Capital Gains

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No, it hasn't. The 'corporate personhood' scam is these corporations pay taxes as a 'person', and the shareholders pay taxes as themselves in their incomes. Don't like that? Then do away with the corporate personhood scam and the limited liability scam that protects company owners from paying for their company's failures and criminal activities. Then you can complain about 'taxes'. Share holders can then start paying their companies own way and get rewarded. Of course we all know why the 'free marketers' hate the idea of ownership responsibility, they just want to gamble on stock prices and could care less about managing their business.
What does that have to do with the capital gains taxes I pay when I sell my house and sell my stocks? People buy houses and stocks with money that was already taxed (401K's get taxed later).

BTW corporate taxes are another arbitrary double/triple/quadruple tax.
The money used to buy stocks, the principal, has already been taxed as most people buy stocks with after tax money.

Every time a person sells one stock to buy another that sale is a taxable event as well.

You people need to learn the tax laws before you start whining about them.
Immaterial. We are talking about gains on the principle.
The money used to buy stocks, the principal, has already been taxed as most people buy stocks with after tax money.

Every time a person sells one stock to buy another that sale is a taxable event as well.

You people need to learn the tax laws before you start whining about them.
Immaterial. We are talking about gains on the principle.
I know what capital gains are dipshit.

People were just whining that the principal was not being taxed.
Are you normally this confused?
Or, and try to smarten up here:

Let’s stop asking any company to pay taxes. No corporate taxation.

When they have to pay taxes, they pass the cost along to the consumers. So if lbs were honest for a change, they’d admit that taxing corporations is just another tax on individuals. Us. We, the people.

Six of one, half dozen of another. If a corporation doesn't pay taxes for things like infrastructure and all the other things taxes are used for, the people have to pay higher taxes.

To expand on that, using the previous Apple example, they send jobs overseas to increase their stock prices and jobs are no longer available here. That increases the number of people on public assistance. Why shouldn't corporations as opposed to the people, pay for that?

Personally I'd tax any product Apple (just using them as one example) makes and sells here in the U.S. at 80%.

And then, maybe let’s convince our idiot politicians to stop seeking ever more money out of our pockets. We don’t have a tax problem. We have a spending problem.

Let’s all agree not to permit our legislators to vote for any spending outside the parameters of what the Constitution explicitly grants them authority over.

You’ve heard it. You lived it. Let’s live it. Limited powers.

The problem is we will not hold any politician accountable for the fear the "other guy" might win.

Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt. What's the solution for many? Re-elect him.
Dont Taz Me Bro -
I know that the world is hard to understand for people like you, but even though Clinton was a liberal on social issues, he was an extreme conservative on economic issues. No surprise that he lowered the capital gains tax.
Why should someone who busts his ass for his money pay higher taxes than someone who sits on his ass for his?

Hello Earth to commee. The money they use to INVEST was saved from After-Tax dollars. It will be re-taxed if the stocks go higher and they sell off. hope that helps.
Six of one, half dozen of another. If a corporation doesn't pay taxes for things like infrastructure and all the other things taxes are used for, the people have to pay higher taxes.

To expand on that, using the previous Apple example, they send jobs overseas to increase their stock prices and jobs are no longer available here. That increases the number of people on public assistance. Why shouldn't corporations as opposed to the people, pay for that?

Personally I'd tax any product Apple (just using them as one example) makes and sells here in the U.S. at 80%.

The problem is we will not hold any politician accountable for the fear the "other guy" might win.

Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt. What's the solution for many? Re-elect him.
If the corporations pay it, they just charge more which means the people pay it anyway.
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I know you are utterly ignorant about the stock market and taxes.

What does that have to do with the capital gains taxes I pay when I sell my house and sell my stocks? People buy houses and stocks with money that was already taxed (401K's get taxed later).

BTW corporate taxes are another arbitrary double/triple/quadruple tax.

More fake news. You only pay taxes on the gains; you people obviously have never filled out a tax return an ddon't have the first clue, it's just crap you got from a propaganda site and run around parroting, is all. Corporate taxes are not even remotely double/triple/ quadruple taxes. That is another load of rubbish. You know nothing about corporate tax schedules. The IRS site has a lot of basic info you obviously need to read before jumping into topics you only know from propoganda sites and Libertoon lunacy rags.
Correct. The principle was already taxed once.

And the principals aren't taxed again, so there is that fact, which apparently popular with those who believe everything they read at FreeRepublic or Town Hall. They're getting that bullshit from somewhere, and it clearly doesn't come from doing tax returns. Most of the booklets for each form are pretty straight forward and detailed, and written at about an 8th grade level. They call the the gains 'gains' for a reason, one that is apparently is completely lost on you.
Did you know that just because you call your comment a “refutation” doesn’t mean it is one?

Well people who claim 'corporations don't pay taxes' an then claim they do aren't really prepared for any real discussions in the first place, they're just parroting rubbish their peer group feeds them. You don't know anything about taxes but insist on arguing about them anyway.
Personally I'd tax any product Apple (just using them as one example) makes and sells here in the U.S. at 80%.

I would tax any imports that were off-shored, and add a surcharge for the lost Social Security payroll taxes on top of that as if the products were still being made here. No reason to subsidize off-shoring and handing them tax breaks for labor racketeering just so gamblers can get bigger dividend checks.
Well people who claim 'corporations don't pay taxes' an then claim they do aren't really prepared for any real discussions in the first place

Your ignorance is noted. Corporations don’t pay taxes. They pass that cost along to the consumers. So it is the people who actually pay corporate taxes. You dimwit.

Because the foregoing is true, government should stop trying to get corporations to pay taxes. Government should spend far less than it does. So, stop looking for ever more convoluted ways to dive into our wallets. It’s much simpler than that: stop spending so fucking much.
, they're just parroting rubbish their peer group feeds them.
You’re confused. That’s exactly what you’ve been told to do. And you do it. Stop projecting.
You don't know anything about taxes but insist on arguing about them anyway.
I obviously know more about taxes than an ignorant mutt like you. Yet that doesn’t stop you from pontificating about the issues anyway.

Go play in traffic, kid. You bore me.
More fake news. You only pay taxes on the gains; you people obviously have never filled out a tax return an ddon't have the first clue, it's just crap you got from a propaganda site and run around parroting, is all. Corporate taxes are not even remotely double/triple/ quadruple taxes. That is another load of rubbish. You know nothing about corporate tax schedules. The IRS site has a lot of basic info you obviously need to read before jumping into topics you only know from propoganda sites and Libertoon lunacy rags.
Wow you are dense. And you get to vote.
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