Career politician's....Flush them all out!

It would be nice. but that isn't going to happen because the Democrat base doesn't know who is in Congress. they just go and vote for D AND as we see they NEVER kick them out of a job, they just die in office still sucking off us taxpayers
Because they won't give your anti-American austerity from hell. Fuck all you anti-government traitors and scum!
I think this is what Trump is about.

It is a toilet flush.

I have no idea if a bigger turd will be left in the bowl or not, but right now the toilet is so disgusting, many just want a good flush.

And though Trump is not my flavour of the month, I get it.

If I lived in the USA right now, even I would have to wonder?

Should I just flush?

It's really cute how you object to career politicians by asking for us to vote for a career politician who is not only a career politician, but actually the son of another career politician.

Trump is not a career politician.

He is Barnum Bailey of anger, and when the country becomes a failing circus of elites who no longer have any clue how Americans live, elites who are being eaten alive on the rougher global stage by the Putins and Chinas and murderous Islamic half wits of the world, then yes, Barunum Bailey becomes the vote of no confidence in those who have no competence.
trump's gonna get rid of common core. he's gonna do it locally. with love! with love! with love!
We could try an pass a constitutional amendment. If 35 state's legislatures call for it.
So, what's the plan for achieving congressional term limits?

There's no need for term limits on Congresspeople!

The answer is the general electorate waking up to the truth that these are the reasons Congress is broken and something can only be done about it by them! The voters.
So, what's the plan for achieving congressional term limits?

There's no need for term limits on Congresspeople!

The answer is the general electorate waking up to the truth that these are the reasons Congress is broken and something can only be done about it by them! The voters.
If the voters could be trusted to do their job properly then there would be nothing to discuss. No one has ever trusted people entirely, except the mentally ill. The founding fathers created a number of fail-safes for our system. Checks and balances against an irresponsible citizenry.

Congress isn't supposed to fix itself. We, the people, are supposed to fix it by voting out corrupt representatives. We aren't doing our job. So the question, it seems to me, is how we can get from where we are to where we need to be. Right now the wrong people are attracted to the job, because they know the watchdogs are ineffective and they will be allowed to run amok. If we can, by term limits (and other needed reforms) make Washington less appealing to people who seek office for the wrong reasons, maybe we can improve the choices we're offering to our voters.

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