Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

Never. I rose to being as best as I could be and then quit for good.
I play guitar as my first instrument, but I have a serious case of keyboarditis.
Music is my therapy and escape from all this madness.
Got a Yamaha Motif XS6, a digital Mellotron M4000D, Moog Taurus1 bass pedals, and an arsenal of guitars.
Done with gigs, and the band faded away, but I will always play until my fingers sease!
Civil unrest. It's as American as apple pie. We've dealt with it many, many times in our history and it keeps happening because it kind of works for people shut out of the political process.
This is a perfect example of today's loonie left. Glorifying robbing a liquor store. Committing arson, carjacking and other street crime, "American as apple pie" ? NO, not hardly.

Law & order and PEACEFUL protest are what is "American" but leave it to the left to endorse crime, eliminate bail, let criminals walk free, and try to redefine America into the their sick image.

Good record & video. If anybody shows up at my house starting to thow a molotov cocktail my direction, a 12 gauge shotgun blast is what they'll get.
Whatever happens I will not have lived my life in fear. Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time.
Some things should be feared. That doesnt mean they can't be dealt with. That goes for street crime, as well as the criminals in the Biden White House, and his weaponized DOJ.
You missed the part of threatening to inflict vigilante justice on people?

Come on. You can lie better than that. The reason that you fascists love the song is specifically because it advocates lynching.
That is in YOUR mind (probably put there by PBS, and their endless footages of early civil rights struggles) Your programing shows up crystal clear. :rolleyes:
See? Here's another one proudly threatening violence.

It's what the right is now, violent brownshirt goons, and they want everyone to know it. They've lost at the ballot box, they've lost in the court of public opinion, so they see violence as their only option.
Another leftist with no sense of self-defense, A concept unkown to liberals.
The government did that, retard.
It's the whole song, dumbass.

"Got a gun that my granddad gave me"

You're threatening to shoot people. The whole song is threats to attack people they don't like. Vigilante action. Lynching.

Like I said, learn to lie better. You suck at it.

Will it help if I say I'm sorry for always humikliating you? I'm just wondering why you're perpetually triggered. Were you born such a little bitch, or did you work hard at it?

I get that the constant losing hurts, and that everyone laughing at you hurts. You need to get used to it. It's not like you're going to be losing any less in the future, or that people will stop highlighting your disgusting behavior.
Hey airhead liberal. I know this is hard for you to grasp, but there is a good reason why the founding fathers laid down the 2nd amendment for us, and why the US Supreme court backed them up. That is, that it is PROPER to shoot people who are attacking you, like lunatics in riots, or any other criminal danger scenario.

The song is not threatening attacks on people they don't like, it is against people who are commititing crime, and whom THEY are being threatened or attacked by. Get it ?
So, do you honestly think the choice of backdrop was just coincidence?
Who says he chose it specifically ? Maybe they just happened to be there. Could be they didnt even know there was a lynching there. Most people probably wouldn't.

I grew up in New York City. In the draft riots of 1863, when thousands of New Yorkers refused to be drafted in the army, and fight against the South, it's estimated that over 1000 blacks were lynched. I have no idea where a single one of those lynchings were.
A song about vigilante justice preformed in front of a place with a history of vigilante justice being preformed at could see seen a paying OBVIOUS homage is being paid to those events
It's not about vigilantism. It's about self-defense. And as I stated in Post # 465, they might have not even known there was a lynching at that place. Sounds like you're reading too much into it.
So, do you honestly think the choice of backdrop was just coincidence?
So, do you honestly think a high level recording artist doesn't use a production company, who takes a concept and then arranges locations and the mechanics of video production?

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