Capital Gains

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Your ignorance is noted. Corporations don’t pay taxes. They pass that cost along to the consumers. So it is the people who actually pay corporate taxes. You dimwit.

lol more bullshit. You clearly don't know what you;'re babbling about, dumbass. They only pay capital gains taxes when they make profits , idiot. They file once a year, moron; you wouldn't know because you never had a business, and apprently never filed your own personal tax returns either.
And the principals aren't taxed again, so there is that fact, which apparently popular with those who believe everything they read at FreeRepublic or Town Hall. They're getting that bullshit from somewhere, and it clearly doesn't come from doing tax returns. Most of the booklets for each form are pretty straight forward and detailed, and written at about an 8th grade level. They call the the gains 'gains' for a reason, one that is apparently is completely lost on you.

So you expect Double Taxation on the principle? If I invest $1000 dollars extra Tax and I make only $1000 when I sell you expect TAX to be applied on $2000?
I would tax any imports that were off-shored, and add a surcharge for the lost Social Security payroll taxes on top of that as if the products were still being made here. No reason to subsidize off-shoring and handing them tax breaks for labor racketeering just so gamblers can get bigger dividend checks.
again....How come your Obiden regime did NOT do something to satisfy your cravings? nearly 12 years now, nothing done.
If they were to decide not to pass the costs along, then they would make less money and the shareholders would be the ones paying the taxes.

Not to purchase their products. That's what happens when they make the price too high.
Not to purchase their products. That's what happens when they make the price too high.
Which could require the board of directors to risk a breach of their fiduciary duty toward the shareholders.

Boil it down, and you know what you end up with? The arrogant belief of liberals that they have the authority to determine how much profit a private company should be allowed to make.
again....How come your Obiden regime did NOT do something to satisfy your cravings? nearly 12 years now, nothing done.

I never voted fo Biden, moron. Try another stupid attempt at wit. I don't give a shit about PC Police sent by GOP shills any more than I do about commie and faggot shills sent by Russia and the DNC.
So you expect Double Taxation on the principle? If I invest $1000 dollars extra Tax and I make only $1000 when I sell you expect TAX to be applied on $2000?

And again you're just incapable of honest arguments and need strawmen. And it's 'Principal', dumbass, another giant clue you never filled out a tax form for capital gains or a business return.
Boil it down, and you know what you end up with? The arrogant belief of liberals that they have the authority to determine how much profit a private company should be allowed to make.

Boil it down and it is corporations that fund both Parties; you're just incapable of common sense is all, which is why you rely on parroting ideological rubbish.
More fake news. You only pay taxes on the gains; you people obviously have never filled out a tax return an ddon't have the first clue, it's just crap you got from a propaganda site and run around parroting, is all. Corporate taxes are not even remotely double/triple/ quadruple taxes. That is another load of rubbish. You know nothing about corporate tax schedules. The IRS site has a lot of basic info you obviously need to read before jumping into topics you only know from propoganda sites and Libertoon lunacy rags.
No shit Sherlock do you know why you don't pay taxes on the principal?

Because you already paid taxes on it before you bought stocks with it you fucking moron.
And again you're just incapable of honest arguments and need strawmen. And it's 'Principal', dumbass, another giant lue you never filled out a tax form for capital gains or a business return.

And where does "principal" come from? For a regular joe. I work....I save up $1000 AFTER INCOME TAX dollars. I don't know where else you can get money from?
I go to Edward jones and buy $1000 worth of Amazon stock. I sell when it doubles. I pay 12% Captial gains on $1000 profit. You want me re-taxed on my investment dollars? All they did was hold onto it for all those years until I sold?
I know what capital gains are dipshit.

People were just whining that the principal was not being taxed.
Aren’t you tired of schooling this poor guy? You are 100% correct with what you posted. My only counter is not everyone understands how the market works so many don’t invest properly.

All of this is not enough for the "DUD"LEY??? Its' already very complicated by your LORD and MASTERS in the GOVT.​

2022 Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates

Tax filing status0% rate15% rate20% rate
SingleTaxable income of up to $41,675$41,676 to $459,750Over $459,750
Married filing jointlyTaxable income of up to $83,350$83,351 to $517,200Over $517,200
Married filing separatelyTaxable income of up to $41,675$41,676 to $459,750Over $459,750
Head of householdTaxable income of up to $55,800$55,801 to $488,500Over $488,500

2023 Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates

Tax filing status0% rate15% rate20% rate
SingleTaxable income of up to $44,625$44,625 to $492,300Over $492,300
Married filing jointlyTaxable income of up to $89,250$89,250 to $553,850Over $553,850
Married filing separatelyTaxable income of up to $44,625$44,625 to $276,900Over $276,900
Head of householdTaxable income of up to $59,750$59,750 to $523,050Over $523,050

Short-Term Capital Gains Taxes​

When you own an asset or investment for one year or less before you sell it for a profit, that’s considered a short-term capital gain. In the U.S., short-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income. That means you could pay up to 37% income tax, depending on your federal income tax bracket.

2022 Federal Income Tax Brackets​

Tax rateSingleMarried filing jointlyMarried filing separatelyHead of household
10%Taxable income of $0 to $10,275Taxable income of $0 to $20,550Taxable income of $0 to $10,275Taxable income of $0 to $14,650
12%$10,276 to $41,775$20,551 to $83,550$10,276 to $41,775$14,651 to $55,900
22%$41,776 to $89,075$83,551 to $178,150$41,776 to $89,075$55,901 to $89,050
24%$85,076 to $170,050$178,151 to $340,100$89,076 to $170,050$89,051 to $170,050
32%$170,051 to $215,950$340,001 to $431,900$170,051 to $215,950$170,051 to $215,950
35%$215,951 to $539,900$431,901 to $647,850$215,951 to $323,925$215,951 to $539,900
37%$539,901 or more$647,851 or more$323,926 or more$539,501 or more

2023 Federal Income Tax Brackets​

Tax rateSingleMarried filing jointlyMarried filing separatelyHead of household
10%Taxable income of $0 to $10,275Taxable income of $0 to $20,550Taxable income of $0 to $10,275Taxable income of $0 to $14,650
12%Over $10,275 but not over $41,775Over $20,550 but not over $83,550Over $10,275 but not over $41,775Over $14,650 but not over $55,900
22%Over $41,775 but not over $89,075Over $83,550 but not over $178,150Over $41,775 but not over $89,075Over $55,900 but not over $89,050
24%Over $89,075 but not over $170,050Over $178,150 but not over $340,100Over $89,075 but not over $170,050Over $89,050 but not over $170,050
32%Over $170,050 but not over $215,950Over $340,100 but not over $431,900Over $170,050 but not over $215,950Over $170,050 but not over $215,950
35%Over $215,950 but not over $539,900Over $431,900 but not over $647,850Over $215,950 but not over $323,925Over $215,950 but not over $539,900
37%Over $539,900Over $647,850Over $323,925Over $539,900

What Is a Capital Gain?​

A capital gain happens when you sell or exchange a capital asset for a higher price than its basis. The “basis” is what you paid for the asset, plus commissions and the cost of improvements, minus depreciation.

There is no capital gain until you sell an asset. Once you’ve sold an asset for a profit, you’re required to claim the profit on your income taxes. Capital gains are not adjusted for inflation.

Here’s how capital gains are calculated:

  • Find your basis. Typically, this is what you paid for the asset, including commissions or fees.
  • Find your realized amount. This will be what you sold the asset for, less any commissions or fees you paid.
  • Subtract the basis from the realized amount. If your sale price was higher than your basis price, it’s a capital gain. If your sale price was less than your basis price, it’s considered a capital loss.

What Are Capital Losses?​

Capital losses are when you sell an asset or an investment for less than you paid for it. Capital losses from investments can be used to offset your capital gains on your taxes.

Like gains, capital losses come in short-term and long-term varieties and must first be used to offset capital gains of the same type.

For instance, if you have long-term capital losses, they must first be used to offset any long-term capital gains. Any excess losses after that can be used to offset short-term capital gains. You also may use capital losses to offset up to $3,000 of other income, such as earnings or dividend income. Unused capital losses can be carried forward to future tax years.

How Are Capital Gains Taxes Calculated?​

You can calculate capital gains taxes using IRS forms. To calculate and report sales that resulted in capital gains or losses, start with IRS Form 8949.

Record each sale, and calculate your hold time, basis, and gain or loss. Next, figure your net capital gains using Schedule D of IRS Form 1040. Then copy the results to your tax return on Form 1040 to figure your overall tax rate.
Why should someone who busts his ass for his money pay higher taxes than someone who sits on his ass for his?
Because no one busts his has ass to earn money from capital gains because along with interests and dividend, captain gains are unearned income. Typically it results from sitting on your ass and watching your investments grow.
Because no one busts his has ass to earn money from capital gains because along with interests and dividend, captain gains are unearned income. Typically it results from sitting on your ass and watching your investments grow.
So what?

Intelligent people put their money to work for them.

Stupid people spend all their money
Boil it down and it is corporations that fund both Parties; you're just incapable of common sense is all, which is why you rely on parroting ideological rubbish.
Corporations to greater and lesser extents do fund political Parties.

Noting that is irrelevant, however. Much as I appreciate your amusing efforts to deflect.

You are the one parroting ideological rubbish. You can’t even defend your own positions. You’re very much like the ideologically brainwashed college freshman who has learned a new concept and imagines he has become a world class scholar. 🤣
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