Capitol rioter gets 5 years, longest sentence yet

Why do progs have to make everything about race? :desk::desk::desk::desk::desk:

Because they have nothing else to run on!
Because when the DC jail was mostly filled with black people, and nobody cared for decades. Put some privileged white people into the DC jail, and suddenly republicans care for the first time.
Somehow it doesn’t seem enough for rightwing domestic terrorists who attack America’s democracy and the will of the American people.

The Capital Building protest is protected under the First Amendment (RIP). The fact is democrats are the true domestic terrorists who are attacking America's "democracy."

As usual Tucker explains it better than anyone.

Idiots with no argument do tend to do nothing but laugh. Go fap to MTG some more.
Sometimes the only thing one can do in the face of profound stupidity is laugh one's ass off.

I buried you in this topic. Read it and see.

The DC jail has been a shithole for a very long time. I have provided a mountain of evidence to that effect.

Thus my laughter at your massive idiocy.

MTG hoaxed you. Badly.
Jew Space Laser gurl is a retard. She is pandering to the St0p-duh-Steel rubes who squat down and drink her piss straight from the tap.
More projection from an ignorant know nothing. Keep your perverted disgusting habits to yourself.
The DC jails were probably filled with black people, since DC is predominantly black, so republicans didn't care about the conditions.

But now that a lot of white republican insurrectionists joined the population, they suddenly care about the conditions that have been that way for years.

1. There was no 'Insurrection'. There has been no one charged with any crime even remotely violent yo that associated with 'insurrection'. No 'sedition', no 'treason', etc...

2. The violence committed by domestic terrorists antifa and BLM on ANY night of 'mostly peaceful protests' in which they looted, burned, destroyed, attacked, assaulted, and murdered was worse than the entire 6 Jan event.
- Palmer threw a board, squirted a fire extinguisher at, and finally threw the extinguisher at Capitol Police...compared to Ivy League Lawyers who threw firebombs and tried to burn local and federal police alive during the George Floyd 'insurrection' during which domestic terrorists cause MILLIONS of dollars in damage, destroyed communities, murdered innocent civilians, attacked and wounded/ killed cops...

- An 'insurrection' is domestic terrorists and BLM engaging in viole ce and acts of terrorism so great in Lafeyette Park that they had to be engaged by the local police, DHS, the FBI, and Secret Service while the 1st Famy was rushed to the WH Bunker for protection, with dozen Secret Service members and others ending up injured protecting the President.

- An 'insurrection' is domestic terrorists and leftist extremists using axes and sledge hammers to break their way into tge Dept of the Interior in an attempt to get to the Secretary.

'Funny' how none of these domestic terrorists found their way into DC Gitmo....and the media and assholes like you never called their actions an 'insurrection'
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Sometimes the only thing one can do in the face of profound stupidity is laugh one's ass off.

I buried you in this topic. Read it and see.

The DC jail has been a shithole for a very long time. I have provided a mountain of evidence to that effect.

Thus, my laughter at your massive idiocy.

MTG hoaxed you. Badly.
Again you fucking illiterate retard, I NEVER MENTIONED her. YOU are the only one crying about her you fucking dunce. I’ve kicked your ass so many times it’s getting to be old hat.
The 1/6 assholes were textbook insurrectionists. They were trying to overthrow our duly elected government.
Again you fucking illiterate retard, I NEVER MENTIONED her. YOU are the only one crying about her you fucking dunce. I’ve kicked your ass so many times it’s getting to be old hat.
MTG is the one who started all the histrionics about the 1/6 inmates in the DC jail. You would not be moaning about their plight if not for her.

She is the one pulling your dick.

Goddam, boy, how did you get this ignorant in such a massive information vacuum?
The 1/6 assholes were textbook insurrectionists. They were trying to overthrow our duly elected government.
This is a proven lie ^^^. There have been ZERO insurrection, sedition, or treason charges. This is a classic example of a Karen.
As I have overwhelmingly proven in this topic, the DC jail has been a human rights violating hellhole for a very long time. Long, long before 1/6/2020.

These johnny-come-lately rubes have been totally taken in by Jewish Space Laser gurl.

People like MTG absolutely depend on the profound ignorance of the rubes.
MTG is the one who started all the histrionics about the 1/6 inmates in the DC jail. You would not be moaning about their plight if not for her.

She is the one pulling your dick.

Goddam, boy, how did you get this ignorant in such a massive information vacuum?
And again you cry about someone I NEVER MENTIONED you illiterate, racist, proven liar. Seems it’s YOU who has to resort to straw men because you’re just that stupid.

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