Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Nothing i smor edangerous for the economy than politicians and bureaucrats.

Financial Speculation and Fictitious Profits | SpringerLink
That's a pile of commie lies. Pinochet fought a civil war against commies who were trying to overthrow the government. The people of Chile owe Pinochet a huge debt of thanks.
What do the thousands of tortured, murdered/disappeared people of Chile owe Pinochet?

Shielded for decades, Pinochet thugs now face justice

"Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has called for an end to the 'pact of silence' that for more than 25 years has protected those who conducted the reign of terror during the 17 years of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.

Bachelet herself had been imprisoned and tortured by the Pinochet junta.

"She said, 'There are people who know the truth about many cases that are still unsolved.' She urged those who know to come forward 'and help to repair so much pain.'"
What do the thousands of tortured, murdered/disappeared people of Chile owe Pinochet?

Shielded for decades, Pinochet thugs now face justice

"Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has called for an end to the 'pact of silence' that for more than 25 years has protected those who conducted the reign of terror during the 17 years of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.

Bachelet herself had been imprisoned and tortured by the Pinochet junta.

"She said, 'There are people who know the truth about many cases that are still unsolved.' She urged those who know to come forward 'and help to repair so much pain.'"
She was probably one of those commies in the employ of Cuba who was trying to overthrow the government. She belongs in front of a firing squad. It only took the Cuban people 40 years to forget how they almost became a Cuban client state and vote these vermin into office.

You realize that you linked to a communist website, don't you? Jerry Rubin, the author, is a notorious communist activist.
What sort of freedom did Milton and Pinochet bring to Chile?

The best sort. And they still have the strongest economy in South America.
Shielded for decades, Pinochet thugs now face justice

"On September 11, 1973, Augusto Pinochet, then army commander-in-chief, took control of Chile. He led a U.S.-sponsored coup that murdered popularly elected President Salvador Allende and overthrew the governing coalition headed by the Socialist Party. Pinochet ruled Chile until 1990, when he went back to being the commander-in-chief of the army."
Shielded for decades, Pinochet thugs now face justice

"On September 11, 1973, Augusto Pinochet, then army commander-in-chief, took control of Chile. He led a U.S.-sponsored coup that murdered popularly elected President Salvador Allende and overthrew the governing coalition headed by the Socialist Party. Pinochet ruled Chile until 1990, when he went back to being the commander-in-chief of the army."

Yup, commies gonna commie.
The billionaires are the ones that back the Democrats. One of them gave the filthy ass Democrats almost a half billion dollars. Another one (Soros) fucking owns the Democrat party.
Republican billionaire supporters are more numerous than Democrat plutocrats. Both parties serve the richest ten percent at the expense of a majority of society.

The Billionaire Magnates Behind the GOP Candidates
However the government takes my earned money by force every year and gives it away to welfare queens and Illegals.
There were less than ten billionaires in the US when Reagan came to office. Today there are hundreds. Do you think greedy parasites suddenly became that much smarter or did they bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies? You should worry more about how government gives your money to Wall Street and the Pentagon than relative pennies to the victims of capitalism.
There were less than ten billionaires in the US when Reagan came to office. Today there are hundreds. Do you think greedy parasites suddenly became that much smarter or did they bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies?

It's not much of an issue in your commie shitholes.
Lying again. Here's what you said:
That's not true. Why can't you just admit you were wrong?
I said workers today are required to leave decision making to others in the same way serf and slaves were required to serve their masters.

Workers today are not murdered for resisting; they are fired.
Their punishment for disobedience is much less severe than that experienced by serfs and slaves, but workers face the same choice when it comes to obeying the orders of a miniscule percentage of society.
It's a subtle but important distinction that you are, frankly, too stupid to understand.
Are you smart enough to explain it?

My grandmother was so conservative she refused to sign up for SS when the program was first launched.

She died shortly after retirement because of her fear of socialism.

Rand not only signed up, she used her benefits which isn't subtle; it is a prime example of libertarian hypocrisy.
I said workers today are required to leave decision making to others in the same way serf and slaves were required to serve their masters.
Right. And that's complete horseshit. Not to mention a grotesque insult to the memory of those who suffered through real slavery.
Are you smart enough to explain it?
Indeed, I am. But I've wasted way too much time already with your fucking trolling. Go suck off a commie.
My grandmother was so conservative she refused to sign up for SS when the program was first launched.
She died shortly after retirement because of her fear of socialism.
Your grandmother wasn't conservative. She was idiot. Just like her grandson.
Rand not only signed up, she used her benefits which isn't subtle; it is a prime example of libertarian hypocrisy.
No. Libertarians don't advocating rolling over and getting fucked in that ass. If you're forced to pay into their fucking scam, you're an idiot not to get your money back if and when you can. Talk about blaming the victim.

Have I said "fuck you" recently?
It doesn't shrink, moron. It grows.
Money that's spent repaying private debt can't be spent to grow GDP.

"In the United States since 2008, the Federal Reserve has created $4.5 trillion of credit to the stock and bond market and mortgage market to support prices for real estate.

"The aim has been to make housing more expensive, enabling the banks to collect on their mortgages and not go under.

"This credit keeps the debt overhead in place, thereby keeping the keep the financial system afloat instead of facing the reality that debt needs to be written down.

"Because if it is not written down, the 'real' economy will be hollowed out. In that sense the financial overgrowth is largely fictitious wealth."

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson
Money that's spent repaying private debt can't be spent to grow GDP.

"In the United States since 2008, the Federal Reserve has created $4.5 trillion of credit to the stock and bond market and mortgage market to support prices for real estate.

Of course it can. If Elon musk borrows $1 billion to build a GIGA factory, does that grow the economy?

It certainly does. That money goes into the "I" in your equation.

"The aim has been to make housing more expensive, enabling the banks to collect on their mortgages and not go under.

"This credit keeps the debt overhead in place, thereby keeping the keep the financial system afloat instead of facing the reality that debt needs to be written down.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

"Because if it is not written down, the 'real' economy will be hollowed out. In that sense the financial overgrowth is largely fictitious wealth."

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson

Utterly meaningless. Thanks for confirming my suspicion that Michael Hudson is a con artist.
There were less than ten billionaires in the US when Reagan came to office. Today there are hundreds. Do you think greedy parasites suddenly became that much smarter or did they bribe government for favorable tax and trade policies? You should worry more about how government gives your money to Wall Street and the Pentagon than relative pennies to the victims of capitalism.

You are confused about a lot of things Moon Bat.

Libatrd policies have made the filthy ass globalists richer than dog shit. That is why all these billionaires support the Democrat assholes.

They get their accountants to take care of the increase in income taxes and they make billions in servicing big government policies.

Just look at that billionaire Soros that is the sugar daddy of the filthy Democrat party. That dumbshit President Potatohead shut down the pipeline and now the oil is transported by Soros owned rail lines. Meanwhile the price of gas at the pump goes up for working Americans.

All these billionaires that supported the Democrat Party are getting even richer. That is why the Silicon Valley billionaire all are big time Democrat fat cat donors. Hell, one of the sonofabitch gave the Democrat turds almost a half billion dollars.

Left policies always make the poor poorer and the rich richer. We have seen it every where.
Money that's spent repaying private debt can't be spent to grow GDP.

"In the United States since 2008, the Federal Reserve has created $4.5 trillion of credit to the stock and bond market and mortgage market to support prices for real estate.

"The aim has been to make housing more expensive, enabling the banks to collect on their mortgages and not go under.

"This credit keeps the debt overhead in place, thereby keeping the keep the financial system afloat instead of facing the reality that debt needs to be written down.

"Because if it is not written down, the 'real' economy will be hollowed out. In that sense the financial overgrowth is largely fictitious wealth."

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson

Money that's spent repaying private debt can't be spent to grow GDP.

LOL! Why not?
Money that's spent repaying private debt can't be spent to grow GDP.

"In the United States since 2008, the Federal Reserve has created $4.5 trillion of credit to the stock and bond market and mortgage market to support prices for real estate.

"The aim has been to make housing more expensive, enabling the banks to collect on their mortgages and not go under.

"This credit keeps the debt overhead in place, thereby keeping the keep the financial system afloat instead of facing the reality that debt needs to be written down.

"Because if it is not written down, the 'real' economy will be hollowed out. In that sense the financial overgrowth is largely fictitious wealth."

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson

The Fed’s supply of $4.5 trillion isn’t called public debt, because it’s technically a swap, so it doesn’t appear as an increase in the money supply.

The Fed doesn't increase the money supply when they buy bonds?

That's hilarious.

Silly commie.

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