Candace Owens marries British Tory peer's son after whirlwind eight-month romance LOVE bridesmaids!

I remain skeptical about Candace Owens. She says the correct things but words can be cheap. Let's see what happens. Meanwhile, there are black conservatives who are sincere and we know this. Let's see what happens with Owens. The truth will out.

You would not like real black conservatives. And how does a white person determine what is the correct things blacks are supposed to say? Candace Owens is a sellout. And that's why you "conservatives" love her
I remain skeptical about Candace Owens. She says the correct things but words can be cheap. Let's see what happens. Meanwhile, there are black conservatives who are sincere and we know this. Let's see what happens with Owens. The truth will out.
Skeptical about what specifically?

She was engaging in some decidedly anti-conservative stuff quite recently. And then had a really sudden turn around. It can happen, sure. But I prefer to let things marinate before I make up my mind on "sudden conversions" like that
That's true with a lot of the young millennial "conservatives." We're all, to some degree a product of our environment. That's why the Founding Fathers, as best I understand them, are my standard.
I remain skeptical about Candace Owens. She says the correct things but words can be cheap. Let's see what happens. Meanwhile, there are black conservatives who are sincere and we know this. Let's see what happens with Owens. The truth will out.
Skeptical about what specifically?

She was engaging in some decidedly anti-conservative stuff quite recently. And then had a really sudden turn around. It can happen, sure. But I prefer to let things marinate before I make up my mind on "sudden conversions" like that
Candace Owens is fake.
Racist sez wha? Cooning? Really?

Does IM2 or Paul Essien know about "cooning"?
Biff is no racist and I know what he was referring to. Candice Owens is the current poster child for it. She replaced Ben Carson.

LOLz. This is why we laugh when you Progtards talk about "racism" FDR was your Hero, LBJ "Son when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court I want everyone to know he's a ******" is your hero and a scumbag who talks about "Cooning" is worth defending

You're a fucking joke

No you're the joke bitch. You defend Candace Owens because she says what your afflicted with white fragility ass desperately needs to hear. Biff is not white and aside from you wanting us to join the party of Abe "Send em back to Africa" Lincoln, Barry "fuck the civil rights act" Goldwater , Richard "southern strategy" Nixon, Ronald "I'll start my presidential campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi even though I'm from California" Reagan, GHW "Willie Horton" Bush and Donald "shithole countries" Trump, he is right about that sellout Owens.
Oh knee grow please! Your race card was maxxed out a generation ago!

You pwn yourself with each post defending "cooning"

I don't listen to the race of people who have used the race card since 7-4-1776.

You only like Owens because she validates your racism. You own yourself every time you defend blacks like her.

You hate Candace because she left the plantation

Why can't she be happy being 100% dependent on the government?
I remain skeptical about Candace Owens. She says the correct things but words can be cheap. Let's see what happens. Meanwhile, there are black conservatives who are sincere and we know this. Let's see what happens with Owens. The truth will out.
There are sincere black conservatives but they are not treated as rock stars like Candace and Diamond and Silk....why is that??

Oh I know why, because those sincere conservatives don't buckdance and put on a minstrel show for the entertainment of closet racists..

There is a reason why Candace Owens ducks and runs from debating actual progressives who know their shit like Sam Seder or Kyle Kulinski. At Politicon, even Candace's own people admitted Candace was not ready to debate someone of their caliber -- because they know she would be exposed
You guys fall for sellouts because of your white fragility. You NEED to hear someone black who will co-sign your perceptions of blacks today. Here you have Candace Owens who tells you racism is over, that white supremacists don't exist, that blacks should take responsibility and stop being victims who blame whites for racism, expecting whites to give them something for it.

Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500

This is a case where Candace Owens was awarded a settlement of $37,500 for being a victim of the racism she says does not exist. When you decide to follow blacks like this, you show us just how desperate you are to hang on to your racism.
I remain skeptical about Candace Owens. She says the correct things but words can be cheap. Let's see what happens. Meanwhile, there are black conservatives who are sincere and we know this. Let's see what happens with Owens. The truth will out.
There are sincere black conservatives but they are not treated as rock stars like Candace and Diamond and Silk....why is that??

Oh I know why, because those sincere conservatives don't buckdance and put on a minstrel show for the entertainment of closet racists..

There is a reason why Candace Owens ducks and runs from debating actual progressives who know their shit like Sam Seder or Kyle Kulinski. At Politicon, even Candace's own people admitted Candace was not ready to debate someone of their caliber -- because they know she would be exposed

I don't know anything about these imaginary "debates" but I doubt there's a single Progressive on the planet that Candace won't debate
You guys fall for sellouts because of your white fragility. You NEED to hear someone black who will co-sign your perceptions of blacks today. Here you have Candace Owens who tells you racism is over, that white supremacists don't exist, that blacks should take responsibility and stop being victims who blame whites for racism, expecting whites to give them something for it.

Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500

This is a case where Candace Owens was awarded a settlement of $37,500 for being a victim of the racism she says does not exist. When you decide to follow blacks like this, you show us just how desperate you are to hang on to your racism.

What's your point? She was threatened and she sued....and that means she's racist?
Cheers to them. Hopefully they'll have many happy years together!
Biff is no racist and I know what he was referring to. Candice Owens is the current poster child for it. She replaced Ben Carson.

LOLz. This is why we laugh when you Progtards talk about "racism" FDR was your Hero, LBJ "Son when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court I want everyone to know he's a ******" is your hero and a scumbag who talks about "Cooning" is worth defending

You're a fucking joke

No you're the joke bitch. You defend Candace Owens because she says what your afflicted with white fragility ass desperately needs to hear. Biff is not white and aside from you wanting us to join the party of Abe "Send em back to Africa" Lincoln, Barry "fuck the civil rights act" Goldwater , Richard "southern strategy" Nixon, Ronald "I'll start my presidential campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi even though I'm from California" Reagan, GHW "Willie Horton" Bush and Donald "shithole countries" Trump, he is right about that sellout Owens.
Oh knee grow please! Your race card was maxxed out a generation ago!

You pwn yourself with each post defending "cooning"

I don't listen to the race of people who have used the race card since 7-4-1776.

You only like Owens because she validates your racism. You own yourself every time you defend blacks like her.

You hate Candace because she left the plantation

Why can't she be happy being 100% dependent on the government?

Candace Owens marries British Tory peer's son after whirlwind eight-month romance LOVE bridesmaids!

Owens is on the plantation.

Candace is the modern Harriet Tubman leading blacks off of the democrat Plantation of inter-generational government dependency.
and runs from debating actual progressives who know their shit like Sam Seder or Kyle Kulinski
Who????? The world wants to know
Yea, I forgot I am typing to an idiot who doesn't know what political debate is...

But all of your conservative idols who you get your talking points from, they know who Sam is...

And as much as you hate Omar, AOC, Talib, Ayanna Pressley, or as they are also called, Justice Democrats....then you should really hate Kyle Kulinski, since he started the Justice Democrats political action pack that got all of those folks elected.

Oh, here is Kyle toying with one of your "black conservatives"

and runs from debating actual progressives who know their shit like Sam Seder or Kyle Kulinski
Who????? The world wants to know
Yea, I forgot I am typing to an idiot who doesn't know what political debate is...

But all of your conservative idols who you get your talking points from, they know who Sam is...

And as much as you hate Omar, AOC, Talib, Ayanna Pressley, or as they are also called, Justice Democrats....then you should really hate Kyle Kulinski, since he started the Justice Democrats political action pack that got all of those folks elected.

Oh, here is Kyle toying with one of your "black conservatives"

LOL! Jesse didn't even know that he was supposed to "debate" Is this the same standard for Candace?
Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Urban Dictionary: cooning


Is IM2 cooning by pretending to be clean and articulate, Biff_Poindexter ?
and runs from debating actual progressives who know their shit like Sam Seder or Kyle Kulinski
Who????? The world wants to know
Yea, I forgot I am typing to an idiot who doesn't know what political debate is...

But all of your conservative idols who you get your talking points from, they know who Sam is...

And as much as you hate Omar, AOC, Talib, Ayanna Pressley, or as they are also called, Justice Democrats....then you should really hate Kyle Kulinski, since he started the Justice Democrats political action pack that got all of those folks elected.

Oh, here is Kyle toying with one of your "black conservatives"

LOL! Jesse didn't even know that he was supposed to "debate" Is this the same standard for Candace?

Jesse asked him to come on the show to debate him you dunce.....

Jesse is one of the few conservatives who isn't afraid to debate a progressive -- because he doesn't care if he gets destroyed because he isn't there to win a debate, he is there to buckdance and minstrel....

By the way, Jesse Lee also called out conservatives like Candace and others for dodging debates with Sam.....Do you know how chicken shit you have to be for one of your own conservative cheerleaders to call you out?? Now is this when you turn on Jesse Lee??
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Candace is the modern Harriet Tubman leading blacks off of the democrat Plantation of inter-generational government dependency.
Whites have been dependent on the government since 1776.
Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Urban Dictionary: cooning


Is IM2 cooning by pretending to be clean and articulate, Biff_Poindexter ?

When a brother posts up a quote from John Henrik Clarke, I suggest that a dumb white like yourself do your level best to not challenge him. Biff has done that. He is way too knowledgeable for you.

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