Capitalists are warmongers - France now withdrawing from Afg

At least all but Castro on that list are dead. Castro soon will be if they're not faking him being alive. Rapidly followed by Chavez I hope.

I think its funny how socialists claim they're for the people when socialists are guilty of atrocities such as genocide...

I've never seen a capitalist society cull or purge their own.

I've never heard of a capitalist nation invade another nation with the intent of stealing their resources..

The idea that socialism is a "utopia" is nothing more than a farce.

Socialism is oppressive, brutal and nothing more than a failed experiment.


I guess you were on vacation on the moon when we invaded Iraq and again when Obama and Sarkozy used Al-Queda to attack Libya which threatened no one. Guess what Iraq and Libya look like now.

Libya had NO NATIONAL DEBT .. they do now.

Libya had no Rothschilds banks .. they do now.

ALL Libyan citizens benefited from their oil wealth.

They don't anymore.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

What did the US take from any of these nations????

Unfortunately, the US is usually the only nation that steps up to the plate when atrocities are being committed by their batshit crazy dictators.

I love how you alleged "do-gooders" claim you're for the people and when batshit crazy dictators slaughter their own people - you fucks are always the first in line yelling "warmongers" while wagging your finger.
So move to France... there'll be plenty of room... since the wealthy French are abandoning the country. :lol:

How about I do whatever I want to do?

For the rich leaving France .. :0) exactly where are they moving to?

Answer: To LONDON :lol:

France has the ability to recover from their loss. That ability and that strength lies in its people .. something Americans used to believe in. "We the People" .. not we the rich.

When did the rich become gods?

Who cares about the rich....

It's like you progressives ignorantly believe wealth is finite..

Why don't you learn a skill thats in demand and get rich yourself??? why don't you take a gamble and invest in an idea or business you believe in???

99% of those whom are wealthy got wealthy because they took financial risks and the majority off them failed several times at it - but they kept trying...

The truth his most of the idiots who cry about the rich are too fucking cheap and cowardly to take the financial risk and invest.... No, you would rather cry and buy lotto tickets while attempting to portray yourself as victims of the wealthy...

:lol::lol::lol: This is a really fun site .. chock full of unlearned comedians.

I have a skill in high demand .. DBA .. a degree in IT .. business .. and a life full of experience. In fact, I'm working as I post. I'm monitoring client Oracle databases on-line for performance and security issues. I can do that well because I worked for Oracle as a DBA for several years and have a long history with SQL, PLSQL, Linux OS .. and all the skillsets that make for a really good DBA. My business .. and if you understoodd Apache well I might have some work for you.

Grow up dude. That bullshit you've been swallowing tastes nasty. :0)
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None of those countries are socialist, they're dictatorships where the state owns everything.


I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.
Correct me if I'm misunderstanding you, but I think capitalism has been around for much longer than just 150 years.


Not as the basis for an entire nation and economy, along with the concept of idividual freedom, liberty and rights. America is the first such of its kind. What would you consider to be the ancestor of today's capitalism?

I consider a "capitalist" economy one where there are private owners who produce goods and services for profit.

As for an ancestor, I'd start with the Roman empire. They used money (instead of barter), and had private businesses that acted independently, producing for profit.

Also, what about the Capitalism manifesto "Wealth of Nations" (1776)? This was published a full 100 years or so before your "capitalism" start date...


Individual private ownership is the basis of capitalism.
Yeah and the French are quiche eating surrender monkeys that the capitalist US had to bail out in two world wars when they couldn't defend themselves.
I think its funny how socialists claim they're for the people when socialists are guilty of atrocities such as genocide...

I've never seen a capitalist society cull or purge their own.

I've never heard of a capitalist nation invade another nation with the intent of stealing their resources..

The idea that socialism is a "utopia" is nothing more than a farce.

Socialism is oppressive, brutal and nothing more than a failed experiment.


I guess you were on vacation on the moon when we invaded Iraq and again when Obama and Sarkozy used Al-Queda to attack Libya which threatened no one. Guess what Iraq and Libya look like now.

Libya had NO NATIONAL DEBT .. they do now.

Libya had no Rothschilds banks .. they do now.

ALL Libyan citizens benefited from their oil wealth.

They don't anymore.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

What did the US take from any of these nations????

Unfortunately, the US is usually the only nation that steps up to the plate when atrocities are being committed by their batshit crazy dictators.

I love how you alleged "do-gooders" claim you're for the people and when batshit crazy dictators slaughter their own people - you fucks are always the first in line yelling "warmongers" while wagging your finger.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

YOU fucks don't know shit about anything they don't stick in your mouths.
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None of those countries are socialist, they're dictatorships where the state owns everything.


I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.

Same question .. Would you like to compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved?

The specifics make my point. Let's do the comparison and it will be GLARINGLY obvious.
How about I do whatever I want to do?

For the rich leaving France .. :0) exactly where are they moving to?

Answer: To LONDON :lol:

France has the ability to recover from their loss. That ability and that strength lies in its people .. something Americans used to believe in. "We the People" .. not we the rich.

When did the rich become gods?

Who cares about the rich....

It's like you progressives ignorantly believe wealth is finite..

Why don't you learn a skill thats in demand and get rich yourself??? why don't you take a gamble and invest in an idea or business you believe in???

99% of those whom are wealthy got wealthy because they took financial risks and the majority off them failed several times at it - but they kept trying...

The truth his most of the idiots who cry about the rich are too fucking cheap and cowardly to take the financial risk and invest.... No, you would rather cry and buy lotto tickets while attempting to portray yourself as victims of the wealthy...

:lol::lol::lol: This is a really fun site .. chock full of unlearned comedians.

I have a skill in high demand .. DBA .. a degree in IT .. business .. and a life full of experience. In fact, I'm working as I post. I'm monitoring client Oracle databases on-line for performance and security issues. I can do that well because I worked for Oracle as a DBA for several years and have a long history with SQL, PLSQL, Linux OS .. and all the skillsets that make for a really good DBA. My business .. and if you understoodd Apache well I might have some work for you.

Grow up dude. That bullshit you've been swallowing tastes nasty. :0)

So how would you feel if the janitor made as much as you do???

You obviously went and got a degree which took a lot of time and hard work, correct?? well that janitor didn't go out and get a degree, hell anyone can mop a floor - yet that janitor is getting paid the same as you...

So using that logic, why the fuck would anyone go out, work hard and get a degree when they could just be a janitor???

People want to be compensated according to their skill-set.

Medical doctors don't go to school for 12 years to make the same money as the burger-flipper.

Yet you're championing just that - socialism...
All earnings and assets should be nationalized and disributed evenly

its time to eliminate envy, unfairness and

I guess you were on vacation on the moon when we invaded Iraq and again when Obama and Sarkozy used Al-Queda to attack Libya which threatened no one. Guess what Iraq and Libya look like now.

Libya had NO NATIONAL DEBT .. they do now.

Libya had no Rothschilds banks .. they do now.

ALL Libyan citizens benefited from their oil wealth.

They don't anymore.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

What did the US take from any of these nations????

Unfortunately, the US is usually the only nation that steps up to the plate when atrocities are being committed by their batshit crazy dictators.

I love how you alleged "do-gooders" claim you're for the people and when batshit crazy dictators slaughter their own people - you fucks are always the first in line yelling "warmongers" while wagging your finger.

Wanna compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved .. or are you just here for the meme?


I put that in red so you won't miss it.

With regards to Iraq, we tried to take to oil and failed .. with Libya, we suceeded.

YOU fucks don't know shit about anything they don't stick in your mouths.

Yeah I do you fucking idiot..........

All those nations ESPECIALLY CUBA were fucking fine...

Havana was a major tourist destination with a booming economy until that sick fuck Che "Ernesto Guevara" helped Castro's Coup...

Libya was always fucked up........


You do realize in 1979 Castro opened his jails (that were full of people convicted of political dissent) and threw them in the ocean because he could no longer afford to care for them??

Castro and Guevara were only ruthless killers who murdered tens of thousands during their coup...

See you don't know jack shit dumb fuck....

Who cares about the rich....

It's like you progressives ignorantly believe wealth is finite..

Why don't you learn a skill thats in demand and get rich yourself??? why don't you take a gamble and invest in an idea or business you believe in???

99% of those whom are wealthy got wealthy because they took financial risks and the majority off them failed several times at it - but they kept trying...

The truth his most of the idiots who cry about the rich are too fucking cheap and cowardly to take the financial risk and invest.... No, you would rather cry and buy lotto tickets while attempting to portray yourself as victims of the wealthy...

:lol::lol::lol: This is a really fun site .. chock full of unlearned comedians.

I have a skill in high demand .. DBA .. a degree in IT .. business .. and a life full of experience. In fact, I'm working as I post. I'm monitoring client Oracle databases on-line for performance and security issues. I can do that well because I worked for Oracle as a DBA for several years and have a long history with SQL, PLSQL, Linux OS .. and all the skillsets that make for a really good DBA. My business .. and if you understoodd Apache well I might have some work for you.

Grow up dude. That bullshit you've been swallowing tastes nasty. :0)

So how would you feel if the janitor made as much as you do???

You obviously went and got a degree which took a lot of time and hard work, correct?? well that janitor didn't go out and get a degree, hell anyone can mop a floor - yet that janitor is getting paid the same as you...

So using that logic, why the fuck would anyone go out, work hard and get a degree when they could just be a janitor???

People want to be compensated according to their skill-set.

Medical doctors don't go to school for 12 years to make the same money as the burger-flipper.

Yet you're championing just that - socialism...

Cuba has more doctors than any nation on the planet .. and one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They even have medical tourism as an industry.

What's With All the Cuban Doctors?
How Castro built a nation of physicians.

Cuba has announced it will send a group of doctors to help Castro's old ally President Daniel Ortega bolster the health system in Nicaragua. Castro also sent about 1,700 physicians to Bolivia in 2006 to lend aid to the government of Evo Morales. Why does Cuba have so many doctors to spare?

Well, because Castro said so. The Cuban constitution guarantees every inhabitant the "right to health protection and care." After the revolution in 1959, half of the country's 6,000 doctors fled the island. The new government promoted medical education as part of a national project to revamp the health-care system, and by 1984, Cuba had enough doctors to put a physician and a nurse in every neighborhood. Some will tell you Cubans become doctors because they believe in universal health care; others emphasize the social and economic rewards. (Doctor aren't paid much, though—some make less than $40 a month.) Whatever their motivations, Cuba has more doctors per capita than any other country: 70,000 for a population of 11 million.

more at link
Why are there so many Cuban doctors? - Slate Magazine

As an American you believe that the only motivation in life is money. It isn't.

I don't care what the janitor makes .. I hope he makes enough to take care of his family. I didn't educate myself to make more than the janitor, but rather to enrich my own life. I am connected to the janitor because as he does well, so shall others .. so shall my country.
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I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.

Same question .. Would you like to compare PRE-socialist QUALITY OF LIFE Libya, Cuba, or Venezuela with what has evolved?

The specifics make my point. Let's do the comparison and it will be GLARINGLY obvious.

Hey you fucking mental midget - tell us WHAT THE FUCK WERE WRONG WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED NATIONS????
None of those countries are socialist, they're dictatorships where the state owns everything.


I expected smarter from you.

Really? So oil in Venezuela wasn't nationalized, along with most larger markets? Chavez hasn't locked himself into a permanent position of power? Same with Castro? Tell us what the living conditions are currently like in Cuba and Venezuela that are an improvment on what we have here in the states? You speak in platitudes, but I hear no specifics.

The country officially nationalized its oil industry on 1 January 1976.
:lol::lol::lol: This is a really fun site .. chock full of unlearned comedians.

I have a skill in high demand .. DBA .. a degree in IT .. business .. and a life full of experience. In fact, I'm working as I post. I'm monitoring client Oracle databases on-line for performance and security issues. I can do that well because I worked for Oracle as a DBA for several years and have a long history with SQL, PLSQL, Linux OS .. and all the skillsets that make for a really good DBA. My business .. and if you understoodd Apache well I might have some work for you.

Grow up dude. That bullshit you've been swallowing tastes nasty. :0)

So how would you feel if the janitor made as much as you do???

You obviously went and got a degree which took a lot of time and hard work, correct?? well that janitor didn't go out and get a degree, hell anyone can mop a floor - yet that janitor is getting paid the same as you...

So using that logic, why the fuck would anyone go out, work hard and get a degree when they could just be a janitor???

People want to be compensated according to their skill-set.

Medical doctors don't go to school for 12 years to make the same money as the burger-flipper.

Yet you're championing just that - socialism...

Cuba has more doctors than any nation on the planet .. and one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They even have medical tourism as an industry.

What's With All the Cuban Doctors?
How Castro built a nation of physicians.

Cuba has announced it will send a group of doctors to help Castro's old ally President Daniel Ortega bolster the health system in Nicaragua. Castro also sent about 1,700 physicians to Bolivia in 2006 to lend aid to the government of Evo Morales. Why does Cuba have so many doctors to spare?

Well, because Castro said so. The Cuban constitution guarantees every inhabitant the "right to health protection and care." After the revolution in 1959, half of the country's 6,000 doctors fled the island. The new government promoted medical education as part of a national project to revamp the health-care system, and by 1984, Cuba had enough doctors to put a physician and a nurse in every neighborhood. Some will tell you Cubans become doctors because they believe in universal health care; others emphasize the social and economic rewards. (Doctor aren't paid much, though—some make less than $40 a month.) Whatever their motivations, Cuba has more doctors per capita than any other country: 70,000 for a population of 11 million.

more at link
Why are there so many Cuban doctors? - Slate Magazine

As an American you believe that the only motivation in life is money. It isn't.

I don't care what the janitor makes .. I hope he makes enough to take care of his family. I didn't educate myself to make more than the janitor, but rather to enrich my own life. I am connected to the janitor because as he does well, so shall others .. so shall my country.

I can clearly see your dumb fucking ass has been drinking the Michael Moore kool-aid....

If Cuba's health care is so fucking great then why do thousands of people from all over the world flock to the United States to see our specialists?????

Why don't they just go to Cuba????
Yeah and the French are quiche eating surrender monkeys that the capitalist US had to bail out in two world wars when they couldn't defend themselves.

Total BS- you're a moron ugly 'Merican ignoramus. Thanks to Pub isolationists, France stood alone against Nazis, they lost, just like the UK and the US would have without their moats. Pubs let a-holes run wild for years, actually ruined the League, started the Depression that led to militarists in Ger. and Japan, let them run wild. Without Pearl Harbor, they would have let them go on forever. Selfish, myopic morons forever.

France won WWI, moron. Destroyed half the country and a generation. Pub dupe moron!
So how would you feel if the janitor made as much as you do???

You obviously went and got a degree which took a lot of time and hard work, correct?? well that janitor didn't go out and get a degree, hell anyone can mop a floor - yet that janitor is getting paid the same as you...

So using that logic, why the fuck would anyone go out, work hard and get a degree when they could just be a janitor???

People want to be compensated according to their skill-set.

Medical doctors don't go to school for 12 years to make the same money as the burger-flipper.

Yet you're championing just that - socialism...

Cuba has more doctors than any nation on the planet .. and one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They even have medical tourism as an industry.

What's With All the Cuban Doctors?
How Castro built a nation of physicians.

Cuba has announced it will send a group of doctors to help Castro's old ally President Daniel Ortega bolster the health system in Nicaragua. Castro also sent about 1,700 physicians to Bolivia in 2006 to lend aid to the government of Evo Morales. Why does Cuba have so many doctors to spare?

Well, because Castro said so. The Cuban constitution guarantees every inhabitant the "right to health protection and care." After the revolution in 1959, half of the country's 6,000 doctors fled the island. The new government promoted medical education as part of a national project to revamp the health-care system, and by 1984, Cuba had enough doctors to put a physician and a nurse in every neighborhood. Some will tell you Cubans become doctors because they believe in universal health care; others emphasize the social and economic rewards. (Doctor aren't paid much, though—some make less than $40 a month.) Whatever their motivations, Cuba has more doctors per capita than any other country: 70,000 for a population of 11 million.

more at link
Why are there so many Cuban doctors? - Slate Magazine

As an American you believe that the only motivation in life is money. It isn't.

I don't care what the janitor makes .. I hope he makes enough to take care of his family. I didn't educate myself to make more than the janitor, but rather to enrich my own life. I am connected to the janitor because as he does well, so shall others .. so shall my country.

I can clearly see your dumb fucking ass has been drinking the Michael Moore kool-aid....

If Cuba's health care is so fucking great then why do thousands of people from all over the world flock to the United States to see our specialists?????

Why don't they just go to Cuba????

Because if you have unlimited money, the USA has the greediest doctors and the best health care. Otherwise, NOT!! Fool.
Yeah and the French are quiche eating surrender monkeys that the capitalist US had to bail out in two world wars when they couldn't defend themselves.

Total BS- you're a moron ugly 'Merican ignoramus. Thanks to Pub isolationists, France stood alone against Nazis, they lost, just like the UK and the US would have without their moats. Pubs let a-holes run wild for years, actually ruined the League, started the Depression that led to militarists in Ger. and Japan, let them run wild. Without Pearl Harbor, they would have let them go on forever. Selfish, myopic morons forever.

France won WWI, moron. Destroyed half the country and a generation. Pub dupe moron!

Are you a fucking idiot??

Ever hear of Normandy??

You better believe the US bailed out France.
Cuba has more doctors than any nation on the planet .. and one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They even have medical tourism as an industry.

What's With All the Cuban Doctors?
How Castro built a nation of physicians.

Cuba has announced it will send a group of doctors to help Castro's old ally President Daniel Ortega bolster the health system in Nicaragua. Castro also sent about 1,700 physicians to Bolivia in 2006 to lend aid to the government of Evo Morales. Why does Cuba have so many doctors to spare?

Well, because Castro said so. The Cuban constitution guarantees every inhabitant the "right to health protection and care." After the revolution in 1959, half of the country's 6,000 doctors fled the island. The new government promoted medical education as part of a national project to revamp the health-care system, and by 1984, Cuba had enough doctors to put a physician and a nurse in every neighborhood. Some will tell you Cubans become doctors because they believe in universal health care; others emphasize the social and economic rewards. (Doctor aren't paid much, though—some make less than $40 a month.) Whatever their motivations, Cuba has more doctors per capita than any other country: 70,000 for a population of 11 million.

more at link
Why are there so many Cuban doctors? - Slate Magazine

As an American you believe that the only motivation in life is money. It isn't.

I don't care what the janitor makes .. I hope he makes enough to take care of his family. I didn't educate myself to make more than the janitor, but rather to enrich my own life. I am connected to the janitor because as he does well, so shall others .. so shall my country.

I can clearly see your dumb fucking ass has been drinking the Michael Moore kool-aid....

If Cuba's health care is so fucking great then why do thousands of people from all over the world flock to the United States to see our specialists?????

Why don't they just go to Cuba????

Because if you have unlimited money, the USA has the greediest doctors and the best health care. Otherwise, NOT!! Fool.

And you just made that shit the fuck up right fucking now.....

The US DOES have the best doctors...

Hell, you dumbass take a look at the population difference between the US and Cuba, now who the fuck you think has A) more doctors and B) good doctors????

Hell, I'll bet there are more medical doctors in the US than there are residents of Cuba.

There are 11,000,000 in Cuba, 300,000,000 people in the US...

The laws of averages proves my point...

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