Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

I posted comparisons between the nations in question, an gave you details straight from that site. Not my fault you have trouble reading.

Good, we don't need your cancerous Socialism here. Destroy Australia further instead.

Posting BS links is posting BS links.
Australia is fine. One of the few western countries that didn't suffer too much in the GFC...
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..

Every modern democratic country is capitalistic. It's impossible to have wealth without free markets generating that wealth. You see, it's impossible to coerce yourself into prosperity, as a collective. Only for leeches like yourself can that work.
Time to join reality. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just an unfair one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.

Communism is socialism. You just like to twist words to their extremes, as you can't actually make a good case. Classic Marxist behavior, this is what they always resort to.
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Of course they didn't, Socialism inherently cannot work, the key components prevent it from functioning. Carl Marx defined Communism, and unless a Nation fits the definition, it's not Communism. In fact, the USSR fits EVERY component of the definition for Socialism as described by Carl Marx. If it fulfills every criteria, then it's obviously Socialism.

Then what would you call taking someone's position against their will? Hmm?

Nobody is obligated to help someone in need, it's called free will. When the government takes someone's money and gives it to someone, regardless of how well off they are, it's thievery. Socialism by definition advocates thievery. In a Capitalist society, everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, and if someone doesn't, it's on them. Everyone also has equal opportunity to recover from their mess-ups, and if they don't that's also on them. This is the real world, nobody is obligated to help, and nobody should be forced to.
I posted comparisons between the nations in question, an gave you details straight from that site. Not my fault you have trouble reading.

Good, we don't need your cancerous Socialism here. Destroy Australia further instead.

Posting BS links is posting BS links.
Australia is fine. One of the few western countries that didn't suffer too much in the GFC...
Then refute any of their numbers and prove it wrong. Go for it.
Marx had a program to prepare people for communism called Scientific Socialism. It was tried by the USSR for a couple of years and dropped. A few years later the USSR dropped communism, Communism never worked but some people used the name to have a revolution and convert a nation to some type of economic and political program they called communism, that had no connection to Marx.
The Republicans did profit, however with the word Socialism, convincing a number of people that socialism leads to communism. It has been a Godsend to the Republican party. It didn't work on Social Security, however. I wonder how many people still believe Social Security will turn America into a communist nation?
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Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Of course they didn't, Socialism inherently cannot work, the key components prevent it from functioning. Carl Marx defined Communism, and unless a Nation fits the definition, it's not Communism. In fact, the USSR fits EVERY component of the definition for Socialism as described by Carl Marx. If it fulfills every criteria, then it's obviously Socialism.

Then what would you call taking someone's position against their will? Hmm?

Nobody is obligated to help someone in need, it's called free will. When the government takes someone's money and gives it to someone, regardless of how well off they are, it's thievery. Socialism by definition advocates thievery. In a Capitalist society, everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, and if someone doesn't, it's on them. Everyone also has equal opportunity to recover from their mess-ups, and if they don't that's also on them. This is the real world, nobody is obligated to help, and nobody should be forced to.
The gov't of the old EU, NZ, and Canada etc etc work great. That's socialism, and it works fine. You appear to be a barbarian lol. The way a society takes care for their unfortunate is how they are judged. You will be too. New BS GOP idiocy, that makes you a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot rich a-holle GOP...The world has changed since Karl Marx, dupe.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Of course they didn't, Socialism inherently cannot work, the key components prevent it from functioning. Carl Marx defined Communism, and unless a Nation fits the definition, it's not Communism. In fact, the USSR fits EVERY component of the definition for Socialism as described by Carl Marx. If it fulfills every criteria, then it's obviously Socialism.

Then what would you call taking someone's position against their will? Hmm?

Nobody is obligated to help someone in need, it's called free will. When the government takes someone's money and gives it to someone, regardless of how well off they are, it's thievery. Socialism by definition advocates thievery. In a Capitalist society, everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, and if someone doesn't, it's on them. Everyone also has equal opportunity to recover from their mess-ups, and if they don't that's also on them. This is the real world, nobody is obligated to help, and nobody should be forced to.
The gov't of the old EU, NZ, and Canada etc etc work great. That's socialism, and it works fine. You appear to be a barbarian lol. The way a society takes care for their unfortunate is how they are judged. You will be too. New BS GOP idiocy, that makes you a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot rich a-holle GOP...The world has changed since Karl Marx, dupe.
My 1960 World Book defines socialism as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC and a (fairer) capitalism. You're in the cold war USA about 1952.
Marx had a program to prepare people for communism called Scientific Socialism. It was tried by the USSR for a couple of years and dropped. A few years later the USSR dropped communism, Communism never worked but some people used the name to have a revolution and convert a nation to some type of economic and political program they called communism, that had no connection to Marx.
The Republicans did profit, however with the word Socialism, convincing a number of people that socialism leads to communism. It has been a Godsend to the Republican party. It didn't work on Social Security, however. I wonder how many people still believe Social Security will turn America into a communist nation?
Communism would have survived without giant military spending. Paranoid, perhaps with good reason.
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..

Every modern democratic country is capitalistic. It's impossible to have wealth without free markets generating that wealth. You see, it's impossible to coerce yourself into prosperity, as a collective. Only for leeches like yourself can that work.
Time to join reality. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just an unfair one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.

Communism is socialism. You just like to twist words to their extremes, as you can't actually make a good case. Classic Marxist behavior, this is what they always resort to.
No, Communism is Socialism. The less theoretical socialism is the kind that exists in the old EU, NZ, OZ, Canada, even here in a perverted retrograde New BS GOP way...see sig.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Of course they didn't, Socialism inherently cannot work, the key components prevent it from functioning. Carl Marx defined Communism, and unless a Nation fits the definition, it's not Communism. In fact, the USSR fits EVERY component of the definition for Socialism as described by Carl Marx. If it fulfills every criteria, then it's obviously Socialism.

Then what would you call taking someone's position against their will? Hmm?

Nobody is obligated to help someone in need, it's called free will. When the government takes someone's money and gives it to someone, regardless of how well off they are, it's thievery. Socialism by definition advocates thievery. In a Capitalist society, everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, and if someone doesn't, it's on them. Everyone also has equal opportunity to recover from their mess-ups, and if they don't that's also on them. This is the real world, nobody is obligated to help, and nobody should be forced to.
The gov't of the old EU, NZ, and Canada etc etc work great. That's socialism, and it works fine. You appear to be a barbarian lol. The way a society takes care for their unfortunate is how they are judged. You will be too. New BS GOP idiocy, that makes you a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot rich a-holle GOP...The world has changed since Karl Marx, dupe.
You obviously don't know what Socialism is if you're labeling Canada as such. Their industry is all privately owned, and Socialism by definition has all private industry owned by the government. Besides that, Canada ALSO has a worse economy than the United States, and their Healthcare system was so bad, until we destroyed ours, that they were actually coming to the US for OUR healthcare system.

As I stated earlier, New Zealand also has a worse economy than the United States, and the other Nordic Nations that supposedly have a working Socialist system ALSO have worse economies and are also working back towards Capitalism, because even they realize it doesn't work. I'm legitimately surprised, because usually Socialists aren't intelligent enough to learn from failures.

You see, I don't care how other Nations judge us, especially if they use your shallow perspective. "Oh, they let their people take care of themselves instead of babysitting them. How barbaric!". If these adult human beings can't take care of themselves, that's their own fault. A capitalist society is equal opportunity, and if they have no ambition or motivation, then it's their own fault that they fail, and others shouldn't be dragged down for their benefit. In a Socialist society, there's no incentive to take care of yourself, because the government does it for you, and that's one of the key reasons the ideology is worthless. Socialists make the assumption that human beings are too stupid and lazy to take care of themselves, and the fact is that if that is correct, then they don't deserve to live.

Sure, the world has changed, but economics hasn't. Economics will always be the same, and the constant failures of the Socialists will always be a reminder of that: Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..

Every modern democratic country is capitalistic. It's impossible to have wealth without free markets generating that wealth. You see, it's impossible to coerce yourself into prosperity, as a collective. Only for leeches like yourself can that work.
Time to join reality. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just an unfair one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.

Communism is socialism. You just like to twist words to their extremes, as you can't actually make a good case. Classic Marxist behavior, this is what they always resort to.
No, Communism is Socialism. The less theoretical socialism is the kind that exists in the old EU, NZ, OZ, Canada, even here in a perverted retrograde New BS GOP way...see sig.
I correct you and you still get it wrong. The concept was INVENTED by Marx, he defined it. The definition doesn't change simply because Socialists don't want to admit to their failures.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Of course they didn't, Socialism inherently cannot work, the key components prevent it from functioning. Carl Marx defined Communism, and unless a Nation fits the definition, it's not Communism. In fact, the USSR fits EVERY component of the definition for Socialism as described by Carl Marx. If it fulfills every criteria, then it's obviously Socialism.

Then what would you call taking someone's position against their will? Hmm?

Nobody is obligated to help someone in need, it's called free will. When the government takes someone's money and gives it to someone, regardless of how well off they are, it's thievery. Socialism by definition advocates thievery. In a Capitalist society, everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, and if someone doesn't, it's on them. Everyone also has equal opportunity to recover from their mess-ups, and if they don't that's also on them. This is the real world, nobody is obligated to help, and nobody should be forced to.
The gov't of the old EU, NZ, and Canada etc etc work great. That's socialism, and it works fine. You appear to be a barbarian lol. The way a society takes care for their unfortunate is how they are judged. You will be too. New BS GOP idiocy, that makes you a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot rich a-holle GOP...The world has changed since Karl Marx, dupe.
My 1960 World Book defines socialism as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC and a (fairer) capitalism. You're in the cold war USA about 1952.
Thievery is apparently fair. Unless it's being stolen from you, of course, right?
I posted comparisons between the nations in question, an gave you details straight from that site. Not my fault you have trouble reading.

Good, we don't need your cancerous Socialism here. Destroy Australia further instead.

Posting BS links is posting BS links.
Australia is fine. One of the few western countries that didn't suffer too much in the GFC...
Then refute any of their numbers and prove it wrong. Go for it.

Already have. Several times. you on the other hand have done so thing to mine.
I posted comparisons between the nations in question, an gave you details straight from that site. Not my fault you have trouble reading.

Good, we don't need your cancerous Socialism here. Destroy Australia further instead.

Posting BS links is posting BS links.
Australia is fine. One of the few western countries that didn't suffer too much in the GFC...
Then refute any of their numbers and prove it wrong. Go for it.

Already have. Several times. you on the other hand have done so thing to mine.
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
Unfortunately, the USA has the most ignorant and misinformed and duped voters in the modern world. Do Europeans know about Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other radio hosts? That's where GOPers and independants get all this idiocy...

"Unfortunately, the USA has the most ignorant and misinformed and duped voters in the modern world."

That was certainly true in '08 and '12.

But they seem to have taken a quantum leap in educating themselves since.
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...

Why are you here...shouldn't you be genuflecting in Havana????
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.

"Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol?"




I hope that borrowing those terms doesn't impinge on your right to 'em.

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