Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

They were there protesting most of the Thousands upon thousands that were there. They went to congress to protest congress-------don't know why this is a hard concept. This is what our founders intended.
Assaulting the Capitol is what our founders intended?

In which reality?
The march on Washington
The million man march
The womens match

That's what the founders intended.
Remember American Spring? :heehee:
A big gathering of con-servatives in Washington to protest President was talked up quite a bit here and on other RW was going to be HUGE! About 12 people ended up showing up. One RW poster here imploded emotionally over it.
A number of Babbit threads were locked between 5-6am to be “cleaned up” and aren’t reopened
How is the cleaning going??
The recently proven very unhappy liberal types are pretzel twisting to the max as more details are revealed about the cowardly murderers sneaky plotting actions on murder day as well as his past affiliations, statements and actions. Doesn’t matter what cover Biden and Piglousy are trying to run, this guy is gonna get the proper lynching he qualifies for.
A number of Babbit threads were locked between 5-6am to be “cleaned up” and aren’t reopened
How is the cleaning going??
The recently proven very unhappy liberal types are pretzel twisting to the max as more details are revealed about the cowardly murderers sneaky plotting actions on murder day as well as his past affiliations, statements and actions. Doesn’t matter what cover Biden and Piglousy are trying to run, this guy is gonna get the proper lynching he qualifies for.
I think it's about orange cultists throwing threats all over the place. I see one on this thread already has been eliminated.
Unusual number of leftwing zombies on this thread.....irregardless-- after all has been said and done much or perhaps
most of these remarks reveal how indoctrinated many white folks are---make no mistake about it---this cold blooded murder of a unarmed white woman who posed no threat to the shooter was a hate crime.

The victim was not even in the same room the killer was in. He shot her through a window. He had said prieviously he wanted to kill a Trump supporter. The victim was surrounded by police when she was shot. She did not break the window--the window was not even damaged enough for to get through and even if she had been able to get through there was a barricade in place to sop her or anyone.

The capitol police were under a standing order order not to use lethal force on the demonstrators.

This was cold blooded murder .....period.

This murder will not stand. This killer will be brought to justice.
No, he did not shoot her thru a window....If you're going to make an assertion, at least get the facts straight.

Wow. That is grotesque and heartbreaking. He, not she, was the actual aggressor and lawbreaker via his murdering her
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
The mob didn't kill anyone despite the left and media lies
Wrong. She died during the commission of a crime. The people committing the crime are responsible.
The cop that shot her even though she wasn't armed, wasn't a threat, and did nothing but try to go through a broken plastic window? I guess we no longer arrest protestors but SHOOT them instead. Fair enough----lots of anti-fa and blm terrorists "protesting" and trespassing among many worse crimes---OPEN SEASON SAY YOU?
If a looter or rioter breaks into a home or business and those inside warn them and are protecting someone or something.....absolutely. Shoot away. I would.
You must not have white skin---you shoot a looter/rioter while white, blm corrupt da will make sure you go to prison or are killed by their mob for it.
There were plenty of armed cops behind her. The shooter has an obligation to recognize whether or not the use of deadly force is justified. Clearly this was not justified at all. She was unarmed and there was no imminent threat to his or anyone else's life.

Good point.
If the shot had been a foot to the left, he might have shot one of the cops next to the window, in the head.
A very irresponsible shot.
Unusual number of leftwing zombies on this thread.....irregardless-- after all has been said and done much or perhaps
most of these remarks reveal how indoctrinated many white folks are---make no mistake about it---this cold blooded murder of a unarmed white woman who posed no threat to the shooter was a hate crime.

The victim was not even in the same room the killer was in. He shot her through a window. He had said prieviously he wanted to kill a Trump supporter. The victim was surrounded by police when she was shot. She did not break the window--the window was not even damaged enough for to get through and even if she had been able to get through there was a barricade in place to sop her or anyone.

The capitol police were under a standing order order not to use lethal force on the demonstrators.

This was cold blooded murder .....period.

This murder will not stand. This killer will be brought to justice.
No, he did not shoot her thru a window....If you're going to make an assertion, at least get the facts straight.

Wow. That is grotesque and heartbreaking. He, not she, was the actual aggressor and lawbreaker via his murdering her

No...he was a police officer doing his duty to protect members of Congress. He's a hero.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
The mob didn't kill anyone despite the left and media lies
Wrong. She died during the commission of a crime. The people committing the crime are responsible.
The cop that shot her even though she wasn't armed, wasn't a threat, and did nothing but try to go through a broken plastic window? I guess we no longer arrest protestors but SHOOT them instead. Fair enough----lots of anti-fa and blm terrorists "protesting" and trespassing among many worse crimes---OPEN SEASON SAY YOU?
If a looter or rioter breaks into a home or business and those inside warn them and are protecting someone or something.....absolutely. Shoot away. I would.
You must not have white skin---you shoot a looter/rioter while white, blm corrupt da will make sure you go to prison or are killed by their mob for it.
How does my skin color have to do with this? I am in my own home or business and someone is breaking in....I am in fear of my life and others with me. It's called the Castle Doctrine.
There were plenty of armed cops behind her. The shooter has an obligation to recognize whether or not the use of deadly force is justified. Clearly this was not justified at all. She was unarmed and there was no imminent threat to his or anyone else's life.
Not's a good shoot.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

What's that whistling noise? Creep's manhood fizzling away
If the officer committed a crime, his name becomes a public record upon his arraignment.

Since he did not commit a crime. He has the right to remain anonymous. Just look at the stars on the wall of the CIA building.
Shooting an unarmed person through the neck point blank is not a crime?
How asinine is that?
There were plenty of armed cops behind her. The shooter has an obligation to recognize whether or not the use of deadly force is justified. Clearly this was not justified at all. She was unarmed and there was no imminent threat to his or anyone else's life.
Actually, there weren't any armed cops behind Benedict Ashli who could have dealt with her as she tried to make her way through that broken out window. That's a rightarded lie.

In reality, there were 3 cops guarding those doors until they were relieved by 4 other better equipped cops who arrived about 30 seconds before Ashli Targetpractice was put down. Three of those 4 cops then walked down the stairs with the 3 who were leaving at the moment she gets shot. The 4th one is still there but he's on the steps, below Traitor Ashli and with people in between.

Only one cop there had assessed the situation and had a clear shot and that was the hero who took the shot when he had the chance.


There were plenty of armed cops behind her. The shooter has an obligation to recognize whether or not the use of deadly force is justified. Clearly this was not justified at all. She was unarmed and there was no imminent threat to his or anyone else's life.

Good point.
If the shot had been a foot to the left, he might have shot one of the cops next to the window, in the head.
A very irresponsible shot.
False. Those cops weren't standing directly behind her. The cop who shot her had the best vantage point; with nothing but a wall on the other side of her.
Of course it was. His job is to defend the Capitol and the people who work in it.
Bullshit! Murdering an unarmed woman is not defending anything!
It's a cold blooded extrajudicial execution! Until trespassing becomes a capital crime your
opinion will remain the gold standard of idiocy and leftist lying by an uninformed stooge.
If the officer committed a crime, his name becomes a public record upon his arraignment.

Since he did not commit a crime. He has the right to remain anonymous. Just look at the stars on the wall of the CIA building.
Shooting an unarmed person through the neck point blank is not a crime?
How asinine is that?
Michael Brown was unarmed when he was shot. According to you, he was murdered. :cuckoo:
Of course it was. His job is to defend the Capitol and the people who work in it.
Bullshit! Murdering an unarmed woman is not defending anything!
It's a cold blooded extrajudicial execution! Until trespassing becomes a capital crime your
opinion will remain the gold standard of idiocy and leftist lying by an uninformed stooge.
^^^ unhinged

How does my skin color have to do with this? I am in my own home or business and someone is breaking in....I am in fear of my life and others with me. It's called the Castle Doctrine.

A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place ... as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used

The castle doctrine is not a defined law that can be invoked, but a set of principles which may be incorporated in some form in many jurisdictions

Typical conditions that apply to some castle doctrine laws include:
  • An intruder must be making (or have made) an attempt to unlawfully or forcibly enter an occupied residence, business, or vehicle.
  • The intruder must be acting unlawfully (the castle doctrine does not allow a right to use force against officers of the law, acting in the course of their legal duties).
  • The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe the intruder intends to inflict serious bodily harm or death upon an occupant of the home.
  • The occupant(s) of the home must not have provoked or instigated an intrusion; or, provoked/instigated an intruder's threat or use of deadly force.
being the fools the are
Bullshit! Murdering an unarmed woman is not defending anything!
It's a cold blooded extrajudicial execution! Until trespassing becomes a capital crime your
opinion will remain the gold standard of idiocy and leftist lying by an uninformed stooge.

Exactly.....the left wingers being the fools they are think they are the only ones that should be allowed to demonstrate

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