Can't The US do better than Donald Trump or Joe Biden

Pretty frustrating. We maintain a system that keeps spitting out crap, and we don't fix the system. Congress maintains a 20% approval rating, yet 90%-plus of them keep getting re-elected.

Worse, there are many who DEFEND this, because they LIKE caveman politics.

However far we end up falling, it will have been a self-inflicted wound, that's for sure.
As a biden voter you are part of the failed system
So what?

Some of the best most effective CEO's of all time have been narcissists.

I know a guy, he's an actual biological psychopath, and he's also an MD and a professor of medicine in the UC system. He is "high functioning". He makes valuable contributions to the field. Not everyone likes him. If you ask him about it, he says "yeah, I'm kind of an asshole". lol (not, but yeah)
OK, pathological narcissism. Wouldn’t want your friend to be president either.
OK, pathological narcissism. Wouldn’t want your friend to be president either.

You want to talk about pathological?

TDS is pathological.

Every president who ever lived has been a con man and a charlatan.

There is nothing different about Donald Trump

Pretty frustrating. We maintain a system that keeps spitting out crap, and we don't fix the system. Congress maintains a 20% approval rating, yet 90%-plus of them keep getting re-elected.
Because people keep voting for them.
Worse, there are many who DEFEND this, because they LIKE caveman politics.
Do you vote for them?
However far we end up falling, it will have been a self-inflicted wound, that's for sure.

I agree with you. The system needs changing. But if voters don't have the balls or the brains to simply say 'no' to shitty candidates, what makes you think we'll be able to reform the system?

This is me being negative - but apparently we like it this way.
You want to talk about pathological?

TDS is pathological.

Every president who ever lived has been a con man and a charlatan.

There is nothing different about Donald Trump

He’s the only president that’s led an insurrection.
So what?

Some of the best most effective CEO's of all time have been narcissists.

I know a guy, he's an actual biological psychopath, and he's also an MD and a professor of medicine in the UC system. He is "high functioning". He makes valuable contributions to the field. Not everyone likes him. If you ask him about it, he says "yeah, I'm kind of an asshole". lol (not, but yeah)
And I agree with you so much as I've had asshole bosses that got things done though! In a lot of decisions it takes a personality that doesn't give a crap as to whether they are "LIKED"! This is the problem with many people they want nicey-nice president and many Democrats think this was the best President but he was considered pompous, aloof and definitely a personality!
Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 10.49.43 AM.png
Our goal is he will never be in the White House again.
So is your goal than to have someone in the WH that will KEEP the $1.6 million salary that Trump donated to charity? That's your goal?
Is your goal to have a person who is likable, goes along to get along, does what puppet masters want the person to do? You want someone who believes the Federal government RUNS everything including telling you what car to buy?
The government owns more than 650,000 vehicles and purchases about 50,000 annually. Biden's executive order said that light-duty vehicles acquired by the government will be emission-free by 2027.
By the way each of the 650,000 vehicles becoming EVs will require 0.346kWh to travel 1 mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
So the average government mail vehicle travels 25 miles per day or would use about 9 kWh per day or 5 days/weekX52 weeks X 230,000 postal service vehicles or 517,270,000 kWh. This amounts to about 1.2% of the total 4.165 trillion kWh generated. and that's just the mail trucks.
See attached for the real world of the future with EVs.
two points immediately struck my attention:
First of all who says these events are related to recent climate change? YOU? Who are you?
You wrote:higher instance of catastrophic hurricanes the past few years,
Where is your proof of catastrophic hurricanes?
23 of the top 36 hurricanes occurred in the 20th century. Many before "climate change" made the MSM attention! Again you have to remember BAD NEWS SELLS ADVERTISINGS!!!

As of March 2022, there have been 1,631 tropical cyclones of at least tropical storm intensity, and 935 of hurricane intensity within the Atlantic Ocean since 1851, the first Atlantic hurricane season to be included in the official Atlantic tropical cyclone record
You didn't know that did you? And almost all the people before the Internet may not have known early 2,500 tropical/hurricanes since 1851! How many more before that? Check out this page:
Now for your second comment: drought throughout the world
Scientists have identified 13 major drought episodes—when 10 percent or more of the country is in drought—that affected the United States between 1900 and 2014. Of these, 11 covered 10 percent or more of the United States (excepting Alaska and Hawaii) for at least 90 percent of their duration.

Directly from the above government source:
Drought is a normal climate pattern that has occurred in varying degrees of length, severity, and size throughout history.

Tree ring archives indicate that agricultural droughts such as those that happened in the United States during the 1930s Dust Bowl era have occurred occasionally over the last 2,000 years, and climate model simulations suggest that droughts that may last several years to even decades occur naturally in the southwestern U.S.

Now I didn't look at your 15 page summary but what you wrote about it being so scientific..5 to 10 years utilizes many more metrics...
Question: Do they go back 2,000 years for example as the above mentioned "over the last 2,000 years"?
My whole point of showing just these 2 points is that most "scientists" that believe in "global warming" (NOTE I'm using the old fashion term because it is too specific to be substantiated so it is more woke to say "climate change") don't seem to answer one simple question that maybe you ElmerMudd can answer.
Why in North pole is there 90 billion barrels of oil from animals and plants (diatoms) that lived millions of years in the Arctic circle?" Why Is There So Much Oil in the Arctic?
The Arctic Ocean used to be so warm it was practically Mediterranean, an international drilling team has found. Although the Earth was known to have warmed rapidly 55 million years ago, no one had expected to find evidence of such high temperatures so close to the North Pole.

Finally... I'm not saying this... experts are! Droughts occurred 2,000 years ago. The The Arctic Ocean used to be so warm it was practically Mediterranean, so why does the MSM keep pushing "Global warming"???
the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.
If You look hard enough you will find a scientist and empirical data that proves the earth is flat.
As with all science you must look at multiple sources, multiple studies to help make a correct decision.

Dude - it is illegal to practice psychiatry without a license.

Anything less is pop psychology. Lots of people toss around words they don't understand. They pick em up from Cosmo, Vanity Fair, even Penthouse.

Please, get this through your thick leftie head:


No one wants your values.

Please, keep your values to yourself.

Republicans like Liz Cheney get trounced at the polls because their values are too much like yours. When you say "moral compass" you mean the needle is pointing in YOUR deviant direction.
The immoral do not want to think or discuss morality.
No one is perfectly moral. There are degrees of morality. The most immoral among us are driving Trumpism and ultimately the Republican party.
So is your goal than to have someone in the WH that will KEEP the $1.6 million salary that Trump donated to charity? That's your goal?
Is your goal to have a person who is likable, goes along to get along, does what puppet masters want the person to do? You want someone who believes the Federal government RUNS everything including telling you what car to buy?
The government owns more than 650,000 vehicles and purchases about 50,000 annually. Biden's executive order said that light-duty vehicles acquired by the government will be emission-free by 2027.
By the way each of the 650,000 vehicles becoming EVs will require 0.346kWh to travel 1 mile. Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
So the average government mail vehicle travels 25 miles per day or would use about 9 kWh per day or 5 days/weekX52 weeks X 230,000 postal service vehicles or 517,270,000 kWh. This amounts to about 1.2% of the total 4.165 trillion kWh generated. and that's just the mail trucks.
See attached for the real world of the future with EVs.

View attachment 704511
Trump made 2.4 billion dollars while President. Millions were made because government agencies used Trump properties and services. Foreign governments used and government contractors used Trump properties and services to gain favor with the President.
The fact you bring up Trump donating his salary as one of his positives is beyond a joke. No President has come close to making money off the government, our tax dollars, than Trump.
You are a true Trump cult member. You cannot think for yourself. You spend your life trying to make Trump look good. You use alternative truths and lies to do so.

Trump made 2.4 billion dollars while President. Millions were made because government agencies used Trump properties and services. Foreign governments used and government contractors used Trump properties and services to gain favor with the President.
The fact you bring up Trump donating his salary as one of his positives is beyond a joke. No President has come close to making money off the government, our tax dollars, than Trump.
You are a true Trump cult member. You cannot think for yourself. You spend your life trying to make Trump look good. You use alternative truths and lies to do so.

Are you upset?
He’s the only president that’s led an insurrection.

Donal Trump did not lead or participate in any riot.

There is ZERO evidence to that effect, much as there was zero evidence for any of the other bullshit you assholes tried to throw at him.

That's why he's still walking around free and he might very well become president again.

You guys failed. Badly. Chew on that for a while


That word "ignores" is medically and scientifically incorrect

It's pop psychology

I will educate your sorry ignorant ass, if you wish.

For a nominal service charge.

You can make a donation to this board, that'll work. :)
You don't need to be a medical doctor to see these qualities in a human. consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others, describes Trump.
You do not have the intelligence to make these observations yourself. You let Trump define your truth because you cannot do it yourself.
The immoral do not want to think or discuss morality.
No one is perfectly moral. There are degrees of morality. The most immoral among us are driving Trumpism and ultimately the Republican party.
Fuck you.

No one wants YOUR moral compass.

And you would t know mine.

Fuck off with your idiotic mudslinging, asinine leftard.

Don't you get it? This shit is costing you elections. It's going to cost you this one for sure. SIXTY seats, it's going to cost you

Some people never learn
You don't need to be a medical doctor to see these qualities in a human. consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others, describes Trump.
You do not have the intelligence to make these observations yourself. You let Trump define your truth because you cannot do it yourself.

You are totally, completely full of shit
two points immediately struck my attention:
First of all who says these events are related to recent climate change? YOU? Who are you?
Hey there, nobody. Read how folks like the IPCC, NASA, and NOAA define these terms and why. Read how dictionaries define them. Notice how none appear to give a shit that you may have a different, poorly substantiated opinion. People tend to bark those out their pie holes every day. If you truly believe that specialists, after long studying and working within the climate science realm, generally know far less about it than than you do, hwell then.. Who are you again?

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