Candice vs. Trump The Old Man

The conservatives vs. vaccines? Looks to me like there is spat between good vs. bad vs. evil.
Trump is falling from the graces of the GOP for his stance on the Covid 19 vaccine as Candice Owens is not liking the former President right now. Trump has voiced his opinion that vaccines are good and work.

She has a point. Trump is "old" and he says vaccines are good. She is young and an anti-vaxxer.

"In a video Owens posted on social media, she explained that Trump was an "old" person who came from a generation where people believed the advice of medical professionals."

"People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is," she said. "He comes from a generation -- I've seen a lot of people who are older, have the exact same perspective, like, they came from a time before TV, before internet, before being able to conduct independent research. And everything they read to them that was in a newspaper that was pitched to them, they believed that that was a reality."

Is Candace saying Mr. Trump is washed up and no longer relevant to the GOP?
Old vs. young.

Not everyone who is FauxiFlu vax hesitant is a "conservative" and/or a Trumpster, Captain Broadbrush.

I swear, you bedwetting freaks would wash out of middle school debate club.
Nobody with two brain cells to rub together cares about your fucking fan fiction agitprop, moonbat.

You'd be better off standing around on street corners pamphleteering for commies, like Lee Oswald.
I'm telling ya, the cult has become cultier than the cult leader himself.

He's just hanging on for the ride at this point. The loons are running the show.
You need to be reminded that loons are better parents than all other species on the planet, and their offspring will develop a new offspring set as good as did the most recent set. All you need to do is visit a river or pond park where loons gather. They are wonderful parents.
She's a drop out.

And yet, still more famous than you. Has anyone ever heard of you, aside from being someone on an obscure internet discussion board? "Candace Owens" gets 2,530,000 hits on a Goggle search. "Surada" only gets 1,980,000 hits on Google, none of which are about you.

The conservatives vs. vaccines? Looks to me like there is spat between good vs. bad vs. evil.
Trump is falling from the graces of the GOP for his stance on the Covid 19 vaccine as Candice Owens is not liking the former President right now. Trump has voiced his opinion that vaccines are good and work.

She has a point. Trump is "old" and he says vaccines are good. She is young and an anti-vaxxer.

"In a video Owens posted on social media, she explained that Trump was an "old" person who came from a generation where people believed the advice of medical professionals."

"People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is," she said. "He comes from a generation -- I've seen a lot of people who are older, have the exact same perspective, like, they came from a time before TV, before internet, before being able to conduct independent research. And everything they read to them that was in a newspaper that was pitched to them, they believed that that was a reality."

Is Candace saying Mr. Trump is washed up and no longer relevant to the GOP?
Old vs. young.

Her name is idiot. She is saying they are from different generations and have different perspectives. Correct.
I'm telling ya, the cult has become cultier than the cult leader himself.

He's just hanging on for the ride at this point. The loons are running the show.
Good thing that you don't project.....Much! :laughing0301:

Candace Owens has a differing opinion than Donald Trump when it comes to vaccinations. So what?

We are not mindless robot automatons, unlike leftists, that demand utter compliance and acquiescence
to the official edicts of party leaders. That's how people with free will operate.
Try it, sometime.

Unlike leftists we can disagree without being disagreeable, by and large.
Prez Trump definitely had some sound strategies for sure. Candace is right though as in all reality prez Trump is definitely too old for the potus position, as is current potus Joe Biden(oldest potus ever). Prez Ron Reagan's only drawback was his age as far as the vast bulk of the American constituency was concerned back then. We need elected officials in the 35 to 45 age range that can relate to BOTH ends of the American constituencies age range(18 yrs old - ???). There simply is absolutely no good reasons available that would support voting senior citizens into an elected office let alone the office of potus. Personally I would prefer to see a cutoff age of 50 set for the max age to stand for any federal office(along with term limits). States, counties, boroughs, cities/towns would be the exception as the federal government is strictly limited in it's authority within the states thanks to the American constituencies federal Constitution!
What was this sound strategy trump had?

50 should not be a cut off age. When you get to 50 you'll understand that.

80 years olds are still running corporations. You get smarter as you get older in most cases.
Candace Owens has a differing opinion than Donald Trump when it comes to vaccinations. So what?

We are not mindless robot automatons, unlike leftists, that demand utter compliance and acquiescence
to the official edicts of party leaders. That's how people with free will operate.
Try it, sometime.

Unlike leftists we can disagree without being disagreeable, by and large.
Owens is mindlessly repeating anti vax bullshit.
The conservatives vs. vaccines? Looks to me like there is spat between good vs. bad vs. evil.
Trump is falling from the graces of the GOP for his stance on the Covid 19 vaccine as Candice Owens is not liking the former President right now. Trump has voiced his opinion that vaccines are good and work.

She has a point. Trump is "old" and he says vaccines are good. She is young and an anti-vaxxer.

"In a video Owens posted on social media, she explained that Trump was an "old" person who came from a generation where people believed the advice of medical professionals."

"People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is," she said. "He comes from a generation -- I've seen a lot of people who are older, have the exact same perspective, like, they came from a time before TV, before internet, before being able to conduct independent research. And everything they read to them that was in a newspaper that was pitched to them, they believed that that was a reality."

Is Candace saying Mr. Trump is washed up and no longer relevant to the GOP?
Old vs. young.

Fuck Candace Owens, lmao.
Holy cow. .. a generation that believes medical professionals? She said that?

Where did this Candace person go to school?

I hate to disagree with you, but it is not hard to understand how vaccines work, by the T-cells in our bone marrow storing information about a previous pathogen, for future reference.
And since these mRNA vaccines only cause your own cells to start growing spike proteins, that can NOT possibly ever cause anything to get stored in your immune system.
If you were to think that maybe the immune system could store something about the spike proteins, that does not at all work.
That is because our own exosomes have to use the same spike proteins, for the same reason, to get the ACE2 receptors in our cells to open and let the exosomes in, just like they let the covid virus in when it puts a spike protein into the receptor.

So then these mRNA vaccines have to be totally fake.
They do appear to temporarily increase antibody production for a while, but less than 6 months.
And the case being that we need immunity to end the epidemic, not just a temporary treatment for 6 months, then these vaccines are essentially useless to end the epidemic.
So then we need to switch back to herd immunity through recover.

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