fat fuck. Show me were I "lied". Thanks.

Yes, DDS, you lied.

I said the guy has a choice and then you lied claiming I said the guy doesn't have a choice.

Choice meaning post pregnancy not pre. Don't be dishonest, your OCD ridden fat fuck.

Moron, the baby is born post pregnancy. That's when men (rules you out) step up and take care of their baby.

Pieces of shit like you champion deadbeat dads who should be legally exempt from supporting their own children.

I never said I champion it. I said men should be given a choice before the baby is born same as women have a choice. Learn to read. Doesn't mean I personally would not take care of the baby. Don't conflate the two. I agree that they SHOULD take care of the baby. But I am pro choice for both as the mom may kill the baby and you support that, right?

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.


Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.
So if a woman traps him it’s OK. Got it. So you’re not pro choice.

How could a woman trap him, exactly?

Why? My boiler broke. I had to pay to get it fixed.

You're not going to die without your boiler, buddy.

Find in the constitution where it says healthcare is a right.

Show me where it isn't. The Constitution was written by a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and thought bleeding was a solid medical treatment.

Shows that you don’t get it. It’s less about that specific actress and more about the big picture of cancel culture.

There is no bigger picture. It's the same picture it has always been. You need to watch what you say if you want to keep your job. It's why USMB is such a joy, we can say whatever we want under fake names.

Explains why you barely make a mid to high five figure salary and brag about it

Actually, more like high, and frankly, I'm not a money grubbing...well, you know the rest.
My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

You're babbling, buddy.

Most of the world has universal health care, including your beloved Zionist Entity. America should do that, too. For no other reason than what we are doing doesn't work.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

Further tip: bring your own condom. Do NOT use hers, or leave her alone with yours.
So if a woman traps him it’s OK. Got it. So you’re not pro choice.

How could a woman trap him, exactly?

Why? My boiler broke. I had to pay to get it fixed.

You're not going to die without your boiler, buddy.

Find in the constitution where it says healthcare is a right.

Show me where it isn't. The Constitution was written by a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and thought bleeding was a solid medical treatment.

Shows that you don’t get it. It’s less about that specific actress and more about the big picture of cancel culture.

There is no bigger picture. It's the same picture it has always been. You need to watch what you say if you want to keep your job. It's why USMB is such a joy, we can say whatever we want under fake names.

Explains why you barely make a mid to high five figure salary and brag about it

Actually, more like high, and frankly, I'm not a money grubbing...well, you know the rest.
Without a boiler one could freeze and die. And if you don't know how women trap then you don't know women. You need to watch what you say unless its leftist mantra and then you can say whatever you want. Got it.
My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

You're babbling, buddy.

Most of the world has universal health care, including your beloved Zionist Entity. America should do that, too. For no other reason than what we are doing doesn't work.
Most? Link please. So out of all the countries you're saying MOST HAVE it? OK. Provide a link. What we have does not work hence we need free markets.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

Further tip: bring your own condom. Do NOT use hers, or leave her alone with yours.

So now we are removing all trust from all relationships. Is what it is.
Without a boiler one could freeze and die. And if you don't know how women trap then you don't know women. You need to watch what you say unless its leftist mantra and then you can say whatever you want. Got it.

Actually, as I pointed out in my other thread, leftists have paid equally high prices for their ill-chosen words... And you guys are fine with it.

I'm not sure how women "trap" men exactly. You mean they decide not to pump their bodies full of hormones? Frankly, you don't want to get a lady pregnant, you bring a rubber. In fact, you should be using a rubber anyway unless you are married.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

Further tip: bring your own condom. Do NOT use hers, or leave her alone with yours.

So now we are removing all trust from all relationships. Is what it is.

I am removing no trust from any relationships. The sort of relationships you and I are talking about, by definition, didn't have any trust in them to start with. For a relationship with trust in it, please see my Tip #3: Maybe don't have sex with a woman you wouldn't want to share a child with.
Without a boiler one could freeze and die. And if you don't know how women trap then you don't know women. You need to watch what you say unless its leftist mantra and then you can say whatever you want. Got it.

Actually, as I pointed out in my other thread, leftists have paid equally high prices for their ill-chosen words... And you guys are fine with it.

I'm not sure how women "trap" men exactly. You mean they decide not to pump their bodies full of hormones? Frankly, you don't want to get a lady pregnant, you bring a rubber. In fact, you should be using a rubber anyway unless you are married.
If a woman says I am on the pill? Hmmm....I am married and with children. So....

Examples of what you say about leftists getting cancelled. Thanks.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

Further tip: bring your own condom. Do NOT use hers, or leave her alone with yours.

So now we are removing all trust from all relationships. Is what it is.

I am removing no trust from any relationships. The sort of relationships you and I are talking about, by definition, didn't have any trust in them to start with. For a relationship with trust in it, please see my Tip #3: Maybe don't have sex with a woman you wouldn't want to share a child with.

Easier said than done....especially for young people. We need to be realistic but overall you’re correct.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

Further tip: bring your own condom. Do NOT use hers, or leave her alone with yours.

So now we are removing all trust from all relationships. Is what it is.

I am removing no trust from any relationships. The sort of relationships you and I are talking about, by definition, didn't have any trust in them to start with. For a relationship with trust in it, please see my Tip #3: Maybe don't have sex with a woman you wouldn't want to share a child with.

Easier said than done....especially for young people. We need to be realistic but overall you’re correct.

It always has been easier said than done. Same can be said for a lot of wise adult life decisions. It's only very recently that society started finding it "unrealistic" to expect people to either 1) make good decisions, or 2) take responsibility for the consequences.

Meanwhile, my other tips address the idea of "If you're not going to be smart enough to abide by Tip #3, then at least be as smart as you can about being dumb." And to address your earlier question, that means there most definitely is no trust in that relationship, because you've made the choice to have sex without having a decent relationship in place first. So at least don't be retarded enough to act as though there is, or should be, trust.

Right, left and or Center. We need to come together on this and tell the SJWs to pound sand. Bill Maher is a Democrat and frequently eviscerates Trump. But he and Trump agree on at least two facts. First is that endless wars are stupid. Second is that cancel culture is destroying America.

I expect assholes like JoeB, Mac and Candycorn to take the opposite view as they are shameless
Leftist assholes. But can rest of us agree on this please?

80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough.

Let’s unite against cancel culture

I have no taste for anything these democrats believe in. They make me puke.I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. All with advanced cases of what Joe has.


Marriage equality? What about the man’s right to choose? No such thing as a livable wage. Healthcare is a privilege not a right

1. Yes, marriage equality
2. When a man has to risk his life and health to carry a child, he can have a "choice".
3. Yes there is such a thing. How stupid.
4. Yes, that's how it IS in this country, but not how it should be.

1) What is marriage equality?
2) So a woman may trap a man and he doesn’t have a choice to walk away and sign away all rights and privileges but not be forced to pay a dime? Doesn’t sound like a choice?
3) Bullshit. What is that exactly? It’s different per state, county, city and town. There is no max on compensation if one is willing to work hard.
4) Why do you get to decide what is and is not a right? As far as I can tell ERs don’t turn people away.

1. It is what we have now thanks to the supreme court and despite the best efforts of Republicans to stop it from happening. In other words to “cancel“ it.

2. A woman cannot “trap” a man who wears a condom. Again for the cheap seats, Until a man can grow a uterus and risk his life and health to carry a child to term he doesn’t have a voice in a woman’s choice. He can offer his opinion but the ultimate decision is hers and hers alone.

3. You said there is no such thing as a living wage and that is a ridiculous statement. Of course there is such a thing and yes it does vary from state to state. The minimum wage is certainly not a living wage, not even close.

4. How about we let the majority decide? The majority believe that healthcare is a right not a privilege and believe that the government should help achieve that end.

My kids are the majority in our home. Should we allow them to make all the decisions? So you’re not pro choice. A man has zero choice. So a woman can poke a hole in the condom, trap him and he has zero choice. So you’re not really pro choice. Living wage is a leftist made up term. Why don’t we get free plumbing? It’s essential.

The man has a choice, he can choose not to pay and be a deadbeat dad. Until he can grow a womb and risk his life and health, he has no say in whether or not a woman has an abortion. When the fetus can be transferred to his man womb, he can have a say.

Living wage is a simple concept. You get paid enough to live on. We used to. You could have one person working one job and still afford to buy a home and send their children to college Impossible now.

It’s not free, simplistic troll, it’s single PAYER, as in everyone pays not just those of us with good insurance. ( You know, paying $10 for a single aspirin)

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