Capitalism responds to the crisis

Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

So at least one supplier, that remains anonymous is charging $7 per mask. No name of the supplier, so we don’t know that. Did the reporter verify anything? This story may or may not be true, we don’t know because a sloppy, lazy reporter did not do their job and did dig into the details, they just ran on emotion.

This is why misinformation is running rampant, lazy journalists.

The Independent should be ashamed of this story and until more details were verified, they should of held back the story. It is just more emotional fear mongering and sensational based journalism.

We need facts, shame the company and name them, verify the facts, did the journalist even look at an invoice? Did he call the supplier? Did he even ask who the supplier was?

We have no idea since the reporter Chris Riotta is short on details and strong on emotional and sensational journalism.

Journalists are supposed to be responsible and ask lots of questions and dig into the information given, verify and fact check.

If you support free market capitalism why would you condemn them?

And maybe the example isn't true, I posted others that are.

My comment is on poor journalism. No real facts and then people assume its true.

So your logic is, if these other stories are true, then this one must be true? No questions asked?

We have lots of stories where journalists have been proven to lie in their stories, so by your logic, this story is a lie and if you condemn free market capitalism, why are you not questioning Chris Riotta’s poor journalism?

I went to college to become a journalist, it was a profession that was built on truth, integrity, and verifying sources and facts. It is all but gone and now it is built on sensationalism and emotion.

Everyone mentioned, the CEO of the healthcare provider, the Independent paper and the supplier are all capitalist, so by your logic how can you believe any of them.
Of course capitalism has lines and regulations

Thanks for reminding me about supply and demand

as the article pointed out the hospital will pay $7 if that is the price

they dont want to but they can and will

which will lure new producers onto the market and create new supplies

soon the price will be down to .58 cents or even lower

because over production will drive the price of unsold masks below the break even point

It isn't going to lure new producers because this is temporary. But as you note, what is happening is capitalism despite your attempt to deflect.
So you think the mask shortage will never be filled and the only solution is for government to dictate the price of masks?

I know better than that

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism
but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

Sorry, I do not understand why everyone does not hate what the companies I provided examples for have done.

Can you explain why you don't?

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing

A large number of innovations were funded by the government.

Very true.

In fact, the platform that person is using for free speech was developed by the government.

The internet was developed by the government.

So was GPS.

Many vaccines we take for granted were developed by the government.

Computers wouldn't have become so prevalent in our lives if the government had not invested money to develop them.

Then there's NASA. The government took us into space.

The interstate highway and most roads.

The list is way too long of things we take for granted everyday that we have because it was developed or invented by the government.
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

So at least one supplier, that remains anonymous is charging $7 per mask. No name of the supplier, so we don’t know that. Did the reporter verify anything? This story may or may not be true, we don’t know because a sloppy, lazy reporter did not do their job and did dig into the details, they just ran on emotion.

This is why misinformation is running rampant, lazy journalists.

The Independent should be ashamed of this story and until more details were verified, they should of held back the story. It is just more emotional fear mongering and sensational based journalism.

We need facts, shame the company and name them, verify the facts, did the journalist even look at an invoice? Did he call the supplier? Did he even ask who the supplier was?

We have no idea since the reporter Chris Riotta is short on details and strong on emotional and sensational journalism.

Journalists are supposed to be responsible and ask lots of questions and dig into the information given, verify and fact check.

If you support free market capitalism why would you condemn them?

And maybe the example isn't true, I posted others that are.

My comment is on poor journalism. No real facts and then people assume its true.

So your logic is, if these other stories are true, then this one must be true? No questions asked?

We have lots of stories where journalists have been proven to lie in their stories, so by your logic, this story is a lie and if you condemn free market capitalism, why are you not questioning Chris Riotta’s poor journalism?

I went to college to become a journalist, it was a profession that was built on truth, integrity, and verifying sources and facts. It is all but gone and now it is built on sensationalism and emotion.

Everyone mentioned, the CEO of the healthcare provider, the Independent paper and the supplier are all capitalist, so by your logic how can you believe any of them.

The journalist quoted the doctor. Are you really saying the doctor lied? Should the journalist now go and investigate what he said? Yes but you still report the story you went after.
It isn't going to lure new producers because this is temporary. But as you note, what is happening is capitalism despite your attempt to deflect.
So you think the mask shortage will never be filled and the only solution is for government to dictate the price of masks?

I know better than that

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price
Most "CONSUMERS" care about price....affordability.....Most "CONSUMERS" care about being able to afford life saving medications...

I bet you probably call Jonas Salk a communist for not seeking to maximize profit and patent his vaccine......

Again, this isn't a binary choice....this isn't a "Oh noes!!! if you put people in prison as a deterrent to corporate crimes that resulted in hundreds of lives lost --- that will be the end of capitalism, blah blah blah"

Only dishonest people make that argument.....because no one makes that argument about murder, theft, etc -- except for when a corporation is the culprit...
You didn't think the vultures would change their stripes, or did you?

Banks Pressure Health Care Firms to Raise Prices on Critical Drugs, Medical Supplies for Coronavirus
Lee Fang - March 19 2020, 7:03 p.m.

In recent weeks, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis.

The media has mostly focused on individuals who have taken advantage of the market for now-scarce medical and hygiene supplies to hoard masks and hand sanitizer and resell them at higher prices. But the largest voices in the health care industry stand to gain from billions of dollars in emergency spending on the pandemic, as do the bankers and investors who invest in health care companies.
The Intercept....:icon_rolleyes:

When the price for hand sanitizer goes through the roof I will consider the point.
You didn't think the vultures would change their stripes, or did you?

Banks Pressure Health Care Firms to Raise Prices on Critical Drugs, Medical Supplies for Coronavirus
Lee Fang - March 19 2020, 7:03 p.m.

In recent weeks, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis.

The media has mostly focused on individuals who have taken advantage of the market for now-scarce medical and hygiene supplies to hoard masks and hand sanitizer and resell them at higher prices. But the largest voices in the health care industry stand to gain from billions of dollars in emergency spending on the pandemic, as do the bankers and investors who invest in health care companies.
The Intercept....:icon_rolleyes:

When the price for hand sanitizer goes through the roof I will consider the point.

Capitalism baby!

The Hand-Sanitizer Hawkers Aren’t Sorry
China can send you masks made in Wuhan for $1 each

Actually a million or so perfectly good N95 masks are available from Alibaba's billionaire Chinese capitalist Jack Ma for free. He has sent millions of much needed masks and full medical suits to Italy and Iran and many other countries. China, having controlled and stopped the spread of its own epidemic (at least temporarily) can now again export medical supplies cheaply and safely all over the world. Even Wuhan factories are beginning to open.

The early confusion, bureaucratic cover ups, and repression of free speech in Wuhan and Hubei Province had horrific consequences, and Xi Jinping's policies of increased censorship and repression were largely responsible for them. This is absolutely true. In a better world, when this is all over he would be removed and his reactionary policies reversed.

As is, XiJinping may end up being seen in China and even elsewhere as a hero who led the Chinese people in an all-out mobilization against this "invisible enemy." Now it is our own time to face this enemy. Let us hope we, with our far greater average wealth, more advanced medical systems, fewer teaming cities, and far greater forewarning, do as well. In China, as in the U.S. and worldwide, there are still many hard decisions to be made. Economic and medical trade offs with very uncertain consequences. But we know this thing can be slowed and managed. It is clearly no "Black Plague."

The viral "Swine Flu" epidemic came from central Mexico, and others from Africa and the Middle East and elsewhere. Such dangers are a part of modern life. They have always been with us. China's recent modernization at least finally gave it the medical knowledge to decode the DNA of the virus and quickly notify the world, allowing Korea and Japan and other countries time to create tests and prepare well for what they knew was coming. China itself had just enough of a modern health system, and social solidarity, that its powerful central party and state apparatus stopped its own epidemic, giving the world a forewarning of what it was facing and an example of what might work, as well as what doesn't.

Our country's leader made some terrible mistakes of his own, even after he rightly followed up on the CDC's suggestion that he close our borders to Chinese tourists. But in his complacency, he rejected and repudiated all the experts warnings that Covid-9 would arrive here anyway. Now he has changed course dramatically. XiJinping, likewise, once he became fully aware of the danger, finally make his own hard decision to mobilize his whole country and governmental power to stop the epidemic. Xi's gamble paid off, but only at terrible economic cost.

We are not in a war with China or "communism" or "socialism" at this moment. We are in a war with a virus, and we will beat it through science -- though probably at a much higher cost than we've ever experienced in our lifetimes. At the end of it all, we just may discover that our arrogant confidence in our crony capitalist financial / economic reality was unwarranted. That our social, economic and political system has developed terrible defects and instabilities. Nobody knows the future. But faced with challenges from "Mother Nature" herself, be they environmental or viral, we may have to reconsider many old ways of thinking about our place in the world.
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So you think the mask shortage will never be filled and the only solution is for government to dictate the price of masks?

I know better than that

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price
Most "CONSUMERS" care about price....affordability.....Most "CONSUMERS" care about being able to afford life saving medications...

I bet you probably call Jonas Salk a communist for not seeking to maximize profit and patent his vaccine......

Again, this isn't a binary choice....this isn't a "Oh noes!!! if you put people in prison as a deterrent to corporate crimes that resulted in hundreds of lives lost --- that will be the end of capitalism, blah blah blah"

Only dishonest people make that argument.....because no one makes that argument about murder, theft, etc -- except for when a corporation is the culprit...
We cant all be as selfless as jonas salk

but one thing is for sure

Someone had to be making money to support salk and his research
It isn't going to lure new producers because this is temporary. But as you note, what is happening is capitalism despite your attempt to deflect.
So you think the mask shortage will never be filled and the only solution is for government to dictate the price of masks?

I know better than that

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism
but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

Sorry, I do not understand why everyone does not hate what the companies I provided examples for have done.

Can you explain why you don't?

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing

A large number of innovations were funded by the government.

Very true.

In fact, the platform that person is using for free speech was developed by the government.

The internet was developed by the government.

So was GPS.

Many vaccines we take for granted were developed by the government.

Computers wouldn't have become so prevalent in our lives if the government had not invested money to develop them.

Then there's NASA. The government took us into space.

The interstate highway and most roads.

The list is way too long of things we take for granted everyday that we have because it was developed or invented by the government.
I am not against those things

in fact I was watching a documentary on the Grand Coulee Dam which would not have happened without government

so there is a case to be made for the public sector

As for the internet, if it were strictly government run with no profit incentive we would still be using 300 baud dial up modems and probably going to the public library to wait in line for our turn at the internet experience
So you think the mask shortage will never be filled and the only solution is for government to dictate the price of masks?

I know better than that

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
Step inside the bunker where the Royal Family would have sheltered from a nuclear attack

It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

So at least one supplier, that remains anonymous is charging $7 per mask. No name of the supplier, so we don’t know that. Did the reporter verify anything? This story may or may not be true, we don’t know because a sloppy, lazy reporter did not do their job and did dig into the details, they just ran on emotion.

This is why misinformation is running rampant, lazy journalists.

The Independent should be ashamed of this story and until more details were verified, they should of held back the story. It is just more emotional fear mongering and sensational based journalism.

We need facts, shame the company and name them, verify the facts, did the journalist even look at an invoice? Did he call the supplier? Did he even ask who the supplier was?

We have no idea since the reporter Chris Riotta is short on details and strong on emotional and sensational journalism.

Journalists are supposed to be responsible and ask lots of questions and dig into the information given, verify and fact check.

If you support free market capitalism why would you condemn them?

And maybe the example isn't true, I posted others that are.

My comment is on poor journalism. No real facts and then people assume its true.

So your logic is, if these other stories are true, then this one must be true? No questions asked?

We have lots of stories where journalists have been proven to lie in their stories, so by your logic, this story is a lie and if you condemn free market capitalism, why are you not questioning Chris Riotta’s poor journalism?

I went to college to become a journalist, it was a profession that was built on truth, integrity, and verifying sources and facts. It is all but gone and now it is built on sensationalism and emotion.

Everyone mentioned, the CEO of the healthcare provider, the Independent paper and the supplier are all capitalist, so by your logic how can you believe any of them.

The journalist quoted the doctor. Are you really saying the doctor lied? Should the journalist now go and investigate what he said? Yes but you still report the story you went after.

The reporter interviewed Scott Steiner, CEO of Phoebe Putney Health System, later in the article he was referred to as Mr. Steiner, not Dr. He is a CEO of a capitalistic company. You can’t trust them. The Independent is a big evil capitalistic organization. You can’t trust them either.

If you are the reporter, would you at least ask to see the invoice, ask the name of the supplier, at least call and talk to the supplier?
It's an example of why we need regulation on capitalism. Just as the examples of the pharmaceutical companies do. I could point to DuPont poisoning the water supply as another example. Boeing was already pointed out. The list is long.
We have regulations of capitalism

but I think your viral hatred of private drug companies is very shortsighted

the private sector is the most innovative and productive as long as the incentive exists to make money

you want them to slave for you at cost and in that case you’ll get nothing
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR

Right, you aren't even for unregulated capitalism nor the socialism that benefits us all. Oddly that has been condemned lately.
Most Pharma companies are not in danger of going out of business because they charge $100 for a bottle of pills instead of $700.....

I just showed you how they are willing to pay billions out in settlements for shit they ALREADY KNEW was illegal....if they have billions to spare for paying out settlements, why not use that money to reduce their unit costs? Short answer...greed
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved

So again, you support charging many times what was the going rate where people's lives are at stake?
Face mask supplier 'charging hospitals $7 for 58-cent masks' as coronavirus crisis escalates

$7 for a 58 cent mask.!! Are there no laws protecting the public from this sort of abuse ?

So at least one supplier, that remains anonymous is charging $7 per mask. No name of the supplier, so we don’t know that. Did the reporter verify anything? This story may or may not be true, we don’t know because a sloppy, lazy reporter did not do their job and did dig into the details, they just ran on emotion.

This is why misinformation is running rampant, lazy journalists.

The Independent should be ashamed of this story and until more details were verified, they should of held back the story. It is just more emotional fear mongering and sensational based journalism.

We need facts, shame the company and name them, verify the facts, did the journalist even look at an invoice? Did he call the supplier? Did he even ask who the supplier was?

We have no idea since the reporter Chris Riotta is short on details and strong on emotional and sensational journalism.

Journalists are supposed to be responsible and ask lots of questions and dig into the information given, verify and fact check.

If you support free market capitalism why would you condemn them?

And maybe the example isn't true, I posted others that are.

My comment is on poor journalism. No real facts and then people assume its true.

So your logic is, if these other stories are true, then this one must be true? No questions asked?

We have lots of stories where journalists have been proven to lie in their stories, so by your logic, this story is a lie and if you condemn free market capitalism, why are you not questioning Chris Riotta’s poor journalism?

I went to college to become a journalist, it was a profession that was built on truth, integrity, and verifying sources and facts. It is all but gone and now it is built on sensationalism and emotion.

Everyone mentioned, the CEO of the healthcare provider, the Independent paper and the supplier are all capitalist, so by your logic how can you believe any of them.

The journalist quoted the doctor. Are you really saying the doctor lied? Should the journalist now go and investigate what he said? Yes but you still report the story you went after.

The reporter interviewed Scott Steiner, CEO of Phoebe Putney Health System, later in the article he was referred to as Mr. Steiner, not Dr. He is a CEO of a capitalistic company. You can’t trust them. The Independent is a big evil capitalistic organization. You can’t trust them either.

If you are the reporter, would you at least ask to see the invoice, ask the name of the supplier, at least call and talk to the supplier?

Sorry, it wasn't a doctor. I think it would make for a good story. Would I require him to do that before reporting on what he No. I think it would make a good story for him. We will see if it ever comes about.
We lead the world in new lifesaving drugs thanks to capitalism and private drug companies

yes, our government does help in basic research done at universities but that alone would not be enough

but all libs seem to care about is price

How Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Drug Companies - Center for American Progress

Inside The Pharmaceutical Lobby's Campaign For More Government Subsidies Through Medicare Part D

Is this how capitalism works?

try NOT assisting the private drug companies and watch the list of new lifesaving drugs DISAPPEAR
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved

So again, you support charging many times what was the going rate where people's lives are at stake?
The drug companies make their money till the patent expires

after that foreign drug companies can make generic copies of the drug at lower prices
So anyway, I emailed the author of the story and we will see what he has to say if he replies.
He is pointing out the fact that these "private drug companies" rely on government to do what they do......which is even more reason why they shouldn't be trying to gouge those same taxpayers
Gouging as defined by socialists who think drugs should be free

the public may pay more than you think is fair

but at least the drugs exist and are lives are being saved

So again, you support charging many times what was the going rate where people's lives are at stake?
The drug companies make their money till the patent expires

after that foreign drug companies can make generic copies of the drug at lower prices

That doesn't come close to directly answering my question. I can't even imagine what you said even applies to the mask issue.

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