Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

The "tension" is the fact that democracy loots the capitalist system for its wealth. Democracy is fundamentally a parasite.
Capitalism's market slaves worship rich parasites regardless of the costs to productive society.

"The way capitalism works, says Piketty, is that existing wealth earns a 5 percent rate of return, r.

"The total pool of labor income, meanwhile, grows at the rate of overall GDP, g.

"When r is larger than g the pool of wealth owned by wealth-owners grows faster than the pool of labor income earned by workers.

"Since r is usually larger than g, the wealthy get wealthier.

"The poor don't necessarily get poorer, but the gap between the earnings power of people who own lots of buildings and shares and the earnings power of people working for a living will grow and grow."

The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century
"And Communism is not succesful."

There is no communism on this planet except for the generally very successful tribes of isolated indigenous peoples. All of those political systems which claim to be, or are accused of being, communist are merely shams, faux displays of the purveyors of GREED, aka CAPITALISM. Even the largest so-called current communist state in our contemporary world, China, is a nationalized CAPITALIST state that uses the term communism to mask their goal(s) of world domination and ownership. If there is a single complete human thought/emotion process that is pure evil and portends the ultimate failure of mankind, it is GREED. If there is a single tool which will force the majority of mankind into self destruction, it is CAPITALISM. If there is a tunneled means of subjugating and finally burning this planet to its roots with no return, it is right wing fascism innate within its extreme label of naziism.

This fascism/nazism corruption is rife and rampant with its constant willful ignorance, blind stupidity, perpetual LIES and POWER hungry war towards domination both without and deeply within the USA. The monsters who are/were the progenitors of this current movement of evil throughout the world in the era of WWII were NOT defeated. They simply moved underground to wage the most successful and insidious form of warfare ever experienced on earth. What is occurring today with the willfully ignorant, the rampantly stupid and blindly loyal goosestepping morons that toss LIES and misleading accusations out willy nilly, with no regard whatsoever towards Mother Earth and her inhabitants is direct result of this evil that is right wing fascism/naziism.

Don't speak to us about communism with disdain. Communism is small potatoes. There is an exponentially darker, destructive and evil path that is leading the world to armageddon and it is working directly through those who deflect, spin and project to hide it in plain sight. Use the terms right wing fascism and naziism as the terms of filth.
Capitalism's market slaves worship rich parasites regardless of the costs to productive society.

"The way capitalism works, says Piketty, is that existing wealth earns a 5 percent rate of return, r.

"The total pool of labor income, meanwhile, grows at the rate of overall GDP, g.

"When r is larger than g the pool of wealth owned by wealth-owners grows faster than the pool of labor income earned by workers.

"Since r is usually larger than g, the wealthy get wealthier.

"The poor don't necessarily get poorer, but the gap between the earnings power of people who own lots of buildings and shares and the earnings power of people working for a living will grow and grow."

The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century

"The way capitalism works, says Piketty, is that existing wealth earns a 5 percent rate of return, r.

"Since r is usually larger than g, the wealthy get wealthier.

Rich people aren't spending their wealth? Aren't dying and splitting it between heirs?
Capitalism's market slaves worship rich parasites regardless of the costs to productive society.

"The way capitalism works, says Piketty, is that existing wealth earns a 5 percent rate of return, r.

"The total pool of labor income, meanwhile, grows at the rate of overall GDP, g.

"When r is larger than g the pool of wealth owned by wealth-owners grows faster than the pool of labor income earned by workers.

"Since r is usually larger than g, the wealthy get wealthier.

"The poor don't necessarily get poorer, but the gap between the earnings power of people who own lots of buildings and shares and the earnings power of people working for a living will grow and grow."

The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century
The reason wages haven't grown as fast as they have in the past is the fact that all you prog douchebags have been doing everything you can to import hoards of low wage foreign workers.

if you want to know who to blame, look in the mirror, douchebag.
The capitalists draw the future for us like this:. Everything will be rented. Housing, cars, appliances and even clothes. No need to take out loans or save for a long time. Diversity is guaranteed. Everyone will be happy, except for those few poor devils who will own it all! Oh, wonderful, wonderful world!
The capitalists draw the future for us like this:. Everything will be rented. Housing, cars, appliances and even clothes. No need to take out loans or save for a long time. Diversity is guaranteed. Everyone will be happy, except for those few poor devils who will own it all! Oh, wonderful, wonderful world!

Renting is awful!!!

We must all have Soviet housing.

No car loans.....just wait 9 years for your Trabant.
The capitalists draw the future for us like this:. Everything will be rented. Housing, cars, appliances and even clothes. No need to take out loans or save for a long time. Diversity is guaranteed. Everyone will be happy, except for those few poor devils who will own it all! Oh, wonderful, wonderful world!
I've never heard any "capitalist" say that.
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Household purchasing power for 90% of Americans has declined over the last forty years; where have you been?

"In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago.

"And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers."

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades
OK, a new standard you just made up. Most Americans are not poor you fucking moron. We will be if we follow you though, Marxist
Not foolish enough to believe private bankers planning the economy works for anyone except the richest one percent and other useless eaters, like you.

Yes, I want to abolish the Fed which means that I support private bankers planning the economy. Never said your fucking straw man, retard. You're just making up more shit. Let's face it, you aren't bright, you have to make it up
George's conception of a parasite is someone who works hard, invests and saves his money.
If corrupt Wall Street parasites work hard looting the productive economy, does that add or subtract from GDP? Does society in general benefit from such "hard work"?
How does that make anyone give me stuff?
When parasites pay a lower federal tax rate on their capital gains, productive labor and businesses either assume a larger share of the tax burden or austerity privatizes what were formerly public (non-profit) infrastructure. Any way the rich get richer by socializing costs and privatizing profits.
Thank goodness you don't have any money, you're still pure.
And you're still polluted:

The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century

"Can you give me Piketty's argument in four bullet points?​

  • The ratio of wealth to income is rising in all developed countries.
  • Absent extraordinary interventions, we should expect that trend to continue.
  • If it continues, the future will look like the 19th century, where economic elites have predominantly inherited their wealth rather than working for it.
  • The best solution would be a globally coordinated effort to tax wealth."
When parasites pay a lower federal tax rate on their capital gains, productive labor and businesses either assume a larger share of the tax burden or austerity privatizes what were formerly public (non-profit) infrastructure. Any way the rich get richer by socializing costs and privatizing profits.

Did the rich put too much of the tax burden on you?
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And you're still polluted:

The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century

"Can you give me Piketty's argument in four bullet points?​

  • The ratio of wealth to income is rising in all developed countries.
  • Absent extraordinary interventions, we should expect that trend to continue.
  • If it continues, the future will look like the 19th century, where economic elites have predominantly inherited their wealth rather than working for it.
  • The best solution would be a globally coordinated effort to tax wealth."

  • The ratio of wealth to income is rising in all developed countries.
Yeah, technology.

  • Absent extraordinary interventions, we should expect that trend to continue.
We already waste...err...invest trillions in handouts to people like you.

  • If it continues, the future will look like the 19th century, where economic elites have predominantly inherited their wealth rather than working for it.

  • The best solution would be a globally coordinated effort to tax wealth."

If at first you don't succeed, fail fail again.
Do you claim health care as a right? Housing? Food? Education? Maybe I was wrong about you.
You're wrong about most things, but the above isn't one of them. I believe society functions best when it collectively supplies basic human rights without requiring each individual to pay for some rich parasite's profit margin.

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