Cancer Cures

A certain Dr. Taylor went into the ghettos of London to ask of Africans what folk remedy was used for tuberculosis, coming upon the constituents from Pelargonia (a Geranium). The doctor was black-balled by the establishment. Nevertheless, decades later Taylor was exonerated when it was discovered that pelargonidin is a planar molecule that can penetrate the membrane of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the thickest biological membrane known.
There are a lot of those old golden bits of info out there. Its wonderful to see someone that has that educational background and 'understanding' willing to put it together and update where others can see it.
Yesterday in Wisconsin there was a poster-session advocating online med learning, and we agree: we can see them hollering about vaccines, but if you break your elderly trochanter, you die of pneumonia before it gets fixed. Badger took the pneumonia vaccine.
Dr. Taylor's Pelargonium does not end with tuberculosis. In fact, we will retain any relationships between bacteria and cancer, for the pharmacist and mycologist, Patouillard, describes Sphaeropsis pelargonii, thus linking tuberculosis to melanoma:

Narcisse Theophile Patouillard

We instantly (if not sooner) choose Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash's ocular tuberculosis for today's trajectory, because the Mimaqs as Indigenes in the Western Hemkisphere goes back 12,000 years. As we will show, the Australian aboriginal tree will link even more tightly to melanoma and the testing for susceptibility of the mc1r gene.
Yesterday in Wisconsin there was a poster-session advocating online med learning, and we agree: we can see them hollering about vaccines, but if you break your elderly trochanter, you die of pneumonia before it gets fixed. Badger took the pneumonia vaccine.
I prefer the re-establishing the immune system route via nutrition, clean water and herbs. For now that seems to be working out very well, its just a process of time and learning.
In the type of break we've mentioned, immune systems and clean water can't do much about complications with the popliteal artery and ventilator-induced pneumonia.
At any rate, it is found on Pelargonium zonale, which will now link the chemistry of that plant to the pines linked to anit-melanoma activity.
In the type of break we've mentioned, immune systems and clean water can't do much about complications with the popliteal artery and ventilator-induced pneumonia.
Agreed, the restoration process started too late won't work.

Not sure if it will help but I tried this on some damaged areas from my childhood that just showed up in the last ten years. I had fallen hard and my knee hit first last year. I had Rod go pick a batch of plantago both long leaf, the greater plantago and citrus peels. Boiled it just enough to make the leaves pliable in order to apply them to the areas bruised. It worked wonderfully. A few days later I took those leftovers and added a handful of Elderberry plant leaves and applied that poultice to the area where old injuries were (bulged vessels and broken veins) for a few hours. That also did wonders so I am going to try that once more when the Elder leaves are fully set this year to see if it will clear those areas some more.
Broren veins, bulged vessels, all go into the angiogenesis file, and there are genes involved. Poultice technology must go further, more forensic nowadays, and caryophyllene is up for today's posts. Therefore, mouse-ear chickweed will be scientifically named and its constituents listed (as many as possible). Thus, the story of the Tennessee herbalist who made a poultice of "mouse-ear" to apply to the abscess on a certain wife of a man who, after the healing of the abscess, gave the herbalist a gift of a horse. We wish to find out where and when this occurred, we no longer have the citation for the story.
Broren veins, bulged vessels, all go into the angiogenesis file, and there are genes involved. Poultice technology must go further, more forensic nowadays, and caryophyllene is up for today's posts. Therefore, mouse-ear chickweed will be scientifically named and its constituents listed (as many as possible). Thus, the story of the Tennessee herbalist who made a poultice of "mouse-ear" to apply to the abscess on a certain wife of a man who, after the healing of the abscess, gave the herbalist a gift of a horse. We wish to find out where and when this occurred, we no longer have the citation for the story.
Interesting. I could try some chickweed next try out. The little veins bulged are from a Bull Whipping experience where I stood between the whip being brutally used against my beloved Donkey for a Brat's sick pleasures.
If you can verify that Sphaeropsis blight was the cause of the trees dying, then we must take a closer look at UVC radiation, because the Colorado Plateau has the highest amount of naturally-ocurring background radiation in the U.S.
I'll see if I can get some close-up photos if it has anything left of it. There is only one tree left in that row of Pines I have watched die-off. Its not real close to a farmed area and the trees have died off from the northwest to the southeast in that row.
2016 Hebei Province, China, First Report

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