Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

So what you are saying is that people will try and avoid paying taxes. This is such new and interesting information. Thank you so much for providing it.

What's funny is that he gets it, but yet he doesn't get it.... :lol:

(Hint: if you're "bright" enough to figure out people will not accept high taxes, how can you be so stupid as to support high taxes :eusa_doh:)

What's even funnier is that he believes there's actual money in the Social Security Trust Fund. That's the sure sign of the terminally naïve.

That is really amazing considering politicians on both sides have openly admitted that the fund was pillaged years ago and has been operating as part of the general budget for about 70 years now.
What's funny is that he gets it, but yet he doesn't get it.... :lol:

(Hint: if you're "bright" enough to figure out people will not accept high taxes, how can you be so stupid as to support high taxes :eusa_doh:)

What's even funnier is that he believes there's actual money in the Social Security Trust Fund. That's the sure sign of the terminally naïve.

That is really amazing considering politicians on both sides have openly admitted that the fund was pillaged years ago and has been operating as part of the general budget for about 70 years now.

Ohh look the puppy has been duped too.

I am shocked.
They have stopped the U.S. In your glorious ignorant greed, you bypassed 30% in taxes from the people for 60% in taxes from these people and ended up with 0%.

Basic math not your strong point? :eusa_eh:

So what you are saying is that people will try and avoid paying taxes. This is such new and interesting information. Thank you so much for providing it.

What's funny is that he gets it, but yet he doesn't get it.... :lol:

(Hint: if you're "bright" enough to figure out people will not accept high taxes, how can you be so stupid as to support high taxes :eusa_doh:)

It is amazing we collect any taxes at all based on your understanding of taxation.

The fact that you are establishing is obvious. People avoid taxes when the cost of avoiding them is less than the cost of the tax to them. To turn around and apply this as some universal truth about all taxes is just stupid.
I literally answer your question in what you quoted.

Obtuseness is not a response.

You did not explain why lower capital gains rates are a problem.

Obtuseness is not a response.

I agree, so stop being obtuse.

Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other. The group that the tax code favors doesn't need any favors and the group getting the worse end has seen decades of wage stagnation. This has grown to be such a problem the economy is struggling to recover. Economic volatility has gotten worse. Income inequality has gotten worse.

Copy and pasted from my own post that you quoted twice.

Obtuseness is not a response.

Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other.

Lower income people pay a lower capital gains tax rate than upper income.
Have for decades.
So why is that a problem?
You did not explain why lower capital gains rates are a problem.

Obtuseness is not a response.

I agree, so stop being obtuse.

Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other. The group that the tax code favors doesn't need any favors and the group getting the worse end has seen decades of wage stagnation. This has grown to be such a problem the economy is struggling to recover. Economic volatility has gotten worse. Income inequality has gotten worse.

Copy and pasted from my own post that you quoted twice.

Obtuseness is not a response.

Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other.

Lower income people pay a lower capital gains tax rate than upper income.
Have for decades.
So why is that a problem?

So what? You have not made a logical connection to what I have already said. You didn't disprove the fact presented nor did you dispute the problems that have arisen due to that.

See there is this thing called logic. When you have a response it helps to create a logical argument and not just throw out red herring after red herring.
What's funny is that he gets it, but yet he doesn't get it.... :lol:

(Hint: if you're "bright" enough to figure out people will not accept high taxes, how can you be so stupid as to support high taxes :eusa_doh:)

What's even funnier is that he believes there's actual money in the Social Security Trust Fund. That's the sure sign of the terminally naïve.

There are special issue securities in the SS Trust Fund.

See there is this movement out there by those with a lot of money to tell people like yourself that SS needs to be cut because it is invested in T-bills. These people want the government to shift the debt away from the General Fund and onto the SS trust fund because they know the GF is more progressively taxed than the SS trust fund. They would rather have the GF problems be fixed on the backs of the middle class.

That's utter nonsense. The debt isn't taxed. People are taxed. It doesn't matter what kind of shell game the government plays with the numbers, it still owes 'X' amount of dollars. The taxes you pay have no connection with the "GF" or the "SS Trust Fund." It's all just revenue, as far as the government is concerned.

[You are not only wrong, you are the part of the ignorant masses that has been duped to work against your own self interest. Markets don't work when people have really bad information. It is hard to believe that Democracy will work when there are people out there are clueless as you are.

Sorry, turd, but you're the one who has been duped into believing there is actual money in the SS Trust Fund. There isn't. Government spent every dime the minute Congress got its hands on it.
As I said, there is no "fear. " There is certainty that we have been defrauded because gullible numskulls like you trust politicians to manage your money.

So it is just nonsensical gibberish.

Yes, your belief in the "Trust Fund" is nonsensical.

My trust in T-Bills is nonsensical?

The biggest threat to SS is not the fact that they are invested in T-bills. It is people like you who are too dumb to tell the difference between the debt of the General Fund and investments made by the SS Trust Fund. People so dumb they will begin to equate the two and after decades of the GF taking on debt they will shift the responsibility of that debt onto the backs of the middle class.

Do you hate the middle class or are you just dumb?
What's even funnier is that he believes there's actual money in the Social Security Trust Fund. That's the sure sign of the terminally naïve.

There are special issue securities in the SS Trust Fund.

See there is this movement out there by those with a lot of money to tell people like yourself that SS needs to be cut because it is invested in T-bills. These people want the government to shift the debt away from the General Fund and onto the SS trust fund because they know the GF is more progressively taxed than the SS trust fund. They would rather have the GF problems be fixed on the backs of the middle class.

That's utter nonsense. The debt isn't taxed. People are taxed. It doesn't matter what kind of shell game the government plays with the numbers, it still owes 'X' amount of dollars. The taxes you pay have no connection with the "GF" or the "SS Trust Fund." It's all just revenue, as far as the government is concerned.

[You are not only wrong, you are the part of the ignorant masses that has been duped to work against your own self interest. Markets don't work when people have really bad information. It is hard to believe that Democracy will work when there are people out there are clueless as you are.

Sorry, turd, but you're the one who has been duped into believing there is actual money in the SS Trust Fund. There isn't. Government spent every dime the minute Congress got its hands on it.

Thank you for such a clear and blatant demonstration of your ignorance and your willingness to sell the middle class down the river.
So it is just nonsensical gibberish.

Yes, your belief in the "Trust Fund" is nonsensical.

My trust in T-Bills is nonsensical?

The biggest threat to SS is not the fact that they are invested in T-bills. It is people like you who are too dumb to tell the difference between the debt of the General Fund and investments made by the SS Trust Fund. People so dumb they will begin to equate the two and after decades of the GF taking on debt they will shift the responsibility of that debt onto the backs of the middle class.

Do you hate the middle class or are you just dumb?

When government buys a T-bill, it buys an obligation that it created. In other words, it loans money to itself. Calling that an "investment" would be like giving money to Bernie Madoff and calling that an investment. When the government goes to collect the money for the T-bills, who pays it? The government!

Only a special kind of moron believes government buying a T-bill is of some benefit to the taxpayer. I would get the exact same benefit if I wrote "I owe myself $1 billion" on a piece of paper and put it in my file cabinet.
Yes, your belief in the "Trust Fund" is nonsensical.

My trust in T-Bills is nonsensical?

The biggest threat to SS is not the fact that they are invested in T-bills. It is people like you who are too dumb to tell the difference between the debt of the General Fund and investments made by the SS Trust Fund. People so dumb they will begin to equate the two and after decades of the GF taking on debt they will shift the responsibility of that debt onto the backs of the middle class.

Do you hate the middle class or are you just dumb?

When government buys a T-bill, it buys an obligation that it created. In other words, it loans money to itself. Calling that an "investment" would be like giving money to Bernie Madoff and calling that an investment. When the government goes to collect the money for the T-bills, who pays it? The government!

Only a special kind of moron believes government buying a T-bill is of some benefit to the taxpayer. I would get the exact same benefit if I wrote "I owe myself $1 billion" on a piece of paper and put it in my file cabinet.

I am not denying that the GF is in debt. I am denying the need to address that debt problem of the GF with changes to SS.
You only showed that you're utterly clueless.

So Reagan didn't use a large increase in debt spending?

Your ability to ignore well known facts is fascinating.

As Obama so emphatically demonstrated, deficit spending doesn't do a thing for the economy. Keynes' theory are all Voo Doo.

I believe I already made a post on this but the bottom line is that the situation now is vastly different than it was with Reagan or with the 2002 recession.

Something about 3 decades or more of wage stagnation and accumulation of debt at the government level and debt to foreign entities changes things.
So Reagan didn't use a large increase in debt spending?

Your ability to ignore well known facts is fascinating.

As Obama so emphatically demonstrated, deficit spending doesn't do a thing for the economy. Keynes' theory are all Voo Doo.

I believe I already made a post on this but the bottom line is that the situation now is vastly different than it was with Reagan or with the 2002 recession.

Something about 3 decades or more of wage stagnation and accumulation of debt at the government level and debt to foreign entities changes things.

Yada, yada, yada. Libturds always have a million excuses for why their lame theories never work.

You've already demonstrated that you don't know what the economic meaning of "gain" is.

You don' t know the difference between profit and revenue.

You don't know why government "investment" in T-bills is a con.

In short, you have proved over and over that you're an ignoramus. You're also a liar.
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Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other. The group that the tax code favors doesn't need any favors and the group getting the worse end has seen decades of wage stagnation. This has grown to be such a problem the economy is struggling to recover. Economic volatility has gotten worse. Income inequality has gotten worse.

Copy and pasted from my own post that you quoted twice.

Obtuseness is not a response.

Problem as in the tax code favors one group over the other.

Lower income people pay a lower capital gains tax rate than upper income.
Have for decades.
So why is that a problem?

So what? You have not made a logical connection to what I have already said. You didn't disprove the fact presented nor did you dispute the problems that have arisen due to that.

See there is this thing called logic. When you have a response it helps to create a logical argument and not just throw out red herring after red herring.

See there is this thing called logic.

Use your logic to explain why a capital gains tax rate lower than the income tax rate is a problem.

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