Can't We Solve Illegal Immigration Ourselves?

Uh, no they're not. Most are here with proper credentials. There are however a great deal of immigrants from Latin America who use the underground to give them IDs and papers. These people will work for a year, go back home, get another ID and set of papers and then begin fresh again. It IS a scam for sure, but their pay checks are hit with whatever taxes we all get stuck for and they will never receive benefits. They also go without medical insurance as well because they need the money.

I learned this from direct experience over two years.
Check ICE raids. They show a different picture
Damn, you are one intelligent debater. How come I've never seen anyone clicking you any love and putting you on that board of folks who get the most approval? It's a mystery.
It's hilariously sad how you constantly tell on yourself, in this case how much importance you put in the opinion of others. Exactly as I said your children do when they succumb to the pressures of popular black culture. Like parents like children I suppose. 😄
It's hilariously sad how you constantly tell on yourself, in this case how much importance you put in the opinion of others. Exactly as I said your children do when they succumb to the pressures of popular black culture. Like parents like children I suppose. 😄
It's hilariously sad how you constantly tell on yourself, in this case how much importance you put in the opinion of others. Exactly as I said your children do when they succumb to the pressures of popular black culture. Like parents like children I suppose. 😄
Some Canadian truckers.

What did those truckers accomplish? Where's their victory? Are those losers who you model yourself after? 😄
They kept a lot of food from getting to the tables of people (and I use the term loosely) like you. They'll keep a lot more of you fuckers hungry.

That reminds me, I need to go and donate to the convoy.
Nice looking large white South Dakota family.

View attachment 605512
If you say so... they look like standard red necks to me. Looks like if they stay out any longer in the sun we could line them up on a runway and use them to guide in planes. 😄

Me, I turn a nice golden caramel. It really makes my hazel green eyes pop.
They kept a lot of food from getting to the tables of people (and I use the term loosely) like you. They'll keep a lot more of you fuckers hungry.

That reminds me, I need to go and donate to the convoy.
So how many Canadians did they starve out? What are the numbers? 😄
If you say so... they look like standard red necks to me. Looks like if they stay out any longer in the sun we could line them up on a runway and use them to guide in planes. 😄

Me, I turn a nice golden caramel. It really makes my hazel green eyes pop.

So how many Canadians did they starve out? What are the numbers? 😄

Hey, I love being a redneck. And I laugh at folks like you who think that the word is actually an insult to us. Being redneck is about pride and strength, something that you, someone who believes you can genocide a people who disagree with you, will never understand. You know, morals and standards and all that cow-fucker shit.

But by all means, please keep up your silly tirade because I'm in the house because of the weather and enjoying the free entertainment immensely.

Keep it coming. I'm having a delightful afternoon chatting with you.

And, by the way, I AM the person who got you banned from that other board for your racism. It felt good.
Yes,.. I am. The illegals are MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!! Why aren't you dumbasses focusing on that part instead of focusing on the fact that we want to destroy people who are destroying our people? You are just so fucking stupid it's seriously unbelievable. :rolleyes:

My Lord and Savior is getting ready to return and He's going to be weeding people out too so He's telling us to bring it on when it comes to the right to protect and defend ourselves.

Yes it is,.. the stupid coming from you people just keeps getting clearer and clearer. This is a lot more serious than illegal immigrants taking our jobs,.. they're taking our lives!! And until people start arming themselves because that old fart sleepy Joe and his dumb administration is not going to do a damn thing about it then it's only going to get worse and worse!!! If I risk going to prison for wanting to save my country and my people then lock me up and throw away the key!!!

My God you are a fool.
If you say so... they look like standard red necks to me. Looks like if they stay out any longer in the sun we could line them up on a runway and use them to guide in planes. 😄

Me, I turn a nice golden caramel. It really makes my hazel green eyes pop.

So how many Canadians did they starve out? What are the numbers? 😄
Trolling Trolling Trolling keep them lefties Trolling Raw Hide. Burning Looting Murdering. Ignoring everything in between. Rawhide.

Trolling Trolling Trolling
Trolling Trolling Trolling keep them lefties Trolling Raw Hide. Burning Looting Murdering. Ignoring everything in between. Rawhide.

Trolling Trolling Trolling
Funny. Rawhide is how what imagine white racists have watching immigrants come in and take their country from them. 😄
Trolling Trolling Trolling keep them lefties Trolling Raw Hide. Burning Looting Murdering. Ignoring everything in between. Rawhide.

Trolling Trolling Trolling
LOL! That song makes me think of "thundering hooves". That poster has thundering thighs, so very apropos.

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