Captain America: Dianetics Conspiracy(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does globalization promote 'democracy-speculation'?

This 'pseudo-parody' was inspired by 12 Monkeys and The X-Files.

Signing off!


"Chinese people are more industrious and diligent when compared to the gluttony and convenience-prone Americans. The Soviet Union lost to the 'great American empire,' because they were not as shrewd as the Americans. However, China is set to take the world stage by storm with a strong socialism-oriented face and engage a mass mobilization involving nuclear weapons (an attack on NYC on New Year's Day 2018!) and a complete takeover of our planet. That's because the Chinese are allied to a special alien intelligence interested in making the Chinese the only diplomats of the human species."

---testimony of a schizophrenic patient recorded in Virginia in the summer of 2017.

Could this testimony, which is obviously conspiracy-rich and clearly nutty, indicate some real propensity in our modern age towards power and prestige? It's funny how mental insanity can offer us odd 'clarity/insight' into social behaviors and even political 'faces,' since, after all, thinking about sanity itself compels the mind to evaluate all levels of norms and customs. Nevertheless, we don't want to revert back to the days of the Inquisition and the Witch Trials when hearsay and short-term passions led to the compromising of social graces. This is the sort of 'paranoia-consciousness' we face, however, in this age of mass commerce, consumerism, and capital --- the age of Wall Street and the Internet.

That's why we celebrate patriotism-themed American comic book 'superheroes' such as Captain America (Marvel Comics) who embody a very modern focus on values-themed negotiations and civics (e.g., World Bank, United Nations, Homeland Security, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, NAACP, etc.). Captain America has been adapted into cartoons, tv shows, and even full-length films such as Captain America: The First Avenger. Maybe political paranoia can be 'soothed' with (ironically enough!) child-like rhetoric. Isn't that why we avoided McCarthyism?

DIARY ENTRY OF CAPTAIN AMERICA (written Christmas 2017, following the Black Friday massacre of over 300 Sufi Muslims in Egypt)



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