Capitol rioter gets 5 years, longest sentence yet

This is a proven lie ^^^. There have been ZERO insurrection, sedition, or treason charges. This is a classic example of a Karen.
Al Capone was never charged with murder or violating Prohibition or extortion or gangsterism. That does not mean he was not guilty of all of those crimes.

The 1/6 fucktards are insurrectionists. They tried to overthrow a duly elected government.
And again you cry about someone I NEVER MENTIONED you illiterate, racist, proven liar. Seems it’s YOU who has to resort to straw men because you’re just that stupid.
Wow. Your tard goes deep.

You did not mention MTG, but she is the one who is the source of your fauxrage. Like I said, you are so stupid you don't even know who is pulling your strings! :lol:

And you don't have the integrity to admit you were hoaxed about the treatment of the 1/6 insurrectionists being out of the ordinary from the other inmates. You can't admit the truth that the DC jail has been a hellhole for a very long time.

So much for your alleged "research". :lol:
Al Capone was never charged with murder or violating Prohibition or extortion or gangsterism. That does not mean he was not guilty of all of those crimes.

The 1/6 fucktards are insurrectionists. They tried to overthrow a duly elected government.
More lies. No insurrection. You are a fucktard.
Wanna know how else 6 Jan was NOT an 'insurrection'?

Because in an attempt to make the case that 6 Jan was an'insurrection' D-Adam Schiff ONCE AGAIN had to criminally alter and manufacture fake evidence to try to make that case, which he was caught AGAIN doing.

Forget DC Gitmo....that traiterous git should be in the REAL Gitmo.
Wanna know how else 6 Jan was NOT an 'insurrection'?

Because in an attempt to make the case that 6 Jan was an'insurrection' D-Adam Schiff ONCE AGAIN had to criminally alter and manufacture fake evidence to try to make that case, which he was caught AGAIN doing.

Forget DC Gitmo....that traiterous git should be in the REAL Gitmo.
Nothing needs to be manufactured. We all saw the insurrection live on TV. So did Trump, and he just sat there stroking himself while people were being killed.
Wow. Your tard goes deep.

You did not mention MTG, but she is the one who is the source of your fauxrage. Like I said, you are so stupid you don't even know who is pulling your strings! :lol:
You fucking idiot. Trying to latch MTG onto anything because you’re just that stupid. Again moron, I NEVER MENTIONED her. Thus, (in simple words for one who is as ignorant as you) she can’t be the source of what I’m saying. YOU desperately need her to be to try to cover your inadequacy. You need help.
Nothing needs to be manufactured. We all saw the insurrection live on TV. So did Trump, and he just sat there stroking himself while people were being killed.
Now covering for one of your cult leaders who got caught altering text messages and putting them in as evidence. Known in reality as perjury. More perverted fantasies from you. Keep those to yourself.
You fucking idiot. Trying to latch MTG onto anything because you’re just that stupid. Again moron, I NEVER MENTIONED her. Thus, (in simple words for one who is as ignorant as you) she can’t be the source of what I’m saying. YOU desperately need her to be to try to cover your inadequacy. You need help.
I see you are too dense to understand you would not even know about the DC jail were it not for MTG making an issue of it.

I see you are too dense to understand you would not even know about the DC jail were it not for MTG making an issue of it.

You know nothing of the sort moron. You ASSume people are as ignorant as you always are. Your obsession with this woman seems unhealthy and creepy.
No wonder MTG is so easily able to hoax the masses. They are beyond stupid.

She knew they would not know the DC jail has been a hellhole for many, many years. She knew they would not know inmates have been maltreated there for a very long time.

Hell, she probably didn't even know that herself. It's retardation-squared!

Unlike people like you, I’ve never been arrested or gone to prison. I’ve seen the insides of prisons doing research and most of them are decent condition.
:spinner: :auiqs.jpg:
Hey dummy, they knew for 2 weeks something could happen. Pisslosi refused the offered security. Seems SHE knew something was up....
This is a lie. Pelosi did not refuse security. She wasn't even in the loop prior to 1/6. You have been hoaxed AGAIN, tard!

That particular hoax was perpetrated by Jim Jordan. He's the one pulling your strings on that lie.
No wonder MTG is so easily able to hoax the masses. They are beyond stupid.

She knew they would not know the DC jail has been a hellhole for many, many years. She knew they would not know inmates have been maltreated there for a very long time.

Hell, she probably didn't even know that herself. It's retardation-squared!

:spinner: :auiqs.jpg:
Again you ASSume somebody is as ignorant as you. Some of us don’t just buy the MSM crap. You don’t know what I do or where I’ve been. You hold your nose so high in the air it’s a surprise you don’t drown at the closest rainfall.
This is a lie. Pelosi did not refuse security. She wasn't even in the loop prior to 1/6. You have been hoaxed AGAIN, tard!

That particular hoax was perpetrated by Jim Jordan. He's the one pulling your strings on that lie.
It’s already been confirmed by the man who was HEAD of the Capitol Police dope. Damn you’re getting smeared all over today. Not in the loop? You are profoundly stupid. As Speaker, she is in charge of these things. But you’re retarded so you’ll blame Jordan. Don’t even start in on your next bullshit. Those charges were all recanted dumbfuck.
Again you ASSume somebody is as ignorant as you. Some of us don’t just buy the MSM crap. You don’t know what I do or where I’ve been. You hold your nose so high in the air it’s a surprise you don’t drown at the closest rainfall.
When I said it was sad you tards were only just now discovering the horrid conditions of our nations jails and the horrible treatment our prisoners have been receiving, you snottily replied you had researched our jails and that "most of them are decent condition". You snottily dismissed my firsthand knowledge acquired over more than two decades.

I then proceeded to bury you with evidence the DC jail has been maltreating our prisoners for a very long time and that the treatment of the 1/6 insurrectionists is par for the course in that jail.

Instead of having the integrity to admit you were deliberately hoaxed about the 1/6 insurrectionists' treatment, you persist in demonstrating your willful ignorance and stupidity.

It is pointless to try to penetrate that willful ignorance any further.

1. There was no 'Insurrection'. There has been no one charged with any crime even remotely violent yo that associated with 'insurrection'. No 'sedition', no 'treason', etc...

Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

ARTICLE I: INCITEMENT OF INSURRECTION're such a fucking delusional troll, much like Pelosi.

Obama, Hillary, Pelosi - they have 5 years, 1 historic failed coup attempt, and 2 failed criminal Impeachment attempts on their official record...and Pelosi is still obsessed with 'getting Trump' after he has left office...and she could very well go down in history as the worst Speaker ever if she tries another failed Impeachment a year after Trump has left office.

Please, oh pleade, oh please, oh pleade etc that crazy bitch try again. The Democrats are already going to be bitch-slapped in the mid-terms for their Marxist failed policies and victomizing and betrayal of Americans....if she tries this the Democrats will be wiped out.


Go, Nancy, go...and Let's go, Brandon.
A Capitol rioter who attacked police officers working to hold back the angry pro-Trump mob on Jan. 6 was sentenced Friday to more than five years behind bars, the most so far for anyone sentenced in the insurrection.

Robert Palmer, 54, of Largo, Florida, wept as he told U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan that he recently watched a video of his actions that day and could not believe what he was seeing.

“Your honor. I’m really really ashamed of what I did,” he said through tears.

Palmer made his way to the front line during the chaos and started to attack, throwing a wooden plank, spraying a fire extinguisher, then hurling it when it was done. He rooted around for other objects, prosecutors said. He was briefly pepper-sprayed by police before he attacked officers again with a pole. He pleaded guilty to attacking officers.

Palmer said in a handwritten letter to the judge that he felt betrayed by Trump and his allies who fed them conspiracy theories.

Another man goes to jail for trump.

5 years? He'll be out in 30 months as long as he doesn't screw up in prison.

Do you think the Jan 6th rioter sentences have been too short? Or just right?'re such a fucking delusional troll, much like Pelosi.

You said nobody was charged with insurrection.

Trump was charged with incitement of insurrection.. So you can no longer make that claim.
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A Capitol rioter who attacked police officers working to hold back the angry pro-Trump mob on Jan. 6 was sentenced Friday to more than five years behind bars, the most so far for anyone sentenced in the insurrection.

Robert Palmer, 54, of Largo, Florida, wept as he told U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan that he recently watched a video of his actions that day and could not believe what he was seeing.

“Your honor. I’m really really ashamed of what I did,” he said through tears.

Palmer made his way to the front line during the chaos and started to attack, throwing a wooden plank, spraying a fire extinguisher, then hurling it when it was done. He rooted around for other objects, prosecutors said. He was briefly pepper-sprayed by police before he attacked officers again with a pole. He pleaded guilty to attacking officers.

Palmer said in a handwritten letter to the judge that he felt betrayed by Trump and his allies who fed them conspiracy theories.

Another man goes to jail for trump.

5 years? He'll be out in 30 months as long as he doesn't screw up in prison.

Do you think the Jan 6th rioter sentences have been too short? Or just right?
Before trump was president, had a Democrat's supporters launched an attack against the Capitol Building in an attempt to stop the certification of the Electoral College results, the punishments meted out would have been far more extreme.

Sadly, death threats aimed at congressional Democrats have become normalized, in the same manner as the openly racist comments by the KKK caucus in the House.

Hillary Clinton couldn't have been more correct when she dubbed trump supporters "deplorables" back in 2016. From deplorables they quickly progressed to being the goosestepping trump Nazis eager to bring down the legally elected U.S. government and replace it with a fascist, trump dictatorship.


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