Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Truth is I know quite a few upper-middle class individuals who are pretty frugal.... They could afford a BMW but they don't want a BMW, they want a reliable 5k auto.....

That's what they want - God bless them...

Their intent is to save for their family, cant blame them really.

Practicality. The American spirit lives. :)

Well I suppose modesty is humbleness.. :lol:

I don't think anyone really needs a BMW or marble bathroom and kitchen counters..

Hey? IF you can afford it on your dime? Why not? Personally? *I* wouldn't. To each thier long as I ain't paying for it. :)
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Ideal communism, Most or all communism is corrupted. And i dont belive ideal capitalism exist either.
Unconstrained capitalism will inevitably evolve as fascism, an incipient trend which we are witnessing today. Unconstrained socialism will inevitably evolve as communism, which has shown itself to be unsustainable.

The ideal system, as evidenced by the phenomenal social and economic success of America from the late 1940s to the early 1980s, is a capitalist engine which is strictly governed by socialist regulations. The decline of American world dominance began when Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, commenced the era of deregulation, the first evidence of which was the Savings and Loan swindles. From there it's been one scam after another, every one of which is the consequence of deregulation.
Ideal communism, Most or all communism is corrupted. And i dont belive ideal capitalism exist either.
Unconstrained capitalism will inevitably evolve as fascism, an incipient trend which we are witnessing today. Unconstrained socialism will inevitably evolve as communism, which has shown itself to be unsustainable.

The ideal system, as evidenced by the phenomenal social and economic success of America from the late 1940s to the early 1980s, is a capitalist engine which is strictly governed by socialist regulations. The decline of American world dominance began when Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, commenced the era of deregulation, the first evidence of which was the Savings and Loan swindles. From there it's been one scam after another, every one of which is the consequence of deregulation.

So Statists have to come in and stop it? :lol:
Ideal communism, Most or all communism is corrupted. And i dont belive ideal capitalism exist either.
Unconstrained capitalism will inevitably evolve as fascism, an incipient trend which we are witnessing today. Unconstrained socialism will inevitably evolve as communism, which has shown itself to be unsustainable.

The ideal system, as evidenced by the phenomenal social and economic success of America from the late 1940s to the early 1980s, is a capitalist engine which is strictly governed by socialist regulations. The decline of American world dominance began when Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, commenced the era of deregulation, the first evidence of which was the Savings and Loan swindles. From there it's been one scam after another, every one of which is the consequence of deregulation.

So Statists have to come in and stop it? :lol:

See State Capitalism, is different, the rules of economics nor Gravity apply. Just remember to abandon Reason and Salvation when you enter there. The Prize is Equal Misery.
Unconstrained capitalism will inevitably evolve as fascism, an incipient trend which we are witnessing today. Unconstrained socialism will inevitably evolve as communism, which has shown itself to be unsustainable.

The ideal system, as evidenced by the phenomenal social and economic success of America from the late 1940s to the early 1980s, is a capitalist engine which is strictly governed by socialist regulations. The decline of American world dominance began when Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, commenced the era of deregulation, the first evidence of which was the Savings and Loan swindles. From there it's been one scam after another, every one of which is the consequence of deregulation.

So Statists have to come in and stop it? :lol:

See State Capitalism, is different, the rules of economics nor Gravity apply. Just remember to abandon Reason and Salvation when you enter there. The Prize is Equal Misery.

I'm okay with communism as long as it's voluntary. What I take issue with is ANYONE insisting that I believe and do as they say, that they are the boss of my life (i.e. I must subscribe to their beliefs and be their slave).

Try to put a rope around my neck and I will bite your head off! And then my dogs will have their way with your corpse.

Why don't commies go play commie all by themselves, hum?

Commies suck. Commies are evil, just like the slave masters were. Are. Die, commies! Hang them with their own ropes of bondage and domination. Fill them with lead if they try to rope and control you like a slave so they will sink faster when dumped in the seas.
]I'm okay with communism as long as it's voluntary.[/B] What I take issue with is ANYONE insisting that I believe and do as they say, that they are the boss of my life (i.e. I must subscribe to their beliefs and be their slave).

Try to put a rope around my neck and I will bite your head off! And then my dogs will have their way with your corpse.

Why don't commies go play commie all by themselves, hum?

Commies suck. Commies are evil, just like the slave masters were. Are. Die, commies! Hang them with their own ropes of bondage and domination. Fill them with lead if they try to rope and control you like a slave so they will sink faster when dumped in the seas.

And as long as it's voluntary? Would you volunteer your resouces to send them where that kinda behaviour is accepted and not take the rest of us down?
Nobody wants communism, dimwits. After the last ten years, not wanting regulation on business is insanity.
And as long as it's voluntary? Would you volunteer your resouces to send them where that kinda behaviour is accepted and not take the rest of us down?

I don't care what everyone or anyone else decides to be or does, just count me OUT and leave me the HELL alone or there WILL be HELL on EARTH! That's what I mean. I belong to none, no one, no body. Comprehend?? Commies?

Commies are evil because they wont leave others alone. I hate commies more than anything else on Earth.
Nobody wants communism, dimwits. After the last ten years, not wanting regulation on business is insanity.

You are confused. It's not that we don't want regulation, it is when Regulation Abandons Reason that we have a disconnect.
And as long as it's voluntary? Would you volunteer your resouces to send them where that kinda behaviour is accepted and not take the rest of us down?

I don't care what everyone or anyone else decides to be or does, just count me OUT and leave me the HELL alone or there WILL be HELL on EARTH! That's what I mean. I belong to none, no one, no body. Comprehend?? Commies?

Commies are evil because they wont leave others alone. I hate commies more than anything else on Earth.

Commies, Telemarketers, High Pressure Sales. :D
And as long as it's voluntary? Would you volunteer your resouces to send them where that kinda behaviour is accepted and not take the rest of us down?

I don't care what everyone or anyone else decides to be or does, just count me OUT and leave me the HELL alone or there WILL be HELL on EARTH! That's what I mean. I belong to none, no one, no body. Comprehend?? Commies?

Commies are evil because they wont leave others alone. I hate commies more than anything else on Earth.

Good for YOU.

Liberty is everything.
Nobody wants communism, dimwits. After the last ten years, not wanting regulation on business is insanity.

You are confused. It's not that we don't want regulation, it is when Regulation Abandons Reason that we have a disconnect.

And when Statist reason usurps liberty of the individual, and defies common sense.
I don't care what everyone or anyone else decides to be or does, just count me OUT and leave me the HELL alone or there WILL be HELL on EARTH! That's what I mean. I belong to none, no one, no body.

Got your bunker all stocked up with Spam and Jello, champ?
So what nations on this planet have ever practiced communism?
America has always had government charities for the poor, they were part of the state's responsiblities., county poor house, county orphanage, remember? When the states could not handle the load the national government took over the responsiblity and pretty much gave it back to the states during the Clinton adminitration.
Our government has alway been involved in the nation's economy beginning with the Washington administration, it is one reason the founders changed the government to a Constitution.
I don't want to be any of the things anyone else would want me to be. And never would insist anyone else be as I might wish and want them to be. I just want to be left alone. What I don't understand are the minds of those that seem to insist that I and others MUST be and do and believe as they say . . . or else . . . or else I should go to jail, or hell, or have my head cut off, or whatever they peach and behind. Such nasty humans in the world that would want to dominate and rule and enslave others, shame on them, all of you that have made plans that include ME. What a nasty species humans have become. Embarrassing to be one of them now. What is wrong with some humans? Why can't they leave others alone?

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