Capital Gains

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Capital gains ain't always what you think. A person who busts his ass all his life and wins a car in a lottery might never get to drive it because he has to pay capital gains tax up front. A hard working family in a modest size farm might have to sell it to pay the death tax if the owner dies without a will.
It the Golden Rule.

Long term capital gains. If you have enough gold to hold it for over a year then you keep more gold. Who made these rules?
Capital gains ain't always what you think. A person who busts his ass all his life and wins a car in a lottery might never get to drive it because he has to pay capital gains tax up front. A hard working family in a modest size farm might have to sell it to pay the death tax if the owner dies without a will.
Short term capital gains are taxed at the regular income tax rates. Only exceedingly large estates are subject to federal inheritance taxes. Although there are few states that have a form of it.
So if I sell a stock "short" and then buy it back at a profit, is that taxed as regular income, or as a "capital gain"?

I thought that a lower capital gain tax was to promote "buy and hold" stocks to give capital to companies to expand the economy?
Not this indoctrination shit again...listen up you Dem bunch of dumb asses, the reason favorable tax treatment was passed in the first place is because when you greedy fat ass mooching losers jacked up the taxes on the 'rich' they hid their money for decades to keep your greedy paws off it and none of you dumb asses could find a job because nobody was investing in growth or taking any risks. Now go punch your Dem teacher in the face!
It used to be that company profits were taxed half when they were first declared, then half when distributed to stock holders. That encouraged companies to not distribute profits, but to reinvest the money thereby creating jobs and expanding the economy.

Back in the early 2000, the republicans characterized this as taxing twice and used the argument to reduce the capital gains tax. The result is the companies have a greater incentive not to reinvest profit, but to distribute to stockholders instead.

In 1997, Clinton signed a reduction in the (audible liberal gasp) capital gains tax rate to 20% from 28%.

Without investment many companies woudn't possess the resources to grow, certainly not as fast as they could.. This in turn, allows others to be employed.

Investing in Apple doesn't increase employment in the U.S., it just increases the number of slaves working in its overseas factories. the number of American engineers employed in making I Phones can fit around your kitchen table. Probably most of them are green card holders.
Capital gains are treated as regular ordinary income until one year, when the rates lower. A completely arbitrary rule because the money involved with a capital gains transaction has already been taxed at least once.

No, it hasn't. The 'corporate personhood' scam is these corporations pay taxes as a 'person', and the shareholders pay taxes as themselves in their incomes. Don't like that? Then do away with the corporate personhood scam and the limited liability scam that protects company owners from paying for their company's failures and criminal activities. Then you can complain about 'taxes'. Share holders can then start paying their companies own way and get rewarded. Of course we all know why the 'free marketers' hate the idea of ownership responsibility, they just want to gamble on stock prices and could care less about managing their business.
No, it hasn't. The 'corporate personhood' scam is these corporations pay taxes as a 'person', and the shareholders pay taxes as themselves in their incomes. Don't like that? Then do away with the corporate personhood scam and the limited liability scam that protects company owners from paying for their company's failures and criminal activities. Then you can complain about 'taxes'. Share holders can then start paying their companies own way and get rewarded. Of course we all know why the 'free marketers' hate the idea of ownership responsibility, they just want to gamble on stock prices and could care less about managing their business.
Or, and try to smarten up here:

Let’s stop asking any company to pay taxes. No corporate taxation.

When they have to pay taxes, they pass the cost along to the consumers. So if lbs were honest for a change, they’d admit that taxing corporations is just another tax on individuals. Us. We, the people.

And then, maybe let’s convince our idiot politicians to stop seeking ever more money out of our pockets. We don’t have a tax problem. We have a spending problem.

Let’s all agree not to permit our legislators to vote for any spending outside the parameters of what the Constitution explicitly grants them authority over.

You’ve heard it. You lived it. Let’s live it. Limited powers.
Or, and try to smarten up here:

lol bullshit. They've bought themselves immunity from paying their debts when they fuck up. They can pay taxes for that extraordinary 'privilege', same as they pay fees for stop loss positions in the stock and commodities markets. Most industries are monopolies, duopolies and oligarchies now, plus they get subsidized by off-shoring to slave labor countries. You right wingers need to smarten up. Big multinationals are not the U.S.'s friends. I've read all the cliches, and I've also read how full of shit 'free market' ideologies are. They hate 'free markets', they love price and wage rigging. They peddle 'limited powers' because they don't like respecting anybody else's rights and they don't want anything interfering with their scams and plundering.
lol bullshit. They've bought themselves immunity from paying their debts when they fuck up. They can pay taxes for that extraordinary 'privilege', same as they pay fees for stop loss positions in the stock and commodities markets. Most industries are monopolies, duopolies and oligarchies now, plus they get subsidized by off-shoring to slave labor countries. You right wingers need to smarten up. Big multinationals are not the U.S.'s friends. I've read all the cliches, and I've also read how full of shit 'free market' ideologies are. They hate 'free markets', they love price and wage rigging. They peddle 'limited powers' because they don't like respecting anybody else's rights and they don't want anything interfering with their scams and plundering.
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