cancer and well meaning friends....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
seems to my friends i am not taking cancer seriously.....i am not sure what i can wants a 2nd opinion and i told her i got that with the pathology report...and the push for chemo....i do not want an oncologist at this stage...stage fucking zero....but i am being perceived as not taking it seriously...

so to others who have faced or facing do you deal with everyone telling ya what is best for you....i trust my doctor....i will do what he wants me to do
I think an oncologist is important.

but then again, three of my grandparents died of cancer and my mother is a 30 year breast cancer survivor.

it's like chicken soup. it can't hurt, dear.
seems to my friends i am not taking cancer seriously.....i am not sure what i can wants a 2nd opinion and i told her i got that with the pathology report...and the push for chemo....i do not want an oncologist at this stage...stage fucking zero....but i am being perceived as not taking it seriously...

so to others who have faced or facing do you deal with everyone telling ya what is best for you....i trust my doctor....i will do what he wants me to do

I don't know what kind of cancer you have. Some types are very aggressive and others are slow developing. It can't hurt to see an oncologist to get an opinion. Of course, it's your health and your life. But better to treat it now before it can spread. Best of luck to you. Learning you have cancer is not an easy thing to face.
stage 0....bladder cancer....i know it will come back and all...i just do not want to go to another specialist but i will ask in august...i dont care for doctors in general..and dont trust them mostly...i trust him...
just consult an oncologist and listen to what they have to say...

ask what your treatment options are and don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with.

sorry to hear you're going through this but don't put your head in the sand! :(
that is kinda his curse...i do trust him.....he listens to me...he likes stats i told him i didnt...he quit quoting them to me....when he is going into what he is going to do....sometimes i just dont wanna hear it....and tell him to stop talking...he does not hammer the word cancer but we both know it....the pathology reports give me the 2nd opinion...everyone is pushing bigger hospitals etc...bowman or duke... i like going somewhere were i know them and they know know i like the small town stuff....the billing agent son dated her niece that type of thing...its not just a huge rushed place.....i have been to duke with mil....i was not impressed...she was on the transplant ward and it was just odd....he speaks english and is easy on the eyes..i think he may be a yankee...not sure....kinda hard to blurt that i was one of his first patients...he joined the practice in jan operation was jan 27....the nurses were asking how to say his name....i said i wasnt sure but i could spell it....he is american with an odd name...when he tells me he will be back at certain window of time...he is not like the cable guy he shows up...he kinda gets me..when i was laying there telling him, my son and my husband that i was going home....ama....
he just laughed...and ignored me....hell we all knew i wasnt going anywhere...and i think i am a good experience for him.....i give him hell when he does something when he says "we" and we all know the nurse is gonna do all of it...i just feel i am at a good place with know me and that gut feeling
ahhh my head is not in the sand...I KNOW I HAVE CANCER....damn it....and i know that is not the soul of me..and i will not let it take over....not this early...not yet...and dont think i have given this a lot of is how i look at it...its like the skin cancer...remember i have that too.....and i go every 6 for this every 3 months but as i was feeling sorry for myself....i saw the dude who was going every 2 weeks....i was lucky i had people push me to go to the doctor and no hell that does not mean they are right to push me now....o fuck me i just handed yall the gun....i digress...i was lucky i had people who the point of making the appointment with the urologist and pcp did that ...i was willing to go with it was most likely nothing....but once they found the transitional was a full on push....o hell my phone...
o damn i take metformin .....*head banging*....he says it was most likley the ciggie smoking....

i am just gonna start rocking ...then curl up in the fetal position....
Use of metformin was not associated with a significantly decreased risk for bladder cancer at a median follow-up of about 2 years in the new study (hazard ratio
, 0.81; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60 – 1.09), say the authors. "In the UK's Health Improvement Network (THIN) patient population, we found no evidence for a decreased risk of bladder cancer in type 2 diabetes patients using metformin," they write.

But Peter T. Donnan, PhD, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics, population health sciences, University of Dundee, and codirector of Tayside Clinical Trials Unit, Scotland, disagrees. "The findings indicate a 19% reduction in hazard for bladder cancer associated with use of metformin. The value of the HR is not inconsistent with previous findings in individual studies as well as the 2 meta-analyses referenced in the paper," he told Medscape Medical News.

seems it will reduce the chances of a lot of cancers....the yin the yang....
seems to my friends i am not taking cancer seriously.....i am not sure what i can wants a 2nd opinion and i told her i got that with the pathology report...and the push for chemo....i do not want an oncologist at this stage...stage fucking zero....but i am being perceived as not taking it seriously...

so to others who have faced or facing do you deal with everyone telling ya what is best for you....i trust my doctor....i will do what he wants me to do

Stage zero is not something you'd want to go through chemo for. They usually get the tumors with surgery anyway. If it gets really bad you can get away with them taking part of your bladder.

There is a very invasive surgery for end stage bladder cancer but you aren't near that. If it ever comes to that, get several opinions before you let them do that. Bladder cancer can be treated as long as you're doing exactly what you are doing. They can find tumors 8 months out and those are good odds.

Don't be afraid, you've been through a lot already.
thanks sarah....i really needed that.....she gets rep the rest of yall..can get fucked....(does not really mean that...just having a pity party and i am sorry i invited yall lol)
sarah that is pretty much his view....and the dude doing all the research on growing new bladders is in winston salem but that is a ways off...but there are things being done by leaps and bounds...
sarah that is pretty much his view....and the dude doing all the research on growing new bladders is in winston salem but that is a ways off...but there are things being done by leaps and bounds...

You have Duke University there. Excellent research going on in a lot of categories. My sis was there for many years doing Parkinsons research. Stay calm, you're doing great! :D
thanks sarah....i really needed that.....she gets rep the rest of yall..can get fucked....(does not really mean that...just having a pity party and i am sorry i invited yall lol)

:lol: sorry maybe that was a bad analogy for not consulting an oncologist but i have ostriches on the brain lately... *wink

Risk Factors


Taking a certain diabetes medication. People who take the diabetes medication pioglitazone (Actos) for more than a year may have an increased risk of bladder cancer. Other diabetes medications contain pioglitazone, including pioglitazone and metformin (Actoplus Met) and pioglitazone and glimepiride (Duetact).

Bladder cancer Risk factors - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

I saw that on an ad, there's a class action suit going for people with bladder cancer who've taken Actos. If these Republicans would let loose of some research money, we'd be a lot further than we are with some of these cancers.
seems to my friends i am not taking cancer seriously.....i am not sure what i can wants a 2nd opinion and i told her i got that with the pathology report...and the push for chemo....i do not want an oncologist at this stage...stage fucking zero....but i am being perceived as not taking it seriously...

so to others who have faced or facing do you deal with everyone telling ya what is best for you....i trust my doctor....i will do what he wants me to do

Seems to me that you are going about this with a very good positive attitude.
Your friends should keep their mouths shut if they don't understand this.
You are doing the right thing and you keep up the good attitude and follow your Doctors advise.
Most friends are well meaning, but sometimes it just is not right what they say when they don't really understand.
Perhaps you need to help them understand. :smiliehug:
A positive attitude is not about, not taking your cancer seriously.

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