Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
Unfortunately, the USA has the most ignorant and misinformed and duped voters in the modern world. Do Europeans know about Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other radio hosts? That's where GOPers and independants get all this idiocy...

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
Unfortunately, the USA has the most ignorant and misinformed and duped voters in the modern world. Do Europeans know about Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other radio hosts? That's where GOPers and independants get all this idiocy...
That would be England.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
Unfortunately, the USA has the most ignorant and misinformed and duped voters in the modern world. Do Europeans know about Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other radio hosts? That's where GOPers and independants get all this idiocy...
That would be England.
No, even their Tories have to bow before our GOPers- it's close lol. Thanks Fox Rush McConnell etc etc.
Since the Constitution was ratified America has always had a mixture of socialism and capitalism.
You'll have to excuse him for using an accurate description. I know Socialists prefer inaccuracy.

Oh look, their taxes are also significantly higher than America's highest tax rate. You go, Norway.

Of course debt is bad, America also has stupidly high debt. On the other hand, that's not what decides a good economy.

I also linked sites that compare the economies of both nations. You apparently didn't bother reading it. Good grief, Socialists are Fopdoodles.

America has lower income tax rates, better off high, middle, and low classes, more businesses, faster business growth(We're complaining about 3%? They have .3%), a more active market, more exports, a much larger labor force, more household spending, and significantly higher personal income rates. This is all during a recession, prolonged by Obama.

"His measurement system is unreliable, so I'll use a worse one!"

If you like Socialism so much, move to Russia or Venezuela. We don't need your cancer further destroying our system.

It's not worse. Um, Russia is now a market economy and we're not discussing Russia or Venezuela but your erroneous conclusions about the Nordic economies. As mentioned in my link if you bothered too read is that their taxes cover health and education. Yours doesn't. So while you may not pay the same taxes you have to pay for those things out of your own pocket, which in the long run costs YOU more.

I'm not American dipshit. I live in Australia but am from NZ. My wife got a job in Aussie in2007. We had a choice that year - move to the US (where she also got a job) or go to Australia. We did the maths. The cost of living in the US was way more. Health insurance alone was a reason not to go.
I posted comparisons between the nations in question, an gave you details straight from that site. Not my fault you have trouble reading.

Good, we don't need your cancerous Socialism here. Destroy Australia further instead.
Poor houses were a state responsibility and many times the state would turn them over to the counties, but they remained the state's responsibility.
Do you think idiocy will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of idiocy is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im an idiot.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Do you think idiocy will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of idiocy is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im an idiot.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
Do you think idiocy will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of idiocy is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im an idiot.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We'r all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.
Every person responsible for themselves is significantly fairer than stealing people's money and passing it around. You have a very skewed sense of 'fair'.

I don't advocate any form of Socialism, I actually disagree completely with subsidies and I think they're an abomination, like any Socialist policy.

Communism doesn't exist, and has never existed. You clearly have no idea what it is.
So you'd rather pay for ER care for the poor, with no preventive medicine?

So what was the USSR, and Cuba today?
I'd rather the 'poor' pay for themselves.

Socialist. As described in the Communist Manifesto, a Communist society has no currency, no social classes, and no government. Everyone is completely equal. That doesn't describe Cuba, Germany, OR the USSR. Those systems were considered "Mess-ups" and the Socialists tried to distance themselves from them by calling them Communism.
Lots of things in the manifesto didn't work out lol. The whole world called them communists. What do you call them lol? You're just being a pain. What do you call the system in Scandinavia? Ay caramba.

Taxes are not stealing. It's the price of citizenship. Let the poor suffer? Enjoy hell.

Scandinavia is mixed economy, just like USA.

Taxes are theft indeed, by definition. Only you want the poor to suffer, slave labor and death camps for them, USSR style!
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..

Every modern democratic country is capitalistic. It's impossible to have wealth without free markets generating that wealth. You see, it's impossible to coerce yourself into prosperity, as a collective. Only for leeches like yourself can that work.
Oh, another RW ignoramus! The USSR was communist, every modern democratic country is socialist. Ask anyone but a brainwashed functional moron ugly American dumbass. TYVM..

Every modern democratic country is capitalistic. It's impossible to have wealth without free markets generating that wealth. You see, it's impossible to coerce yourself into prosperity, as a collective. Only for leeches like yourself can that work.
Time to join reality. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net for the unfortunate. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed. You dupes think it's communism still. Cold War US dinosaurs...We already are socialists, just an unfair one that panders to the richest. A GOP one.

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