Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

You know, I started out typing a reply, but I thought "why pretend this commie shill deserves anything more than contempt and ridicule?" I couldn't really come up with a good answer. You got anything?
You're the commie shill, douchebag.
Tell Bloomberg.

The Historical Reasons Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Gap

"Today, owning a home is the most common way Americans hold wealth. The working class gained access to the U.S. housing market in the 1930s with the creation of the modern mortgage, a part of broader policies to restore prosperity during the Great Depression.

"Black families, however, were largely left out through a practice called redlining. A federal agency called the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation assigned grades to neighborhoods based on criteria including the race and class of residents

"Areas that got the lowest grade were deemed hazardous to lend to and color-coded red on maps, making it difficult for Black people to get mortgages."
Yes, that's the myth. The only problem is when they looked at the interest rates people were offered, there was no differenced for people with the same credit rating.
See if you can find a single quote where I "worship racist tyrants".
I never said you did.
Guilty conscience?
When northern textile mills made money weaving cloth, you don't get to count it as profit from slavery. That's a bullshit leftwing propaganda tactic.
When racist northern capitalists increased their profit margin by purchasing slave-produced cracker cotton, you do get to factor slavery into their surplus.
How did you arrive at the conclusion Browne is quadruple counting the money; show your work.
I've heard this story about how Black slaves created all the wealth in this country. One thing they do is attribute the wealth from textiles in the North to black slaves because they grew and picked the cotton. That's bullshit because they could have just bought cotton from some other source, and they would have earned just as much. The propagandists have several other bogus methods for multiplying the wealth supposedly produced by slaves.
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When racist northern capitalists increased their profit margin by purchasing slave-produced cracker cotton, you do get to factor slavery into their surplus.
You don't get to factor in the entire value of Northern textiles, shit for brains. They saved maybe 5% of the total value of their output. Not 100%.

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