Capitalists are warmongers - France now withdrawing from Afg

Yeah and the French are quiche eating surrender monkeys that the capitalist US had to bail out in two world wars when they couldn't defend themselves.

Total BS- you're a moron ugly 'Merican ignoramus. Thanks to Pub isolationists, France stood alone against Nazis, they lost, just like the UK and the US would have without their moats. Pubs let a-holes run wild for years, actually ruined the League, started the Depression that led to militarists in Ger. and Japan, let them run wild. Without Pearl Harbor, they would have let them go on forever. Selfish, myopic morons forever.

France won WWI, moron. Destroyed half the country and a generation. Pub dupe moron!

Are you a fucking idiot??

Ever hear of Normandy??

You better believe the US bailed out France.

Fuck you shyttehead- Yes I've been to all the beaches etc. The French are eternally grateful, but Pub a-holes can shove their hater bullshytte- next time go thru Italy!!LOL More French were killed by allied bombing than US soldiers going through France, and Pub isolationism was a disgrace 1914-Dec 7, 1941. Pubs are ALWAYS myopic AZZHOLES. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::mad::lol::eusa_whistle: STFU, ignoramus. LOL!
Cuba is COMMUNIST, not socialist, which everyone in the world but US dupes know is democratic. That's why Venezuela is socialist, DUPES.

Cuba's not "democratic" Castro (brothers) are fucking dictators.

Socialism is the only economic model that works under communism.

Socialism is an economic model, Communism is a socioeconomic structure. Communism and true socialism are pretty much interchangeable..
Total BS- you're a moron ugly 'Merican ignoramus. Thanks to Pub isolationists, France stood alone against Nazis, they lost, just like the UK and the US would have without their moats. Pubs let a-holes run wild for years, actually ruined the League, started the Depression that led to militarists in Ger. and Japan, let them run wild. Without Pearl Harbor, they would have let them go on forever. Selfish, myopic morons forever.

France won WWI, moron. Destroyed half the country and a generation. Pub dupe moron!

Are you a fucking idiot??

Ever hear of Normandy??

You better believe the US bailed out France.

Fuck you shyttehead- Yes I've been to all the beaches etc. The French are eternally grateful, but Pub a-holes can shove their hater bullshytte- next time go thru Italy!!LOL More French were killed by allied bombing than US soldiers going through France, and Pub isolationism was a disgrace 1914-Dec 7, 1941. Pubs are ALWAYS myopic AZZHOLES. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::mad::lol::eusa_whistle: STFU, ignoramus. LOL!

You do realize that if it wasn't for the US the Nazi's would have taken France???

You do realize that if it wasn't for the US the Nazi's would have taken Russia???
I can clearly see your dumb fucking ass has been drinking the Michael Moore kool-aid....

If Cuba's health care is so fucking great then why do thousands of people from all over the world flock to the United States to see our specialists?????

Why don't they just go to Cuba????

Because if you have unlimited money, the USA has the greediest doctors and the best health care. Otherwise, NOT!! Fool.

And you just made that shit the fuck up right fucking now.....

The US DOES have the best doctors...

Hell, you dumbass take a look at the population difference between the US and Cuba, now who the fuck you think has A) more doctors and B) good doctors????

Hell, I'll bet there are more medical doctors in the US than there are residents of Cuba.

There are 11,000,000 in Cuba, 300,000,000 people in the US...

The laws of averages proves my point...

Your "point" proves you're an irrational ignorant Pub dupe LOL! The fact Cuba has longer life spans than us is a disgrace. Thank God for Obamacare. Which you are clueless about too, dupe.
What did the US take from any of these nations????

Unfortunately, the US is usually the only nation that steps up to the plate when atrocities are being committed by their batshit crazy dictators.

I love how you alleged "do-gooders" claim you're for the people and when batshit crazy dictators slaughter their own people - you fucks are always the first in line yelling "warmongers" while wagging your finger.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

YOU fucks don't know shit about anything they don't stick in your mouths.

Yeah I do you fucking idiot..........

All those nations ESPECIALLY CUBA were fucking fine...

Havana was a major tourist destination with a booming economy until that sick fuck Che "Ernesto Guevara" helped Castro's Coup...

Libya was always fucked up........


You do realize in 1979 Castro opened his jails (that were full of people convicted of political dissent) and threw them in the ocean because he could no longer afford to care for them??

Castro and Guevara were only ruthless killers who murdered tens of thousands during their coup...

See you don't know jack shit dumb fuck....


Your response reeks of the ignorance I fully expected .. which is why I baited you to do so.

Before the 1959 revolution

• 75% of rural dwellings were huts made from palm trees.

• More than 50% had no toilets of any kind.

• 85% had no inside running water.

• 91% had no electricity.

• There was only 1 doctor per 2,000 people in rural areas.

• More than one-third of the rural population had intestinal parasites.

• Only 4% of Cuban peasants ate meat regularly; only 1% ate fish, less than 2% eggs, 3% bread, 11% milk; none ate green vegetables.

• The average annual income among peasants was $91 (1956), less than 1/3 of the national income per person.

• 45% of the rural population was illiterate; 44% had never attended a school.

• 25% of the labor force was chronically unemployed.

• 1 million people were illiterate ( in a population of about 5.5 million).

• 27% of urban children, not to speak of 61% of rural children, were not attending school.

• Racial discrimination was widespread.

• The public school system had deteriorated badly.

• Corruption was endemic; anyone could be bought, from a Supreme Court judge to a cop.

• Police brutality and torture were common.

After the 1959 revolution

It has reduced its infant mortality rate from 11 per 1,000 births in 1990 to seven in 1999, which places it firmly in the ranks of the western industrialised nations. It now stands at six.

Similarly, the mortality rate for children under the age of five in Cuba has fallen from 13 to eight per thousand over the decade. That figure is 50% lower than the rate in Chile, the Latin American country closest to Cuba’s achievement. For the region as a whole, the average was 38 in 1999.

Take this with you ..

What Libyans enjoyed before Obama bombed a Rothschilds bank on them ..

[ame=]The real reason why Gadaffi had to die - YouTube[/ame]

American seniors would have an orgasm thinking about such rights.
Ok kid, you wanted to prove you are too ignorant and dim-witted to take seriously? Congratulations, you did it. Come back when you grow up a little.

Nah...BaC is most likely a 23-24 year old kid, failed to get a degree in college after finding out that is college is actually hard. He is just now learning that the world is not like Mom&Dad's house....but he wants it to be. As an employer for several decades I know his type. They are spoilt do-nothings that want a job where there is no set schedule, can take a break anytime they want to and Monday's are optional...oh..and their pay is equal to those who have been there for 20 years.

FYI for the moron set :0)

BAC is 60 years old, has a degree in Information Technology .. is a DBA who has worked for major corporations .. now has his own business (two) .. and has worked for the US Congress.

Without question BAC has made more money than a group of morons who sit around all day on a website questioning the backgrounds of people they don't know because they are too fucking dumb to keep up.


That reeks of BS, which I hope for your sake it is. If you are not just some dumb kid then you have no excuse and no hope.
Because if you have unlimited money, the USA has the greediest doctors and the best health care. Otherwise, NOT!! Fool.

And you just made that shit the fuck up right fucking now.....

The US DOES have the best doctors...

Hell, you dumbass take a look at the population difference between the US and Cuba, now who the fuck you think has A) more doctors and B) good doctors????

Hell, I'll bet there are more medical doctors in the US than there are residents of Cuba.

There are 11,000,000 in Cuba, 300,000,000 people in the US...

The laws of averages proves my point...

Your "point" proves you're an irrational ignorant Pub dupe LOL! The fact Cuba has longer life spans than us is a disgrace. Thank God for Obamacare. Which you are clueless about too, dupe.

You're a fucking idiot...

You ever hear of the law of averages????

Of course Cuban's are going to have a longer life span when you factor in all the ways an individual can die....

Not to mention genetics are also a factor....
However, racism without a doubt still exists in a very real way in America these days, and cannot be discounted.

It exists everywhere, and America is doing much better than the rest of the world in that regard.
Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

YOU fucks don't know shit about anything they don't stick in your mouths.

Yeah I do you fucking idiot..........

All those nations ESPECIALLY CUBA were fucking fine...

Havana was a major tourist destination with a booming economy until that sick fuck Che "Ernesto Guevara" helped Castro's Coup...

Libya was always fucked up........


You do realize in 1979 Castro opened his jails (that were full of people convicted of political dissent) and threw them in the ocean because he could no longer afford to care for them??

Castro and Guevara were only ruthless killers who murdered tens of thousands during their coup...

See you don't know jack shit dumb fuck....


Your response reeks of the ignorance I fully expected .. which is why I baited you to do so.

Before the 1959 revolution

• 75% of rural dwellings were huts made from palm trees.

• More than 50% had no toilets of any kind.

• 85% had no inside running water.

• 91% had no electricity.

• There was only 1 doctor per 2,000 people in rural areas.

• More than one-third of the rural population had intestinal parasites.

• Only 4% of Cuban peasants ate meat regularly; only 1% ate fish, less than 2% eggs, 3% bread, 11% milk; none ate green vegetables.

• The average annual income among peasants was $91 (1956), less than 1/3 of the national income per person.

• 45% of the rural population was illiterate; 44% had never attended a school.

• 25% of the labor force was chronically unemployed.

• 1 million people were illiterate ( in a population of about 5.5 million).

• 27% of urban children, not to speak of 61% of rural children, were not attending school.

• Racial discrimination was widespread.

• The public school system had deteriorated badly.

• Corruption was endemic; anyone could be bought, from a Supreme Court judge to a cop.

• Police brutality and torture were common.

After the 1959 revolution

It has reduced its infant mortality rate from 11 per 1,000 births in 1990 to seven in 1999, which places it firmly in the ranks of the western industrialised nations. It now stands at six.

Similarly, the mortality rate for children under the age of five in Cuba has fallen from 13 to eight per thousand over the decade. That figure is 50% lower than the rate in Chile, the Latin American country closest to Cuba’s achievement. For the region as a whole, the average was 38 in 1999.

Net primary enrolment for both girls and boys reached 100% in 1997, up from 92% in 1990. That was as high as most developed nations - higher even than the US rate and well above 80-90% rates achieved by the most advanced Latin American countries.

There were 12 primary school pupils for every Cuban teacher in 1997, a ratio that ranked with Sweden, rather than any other developing country. The Latin American and East Asian average was twice as high at 25 to one.

The average youth (age 15-24) illiteracy rate in Latin America and the Caribbean stands at 7%. In Cuba, the rate is zero. In Latin America, where the average is 7%, only Uruguay approaches that achievement, with one percent youth illiteracy.

Cuba devoted 9.1% of its gross domestic product (GDP) during the 1990s to health care, roughly equivalent to Canada’s rate. Its ratio of 5.3 doctors per 1,000 people was the highest in the world.

The Cuban people wanted universal health care for all Cubans, and they have it. They pushed for government that represented their ideals, and organized and formed infrastructure that enabled Cubans to create a fair and complete h-c system.

The people of Cuba wanted universal education for all Cubans, and they have it. They pushed for government that represented their ideals, organized and formed infrastructure that enabled Cubans to create a complete and world class ed system, and they have it.

Cubans want to assist the world's poor with doctors and educators, instead of gun ship diplomacy.. and that is what they have done WITH their government, not at odds with their government.

Before Castro and socialism Cuba was a playground for the Mafia and American tourists who would come to enjoy the "donkey shows."

Cubans today live longer and much healthier lives than they did in the days of Batista and Mafia control and to suggest otherwise would be incredibly ignorant of the facts.

Take this with you ..

What Libyans enjoyed before Obama bombed a Rothschilds bank on them ..

[ame=]The real reason why Gadaffi had to die - YouTube[/ame]

American seniors would have an orgasm thinking about such rights.

None of that means anything dumbass...

In 1959 most rural areas (even in the US) didn't have running water, toilets and in some cases even electricity...

Hell, my uncle owns a ranch in Nevada and he still has an outhouse and the ranch didn't get running water or telephone until the mid 70's...

In 1959 Cuba was just starting to grow....

Hell, IMO if it wasn't for the murderous revolution I bet Cuba would have been a republic of the US by 1970, or possibly even a state...
With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to[SIC] oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

We did not "try to take oil" from Iraq, you idiot. The people of Libya rose up against your beloved dictator, you idiot. Have you ever so much as spoken to someone who lived in Venezuela before and during Chavez's dictatorship, idiot?
Liberty must always be defended with blood. Liberalism on the other hand is the natural state of slaves.


What a fun site.

What "liberty" were you defending when we mass-murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis just because we could?

What "liberty" was defended in Vietnam?

Are you still waiting on the "domino effect?" :0)

What "liberty" are we getting our asses kicked in Afghanistan for?

The ONLY liberty associated with any of those mindfuck false wars is the liberty of the military-industrial complex to rape the Treasury and the American taxpayer.
You're quoting from a wrongful study that falls short due to it is considered 95% unreliable, and is the partisan study which also blames the wrong people for the alleged civilian killings.

I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.

Same question .. Would you like to compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved?

The specifics make my point. Let's do the comparison and it will be GLARINGLY obvious.

Yes, please do so.... compare Venezuela. Let's see what you got.
You're blowing the myth that black people even claim that.

Is the US racist?


African-Americans have been in this country since 1619 .. and have only been relatively free for 48 years.

Math is a wonderful thing.

Some black people do still claim it, in spite of a black american president.

So, you're not 'free' yet, yet you have a good education, a successful career, the American dream, own your own business, etc... I'm sure your children and grandchildren have the same, if not better, opportunities than their white counterparts. There are also quite a few racist black folk as well, it does go both ways. And in addition to that it's to many so called 'black leaders' benefit to keep racism alive, isn't it? And that's why they do so.

And again, history is your friend, slavery has been around since the beginning of man on Earth, and skin color for the majority of man's existence didn't have anything to do with who was enslaved. Look at it honestly instead of thru the tunnel of american slavery over the last two centuries.

Has white racism towards blacks faded since the 1960's? Without a doubt, and it will continue to fade with each new generation in America.

I think the boomers have done a good job teaching their children not to hate others based on the color of someone's skin. And their kids will do an even better job with the next generation, so on and so forth.

However, racism without a doubt still exists in a very real way in America these days, and cannot be discounted.

You have to take into consideration that many of America's root social norms, hierarchies were created and set in place during the days of slavery. We may have abolished slavery in the mid 1860's, but those negative societal norms remained standing for many, many years. Some of those norms were torn down during the civil rights movement; however many of them still remain, sort of in the shadows. Racism - especially in the workplace - may not be as overt as it was once, but exists nonetheless.


I think blacks and Latinos are by far way more racist than whites and other races.... The sad part is that "reverse racism" is usually tolerated - more specifically by progressives.

Besides, I really can't blame white racists because all they see are racist minorities, such as Eric Holder, Van Jones, Rev Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, Zulu Nation, Luis Gutierrez, LA RAZA etc. getting air time and spewing their racist shit and rubbing it in their faces in the media..

I can't think of the last time I saw a white racist - or group - get the airtime to provoke...

I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.

The country officially nationalized its oil industry on 1 January 1976.
He's related to Truthspaltters.

The only "cold hard facts" he want to read are his own.

Of course truth doesn't much enter into the equation but what the hey.
Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

YOU fucks don't know shit about anything they don't stick in your mouths.

Yeah I do you fucking idiot..........

All those nations ESPECIALLY CUBA were fucking fine...

Havana was a major tourist destination with a booming economy until that sick fuck Che "Ernesto Guevara" helped Castro's Coup...

Libya was always fucked up........


You do realize in 1979 Castro opened his jails (that were full of people convicted of political dissent) and threw them in the ocean because he could no longer afford to care for them??

Castro and Guevara were only ruthless killers who murdered tens of thousands during their coup...

See you don't know jack shit dumb fuck....


Your response reeks of the ignorance I fully expected .. which is why I baited you to do so.

Before the 1959 revolution

• 75% of rural dwellings were huts made from palm trees.

• More than 50% had no toilets of any kind.

• 85% had no inside running water.

• 91% had no electricity.

• There was only 1 doctor per 2,000 people in rural areas.

• More than one-third of the rural population had intestinal parasites.

• Only 4% of Cuban peasants ate meat regularly; only 1% ate fish, less than 2% eggs, 3% bread, 11% milk; none ate green vegetables.

• The average annual income among peasants was $91 (1956), less than 1/3 of the national income per person.

• 45% of the rural population was illiterate; 44% had never attended a school.

• 25% of the labor force was chronically unemployed.

• 1 million people were illiterate ( in a population of about 5.5 million).

• 27% of urban children, not to speak of 61% of rural children, were not attending school.

• Racial discrimination was widespread.

• The public school system had deteriorated badly.

• Corruption was endemic; anyone could be bought, from a Supreme Court judge to a cop.

• Police brutality and torture were common.

After the 1959 revolution

It has reduced its infant mortality rate from 11 per 1,000 births in 1990 to seven in 1999, which places it firmly in the ranks of the western industrialised nations. It now stands at six.

Similarly, the mortality rate for children under the age of five in Cuba has fallen from 13 to eight per thousand over the decade. That figure is 50% lower than the rate in Chile, the Latin American country closest to Cuba’s achievement. For the region as a whole, the average was 38 in 1999.

Take this with you ..

What Libyans enjoyed before Obama bombed a Rothschilds bank on them ..

[ame=]The real reason why Gadaffi had to die - YouTube[/ame]

American seniors would have an orgasm thinking about such rights.

Yeah and the French are quiche eating surrender monkeys that the capitalist US had to bail out in two world wars when they couldn't defend themselves.

Total BS- you're a moron ugly 'Merican ignoramus. Thanks to Pub isolationists, France stood alone against Nazis, they lost, just like the UK and the US would have without their moats. Pubs let a-holes run wild for years, actually ruined the League, started the Depression that led to militarists in Ger. and Japan, let them run wild. Without Pearl Harbor, they would have let them go on forever. Selfish, myopic morons forever.

France won WWI, moron. Destroyed half the country and a generation. Pub dupe moron!

Learn the language or get the fuck out of my country, you idiot.

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