Car mows down over 30 at least 1 dead

It amazes me that you are too obtuse to comprehend the correlation.

They can both be used quite effectively to kill people.
But that's all I give you. I don't like to quibble over nonsense or be forced to repeatedly state the obvious and I despise people who think that it's intelligent to do so. If you have a point, make it.

Of course, I know you don't have a point.

C'mon bitch. If they can both be used for the same thing and stats show that thousands die each year from their use, lets regulate them in the same way. It makes perfect sense.

Now, please tell us why they shouldn't be regulated in the same way if they are both a) produced; b) used to kill people (although that isn't their primary purpose); c)require some training and repeated usage to master.

Bitch, because regulation doesn't prevent people from using them inappropriately, bitch. Bitch, because people still use them to kill each other, bitch.
Wow! The word bitch four times. Did you think that up all by yourself?

Long on profanity and short on logic....her life story.
It just amazes me that her and her fellow idiots are actually trying to make a comparison between cars and guns.
Another poster not intelligent enough to defend their position reduced to name calling...wtg.

C'mon bitch. If they can both be used for the same thing and stats show that thousands die each year from their use, lets regulate them in the same way. It makes perfect sense.

Now, please tell us why they shouldn't be regulated in the same way if they are both a) produced; b) used to kill people (although that isn't their primary purpose); c)require some training and repeated usage to master.

Bitch, because regulation doesn't prevent people from using them inappropriately, bitch. Bitch, because people still use them to kill each other, bitch.
Wow! The word bitch four times. Did you think that up all by yourself?

Long on profanity and short on logic....her life story.

"C'mon bitch" - candycorn.
You've got nothing, absolutely nothing. LOL. I feel sorry for losers like you. What a pathetic life you must have.
Car mows down over 30 people in Las Vegas; 1 dead -

Its time to increase background checks on drivers,close the used car loophole! NO MORE CAR VIOLENCE!

Hey I'd be happy to have gun owners subject to the same rules drivers have.

Lets start with liability insurance...shall we?
Sounds good to me.

And let's make sure they have a valid license to own a gun --- of course they will need to be tested in order to obtain that license.

They will need to register each gun in order to have mandatory liability insurance for each weapon.

The firearms will also need to be inspected, at least once every year.

You don't need a license, training, insurance or inspections to buy a's completely unregulated.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.
Hey I'd be happy to have gun owners subject to the same rules drivers have.

Lets start with liability insurance...shall we?
Sounds good to me.

And let's make sure they have a valid license to own a gun --- of course they will need to be tested in order to obtain that license.

They will need to register each gun in order to have mandatory liability insurance for each weapon.

The firearms will also need to be inspected, at least once every year.

You don't need a license, training, insurance or inspections to buy a's completely unregulated.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.
Sounds good to me.

And let's make sure they have a valid license to own a gun --- of course they will need to be tested in order to obtain that license.

They will need to register each gun in order to have mandatory liability insurance for each weapon.

The firearms will also need to be inspected, at least once every year.

You don't need a license, training, insurance or inspections to buy a's completely unregulated.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Well technically, you do not need insurance as long as you are not driving on public roads. I have many vehicles that are unregistered and uninsured and are perfectly legal to drive on my property. But that's beside the point...
Hey I'd be happy to have gun owners subject to the same rules drivers have.

Lets start with liability insurance...shall we?
Sounds good to me.

And let's make sure they have a valid license to own a gun --- of course they will need to be tested in order to obtain that license.

They will need to register each gun in order to have mandatory liability insurance for each weapon.

The firearms will also need to be inspected, at least once every year.

You don't need a license, training, insurance or inspections to buy a's completely unregulated.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

So candycorn thinks that a gun only needs licensed if used on government land? That no insurance would be required unless fired on government land? That all felons would have the right to own a gun upon release from prison?

Okey dokey dumbass
You don't need a license, training, insurance or inspections to buy a's completely unregulated.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.
Car mows down over 30 people in Las Vegas; 1 dead -

Its time to increase background checks on drivers,close the used car loophole! NO MORE CAR VIOLENCE!

Really? Obama and HR Haldeman Clinton callously turned San Bernardino into a political gun-crime thing.
Don't be such a hypocrite.

A "political gun-crime thing"?

What the fuck is a "political gun-crime thing"?

And what the fuck does it have to do with me?
Ask some other non-democrat to explain it to you.
It amazes me that you are too obtuse to comprehend the correlation.

C'mon bitch. If they can both be used for the same thing and stats show that thousands die each year from their use, lets regulate them in the same way. It makes perfect sense.

Now, please tell us why they shouldn't be regulated in the same way if they are both a) produced; b) used to kill people (although that isn't their primary purpose); c)require some training and repeated usage to master.

Bitch, because regulation doesn't prevent people from using them inappropriately, bitch. Bitch, because people still use them to kill each other, bitch.
Wow! The word bitch four times. Did you think that up all by yourself?

Long on profanity and short on logic....her life story.
It just amazes me that her and her fellow idiots are actually trying to make a comparison between cars and guns.
It doesn't amaze me....
Car mows down over 30 people in Las Vegas; 1 dead -

Its time to increase background checks on drivers,close the used car loophole! NO MORE CAR VIOLENCE!

Really? Obama and HR Haldeman Clinton callously turned San Bernardino into a political gun-crime thing.
Don't be such a hypocrite.

A "political gun-crime thing"?

What the fuck is a "political gun-crime thing"?

And what the fuck does it have to do with me?
Ask some other non-democrat to explain it to you.

Lemme get this straight....

You want some random stranger to essplain YOUR post, because you can't?
Here is the monkey's face.


Of course, her name is "Lakeisha."
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.

Whatever dumbass. Liability insurance assures that when you rear end another car, she/he is not out the full cost of repair to their vehicle. I know, I know, you have never had a wreck, never gone over the speed limit and are totally immune from ever having broken a traffic law that would cause an accident so you don't need insurance, right? Yet when conservative dingbats like the ones in Colorado and South carolina mow down innocent people at church and cops, the costs of a funeral, medical bills, suing the conservative gun nut all falls on the victim's families. Good to know that while you're busy throwing your hands up in the air and swearing there is nothing that can be done you're offering your thoughts and prayers to the family.

I'm sure they are really comforted by that.
It amazes me that you are too obtuse to comprehend the correlation.

Bitch, because regulation doesn't prevent people from using them inappropriately, bitch. Bitch, because people still use them to kill each other, bitch.
Wow! The word bitch four times. Did you think that up all by yourself?

Long on profanity and short on logic....her life story.
It just amazes me that her and her fellow idiots are actually trying to make a comparison between cars and guns.
It doesn't amaze me....

Hollywood's best comedy writers couldn't come up with characters like the gun nuts.
It amazes me that you are too obtuse to comprehend the correlation.

Wow! The word bitch four times. Did you think that up all by yourself?

Long on profanity and short on logic....her life story.
It just amazes me that her and her fellow idiots are actually trying to make a comparison between cars and guns.
It doesn't amaze me....

Hollywood's best comedy writers couldn't come up with characters like the gun nuts.
You are the gun nut, candycane.
The non-reply reply...the final defense of the defeated.

What I said was 100% don't need a license, insurance, or training to buy a car. I get that you liberals buy everything on credit...but those of us who pay cash know that none of that is required or even requested to buy a is totally unregulated.

It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.

Whatever dumbass. Liability insurance assures that when you rear end another car, she/he is not out the full cost of repair to their vehicle. I know, I know, you have never had a wreck, never gone over the speed limit and are totally immune from ever having broken a traffic law that would cause an accident so you don't need insurance, right? Yet when conservative dingbats like the ones in Colorado and South carolina mow down innocent people at church and cops, the costs of a funeral, medical bills, suing the conservative gun nut all falls on the victim's families. Good to know that while you're busy throwing your hands up in the air and swearing there is nothing that can be done you're offering your thoughts and prayers to the family.

I'm sure they are really comforted by that.

But you CAN purchase and operate the vehicle without it. In fact I suspect the woman who killed and injured those folks in Nevada didn't have any.

That's why we need universal background checks to buy vehicles...and every seller must sell through a FVSL ( Federal vehicle sellers license) holder to ensure a proper federal background check is conducted.

It only makes liberal sense...
It's not worth debating with you because everyone in the fucking world knows that you need insurance to drive the god damed car off of the mother fucking lot you idiot. But you'll come up with some bullshit response about "I said buy the car; not drive the car" as if you're being clever. Then I'd point out that few ever do that then you'd come back with more bullshit about alleged facts or whatever.

SO I just cut to the chase and labeled your argument as crazy. It saves us both some time. I have more important things to do and you have some other people to annoy with your idiocy.

Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.

Whatever dumbass. Liability insurance assures that when you rear end another car, she/he is not out the full cost of repair to their vehicle. I know, I know, you have never had a wreck, never gone over the speed limit and are totally immune from ever having broken a traffic law that would cause an accident so you don't need insurance, right? Yet when conservative dingbats like the ones in Colorado and South carolina mow down innocent people at church and cops, the costs of a funeral, medical bills, suing the conservative gun nut all falls on the victim's families. Good to know that while you're busy throwing your hands up in the air and swearing there is nothing that can be done you're offering your thoughts and prayers to the family.

I'm sure they are really comforted by that.

But you CAN purchase and operate the vehicle without it. In fact I suspect the woman who killed and injured those folks in Nevada didn't have any.

That's why we need universal background checks to buy vehicles...and every seller must sell through a FVSL ( Federal vehicle sellers license) holder to ensure a proper federal background check is conducted.

It only makes liberal sense...

Hey, anything that puts more regulations into the purchase of guns and the monthly bloodbaths you guys facilitate then offer your cheap prayers as a way of washing your hands from the responsibility you share, thats fine with me. It may make traffic better too.

GO for it!!!! :rofl:

So you agree that we should have liability insurance for each gun sold to pay for the victims of other gun crimes. Welcome to the 21st Century.
Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.

Whatever dumbass. Liability insurance assures that when you rear end another car, she/he is not out the full cost of repair to their vehicle. I know, I know, you have never had a wreck, never gone over the speed limit and are totally immune from ever having broken a traffic law that would cause an accident so you don't need insurance, right? Yet when conservative dingbats like the ones in Colorado and South carolina mow down innocent people at church and cops, the costs of a funeral, medical bills, suing the conservative gun nut all falls on the victim's families. Good to know that while you're busy throwing your hands up in the air and swearing there is nothing that can be done you're offering your thoughts and prayers to the family.

I'm sure they are really comforted by that.

But you CAN purchase and operate the vehicle without it. In fact I suspect the woman who killed and injured those folks in Nevada didn't have any.

That's why we need universal background checks to buy vehicles...and every seller must sell through a FVSL ( Federal vehicle sellers license) holder to ensure a proper federal background check is conducted.

It only makes liberal sense...

Hey, anything that puts more regulations into the purchase of guns and the monthly bloodbaths you guys facilitate then offer your cheap prayers as a way of washing your hands from the responsibility you share, thats fine with me. It may make traffic better too.

GO for it!!!! :rofl:

So you agree that we should have liability insurance for each gun sold to pay for the victims of other gun crimes. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Sure...right after an idiotic universal background checks on cars is signed into law I will jump right out there and push for this other idiocy with you.

So get crackin'...
Lost your cool already...Damn, that was too easy.

Do you always have uncontrollable rage issues when you are proven wrong?

I suggest therapy. do not NEED insurance to drive a car. If ones intention is to commit a criminal act, like driving on the sidewalk in a populated location to kill and maim...there is nothing at all stopping them from doing that.

Remember...that was the assertion of the OP...that universal background checks should be required on all car end vehicle violence.

You could benefit from some therapy...big time. The gun nut argument is now; that if the law is breakable, you should break it because you can.....

Only applying the exact same argument gun grabbers embrace. That because a tiny minority misuse a device illegally with the intent of causing harm...that anyone purchasing that device must be required to pass a universal background check.

The only reason gun grabber logic sounds ridiculous is because it is.

Whatever dumbass. Liability insurance assures that when you rear end another car, she/he is not out the full cost of repair to their vehicle. I know, I know, you have never had a wreck, never gone over the speed limit and are totally immune from ever having broken a traffic law that would cause an accident so you don't need insurance, right? Yet when conservative dingbats like the ones in Colorado and South carolina mow down innocent people at church and cops, the costs of a funeral, medical bills, suing the conservative gun nut all falls on the victim's families. Good to know that while you're busy throwing your hands up in the air and swearing there is nothing that can be done you're offering your thoughts and prayers to the family.

I'm sure they are really comforted by that.

But you CAN purchase and operate the vehicle without it. In fact I suspect the woman who killed and injured those folks in Nevada didn't have any.

That's why we need universal background checks to buy vehicles...and every seller must sell through a FVSL ( Federal vehicle sellers license) holder to ensure a proper federal background check is conducted.

It only makes liberal sense...

Hey, anything that puts more regulations into the purchase of guns and the monthly bloodbaths you guys facilitate then offer your cheap prayers as a way of washing your hands from the responsibility you share, thats fine with me. It may make traffic better too.

GO for it!!!! :rofl:

So you agree that we should have liability insurance for each gun sold to pay for the victims of other gun crimes. Welcome to the 21st Century.

You remind me of someone....


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