Capitalists are warmongers - France now withdrawing from Afg

I'm an American, now answer the question, asshole.

:0) Fuck you and the hole you crawled out of asswipe. :lol:

Too much of a chickenshit to answer the question, kid? Afraid your '60 year old man' story is falling apart, or just that you will be exposed as an illogical douchebag?

Unbeknowst to the stupid :0) .. there are posters here who know me.

Let me guess .. your command of the english language is better than mine.


Your knowledge of American history is better than mine.


:0) This is fun.

So what is it that makes a moron like you ask what my nationality is?

I got it .. dissent. You think dissent is unamerican and anyone who would question the government cannot be American.

But you smell like a teabagger so that can't be it. :0)

I got it .. it's ok to question the government, but not capitalism. That's blasphemy in the minds of the really stupid. :lol:

I'm from the planet Lovetron. Just me and Darryl Dawkins and a bevy of fine women.

The USA is the only modern country that doesn't REALIZE it's socialist, just CRAPPE Pub socialism. Let's do what they do and it social democracy, so Cold War dinosaur Pub dupes' heads don't explode! LOL!

English, you moron, English! Go find a school that will take a hopeless case like you and at least try to learn something.
"Capitalists" ?!?, huh? What the fucketh !!!!!!

Militarism is a fascist trait.

Both Sarkozy and Hollande are fascists.

May be Hollande is less so.

:0) Oh really


•The United States spends more than the next 45 highest spending countries in the world combined.
•The United States accounts for 48 percent of the world's total military spending.
•The United States spends on its military 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.

By your definition .. does that make us facist?

Makes us fear mongered fools for a-hole Pubs to one extent or another.

THAT it does.

It makes us the monsters of nightmares who send unmanned machines into far-reaching foreign lands to massacre innocent people .. including babies asleep in thier beds.

US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike

The U.S. military has claimed responsibility for an airstrike that killed six innocent members of a family in southwestern Afghanistan and pledged a formal apology would be forthcoming. The attack took place on Friday and was revealed publicly by the governor of Helmand Province, Muhammad Gulab Mangal on Monday. The U.S. almost immediately confirmed Mangal’s accusation, which makes it seem like they knew about it before he went public. The episode raises questions about how many such cases of civilian killings the U.S. military commits in Afghanistan that aren’t investigated and brought to light by corrupt and inept Afghan authorities. In fact, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Helmand, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, after admitting to Mangal’s charges said American officials had been unaware of the civilian deaths and claimed an investigation had been initiated. But the people of Afghanistan and the United States were kept in the dark.
US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike - Another World Is Possible

We are the monsters of nightmares .. but it isn't pubs doing it today .. it's Obama .. the so-called Nobel "peace" Prize Winner.

He's droning planet earth.
Unkotare- stupidest Pubtroll I know of...any actual arguments or knowledge?- just stupid insults LOL

Obama is getting us out of there ASAP responsibly. We will NOT abandon Afghan to the Taliban and Al Qaeda like Pubs did- TWICE!!
So you are literally afraid to say what your nationality is? Are you that much of a chickenshit, kid? You're hopeless.

In case you were wondering, yes, my command of the English language is far superior to yours. You come up short in all categories.
Unkotare- stupidest Pubtroll I know of...any actual arguments or knowledge?- just stupid insults LOL

Obama is getting us out of there ASAP responsibly. We will NOT abandon Afghan to the Taliban and Al Qaeda like Pubs did- TWICE!!

Are you too ashamed to go take a remedial English course? Is that it? Or do you have some mental condition that compels you to make up these asinine little terms you keep using? I'm sorry the educational system let you slip through the cracks the way it did.
:0) Oh really


•The United States spends more than the next 45 highest spending countries in the world combined.
•The United States accounts for 48 percent of the world's total military spending.
•The United States spends on its military 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.

By your definition .. does that make us facist?

Makes us fear mongered fools for a-hole Pubs to one extent or another.

THAT it does.

It makes us the monsters of nightmares who send unmanned machines into far-reaching foreign lands to massacre innocent people .. including babies asleep in thier beds.

US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike

The U.S. military has claimed responsibility for an airstrike that killed six innocent members of a family in southwestern Afghanistan and pledged a formal apology would be forthcoming. The attack took place on Friday and was revealed publicly by the governor of Helmand Province, Muhammad Gulab Mangal on Monday. The U.S. almost immediately confirmed Mangal’s accusation, which makes it seem like they knew about it before he went public. The episode raises questions about how many such cases of civilian killings the U.S. military commits in Afghanistan that aren’t investigated and brought to light by corrupt and inept Afghan authorities. In fact, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Helmand, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, after admitting to Mangal’s charges said American officials had been unaware of the civilian deaths and claimed an investigation had been initiated. But the people of Afghanistan and the United States were kept in the dark.
US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike - Another World Is Possible

We are the monsters of nightmares .. but it isn't pubs doing it today .. it's Obama .. the so-called Nobel "peace" Prize Winner.

He's droning planet earth.

Militarism is a fascist trait --both political parties are owned by the welfare/warfare state.


Makes us fear mongered fools for a-hole Pubs to one extent or another.

THAT it does.

It makes us the monsters of nightmares who send unmanned machines into far-reaching foreign lands to massacre innocent people .. including babies asleep in thier beds.

US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike

The U.S. military has claimed responsibility for an airstrike that killed six innocent members of a family in southwestern Afghanistan and pledged a formal apology would be forthcoming. The attack took place on Friday and was revealed publicly by the governor of Helmand Province, Muhammad Gulab Mangal on Monday. The U.S. almost immediately confirmed Mangal’s accusation, which makes it seem like they knew about it before he went public. The episode raises questions about how many such cases of civilian killings the U.S. military commits in Afghanistan that aren’t investigated and brought to light by corrupt and inept Afghan authorities. In fact, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Helmand, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, after admitting to Mangal’s charges said American officials had been unaware of the civilian deaths and claimed an investigation had been initiated. But the people of Afghanistan and the United States were kept in the dark.
US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike - Another World Is Possible

We are the monsters of nightmares .. but it isn't pubs doing it today .. it's Obama .. the so-called Nobel "peace" Prize Winner.

He's droning planet earth.

Militarism is a fascist trait --both political parties are owned by the welfare/warfare state..


Both political parties are owned corporations absolutely.

But it isn't fascism that drives them .. it's profit. They couldn't care less what Americans think .. who are too busy blaming each other.
Obama is getting us out of there ASAP responsibly. We will NOT abandon Afghan to the Taliban and Al Qaeda like Pubs did- TWICE!! If you can't tell the diff between the 2 parties, you too are duped by Pubs...
THAT it does.

It makes us the monsters of nightmares who send unmanned machines into far-reaching foreign lands to massacre innocent people .. including babies asleep in thier beds.

US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike

The U.S. military has claimed responsibility for an airstrike that killed six innocent members of a family in southwestern Afghanistan and pledged a formal apology would be forthcoming. The attack took place on Friday and was revealed publicly by the governor of Helmand Province, Muhammad Gulab Mangal on Monday. The U.S. almost immediately confirmed Mangal’s accusation, which makes it seem like they knew about it before he went public. The episode raises questions about how many such cases of civilian killings the U.S. military commits in Afghanistan that aren’t investigated and brought to light by corrupt and inept Afghan authorities. In fact, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Helmand, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, after admitting to Mangal’s charges said American officials had been unaware of the civilian deaths and claimed an investigation had been initiated. But the people of Afghanistan and the United States were kept in the dark.
US Admits Killing Innocent Afghan Family in Airstrike - Another World Is Possible

We are the monsters of nightmares .. but it isn't pubs doing it today .. it's Obama .. the so-called Nobel "peace" Prize Winner.

He's droning planet earth.

Militarism is a fascist trait --both political parties are owned by the welfare/warfare state..


Both political parties are owned corporations absolutely.

But it isn't fascism that drives them .. it's profit. They couldn't care less what Americans think .. who are too busy blaming each other.

Tat is that reason fascists join forces - the state bureaucrats acquire power and the corporations unjustly enrich themselves.

Obama is getting us out of there ASAP responsibly. We will NOT abandon Afghan to the Taliban and Al Qaeda like Pubs did- TWICE!! If you can't tell the diff between the 2 parties, you too are duped by Pubs...

Start from here .. Obama is a corporatist. He does exactly what corporatists do.

How many wars and conflicts are we currently involved in?

The Taliban are STRONGER THAN EVER ..

Taliban stronger than before U.S. troop surge: lawmakers

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Taliban is stronger now than before President Barack Obama ordered a surge of U.S. troops to Afghanistan, two senior lawmakers said on Sunday, contradicting the administration's assessment of the insurgency.

"I think we both say that what we found is the Taliban is stronger," Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein told CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview that included House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, who agreed with her statement. The two lawmakers returned last week from a trip to Afghanistan.
Taliban stronger than before U.S. troop surge: lawmakers - Chicago Tribune

He's murdering innocent people in Pakistan .. he's droning the planet.

He used Al Queda to attack Libya. They were his rebels.

Trying to paint US war horrors on just the republicans is seriously disingenuous.
Last edited:
Capitalists are warmongers.

"Capitalists" ?!?, huh? What the fucketh !!!!!!

Militarism is a fascist trait.

Both Sarkozy and Hollande are fascists.

May be Hollande is less so.

:0) Oh really


•The United States spends more than the next 45 highest spending countries in the world combined.
•The United States accounts for 48 percent of the world's total military spending.
•The United States spends on its military 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.

By your definition .. does that make us facist?
Well since we're defending almost 75% of the rest of the world, it's time they picked up their burden. I've no problem of retasking the navy to be floating bases of operations and ending ALL aid to the rest of the world. Let em defend themselves and we can quit pretending to be the cop and deal with our own problems. I'm sure a few hundred billion a year back in our pocket will work out well for us.
"Capitalists" ?!?, huh? What the fucketh !!!!!!

Militarism is a fascist trait.

Both Sarkozy and Hollande are fascists.

May be Hollande is less so.

:0) Oh really


•The United States spends more than the next 45 highest spending countries in the world combined.
•The United States accounts for 48 percent of the world's total military spending.
•The United States spends on its military 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.

By your definition .. does that make us facist?
Well since we're defending almost 75% of the rest of the world, it's time they picked up their burden. I've no problem of retasking the navy to be floating bases of operations and ending ALL aid to the rest of the world. Let em defend themselves and we can quit pretending to be the cop and deal with our own problems. I'm sure a few hundred billion a year back in our pocket will work out well for us.

Shortsightedness fueled by misunderstanding
:0) Oh really


•The United States spends more than the next 45 highest spending countries in the world combined.
•The United States accounts for 48 percent of the world's total military spending.
•The United States spends on its military 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.

By your definition .. does that make us facist?
Well since we're defending almost 75% of the rest of the world, it's time they picked up their burden. I've no problem of retasking the navy to be floating bases of operations and ending ALL aid to the rest of the world. Let em defend themselves and we can quit pretending to be the cop and deal with our own problems. I'm sure a few hundred billion a year back in our pocket will work out well for us.

Shortsightedness fueled by misunderstanding
Playing the world's policeman has been the downfall of EVERY empire in the world... and we really don't even have an empire. So why are we going to repeat the mistakes of old again?
Well since we're defending almost 75% of the rest of the world, it's time they picked up their burden. I've no problem of retasking the navy to be floating bases of operations and ending ALL aid to the rest of the world. Let em defend themselves and we can quit pretending to be the cop and deal with our own problems. I'm sure a few hundred billion a year back in our pocket will work out well for us.

Shortsightedness fueled by misunderstanding
Playing the world's policeman has been the downfall of EVERY empire in the world... and we really don't even have an empire. So why are we going to repeat the mistakes of old again?

We are not "playing the world's policeman." That is an empty, ill-informed, lefty slogan.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein told CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview that included House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, who agreed with her statement. The two lawmakers returned last week from a trip to Afghanistan.
Taliban stronger than before U.S. troop surge: lawmakers - Chicago Tribune

He's murdering innocent people in Pakistan .. he's droning the planet.

He used Al Queda to attack Libya. They were his rebels.

Trying to paint US war horrors on just the republicans is seriously disingenuous.
Feinstein is a bit TOO Californy/Lefty on this. The Afghan ARMY IS DEFINITELY getting stronger. time to get Paki on board again...

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