Carley displays brilliance. The contrast with the blow hard is spectacular

I like how she handled this guy with his gotcha questions. She handled him respectfully, with poise and tact. None of Trumps whinnies, bluster and crass insults. He looked startled at her answers, and at the end he treated her better than at the begging
She won't win the nomination and she won't be picked for VP if the nominee is Trump.
I like how she handled this guy with his gotcha questions. She handled him respectfully, with poise and tact. None of Trumps whinnies, bluster and crass insults. He looked startled at her answers, and at the end he treated her better than at the begging

What gotcha questions? He served up softballs for her to comment on her opponents. He didn't look startled in the least. He was respectful from the jump.

She lied about her stance on the paid leave act.

If I said I am in favor of equal rights for black people but I think the government shouldn't legislate it, am I in favor of equal rights for black people? Same thing. She doesn't want the government to legislate paid leave......but she loves the idea. Bullshit.

Regarding optics........someone should train her to inhale without making such a loud air sucking noise. It's prominent and distracting.
She's intelligent and articulate. Better than any of the oddballs running in the Democratic Party but I don't see her being the next POTUS.
She's intelligent and articulate. Better than any of the oddballs running in the Democratic Party but I don't see her being the next POTUS.
Who knows Hillery didn't see Obama as President ether.lots and lots can happen from now until election day
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
You are going to be disappointed.

Ya think?

Let's look at her "qualifications".

Talking head for Faux, after pretty good start, fired by ATT, wealthy husband kicked off and left her enough money to buy her way into running HP. She trashed the company, fired the employees and sent it to India.

That's makes a RW dream come true. And her first name is easy enough that even RWs can spell it. Oh wait... Never mind.

Note to whiny RWs: every time one of your clowns makes an ass of themselves, you really don't have to run out and screech "gotcha question". Fact is, she simply didn't know the answer. Neither did Drumpf and of course, $arah Palin never read anything more difficult that Cosmopolitan and Katy Couric's question, "what do you read" was not a "gotcha question" either.

These clowns are playing for the big time. They should know the answers. Period.
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
Get a life, she was speaking metaphorically.
I like Carly, but a little bit less since she said Kim Davis should do her job and quit breaking the law.

To a conservative, no one should have to submit to an illegitimate law (or ruling).
I so much love this woman!

She drove HP into the ground. HP has a government contract for so many different things that i should be impossible to do such a thing, but she succeeded.

anyone that supports her for Pres should be embarrassed.
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
Get a life, she was speaking metaphorically.

That is awesome. You recognize campaign rhetoric when you hear it. That is a huge leap forward for you. I'm proud of you.

Now, please dive into the archives of your mind and retrieve all the examples of campaign rhetoric which you failed to recognize.....and do a little housekeeping. The result ought to be a much more pleasant you.
I like Carly, but a little bit less since she said Kim Davis should do her job and quit breaking the law.

To a conservative, no one should have to submit to an illegitimate law (or ruling).

And, as we know, every "conservative" gets to choose which laws are legitimate. It's such freedom.
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
Get a life, she was speaking metaphorically.

That is awesome. You recognize campaign rhetoric when you hear it. That is a huge leap forward for you. I'm proud of you.

Now, please dive into the archives of your mind and retrieve all the examples of campaign rhetoric which you failed to recognize.....and do a little housekeeping. The result ought to be a much more pleasant you.
Don't preach to me, retard. Preach to your buddy Bulldog.
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
Get a life, she was speaking metaphorically.

That is awesome. You recognize campaign rhetoric when you hear it. That is a huge leap forward for you. I'm proud of you.

Now, please dive into the archives of your mind and retrieve all the examples of campaign rhetoric which you failed to recognize.....and do a little housekeeping. The result ought to be a much more pleasant you.
Don't preach to me, retard. Preach to your buddy Bulldog.

You need my counsel as much as anyone. I'm here for you.
She was calm collected and to the point,no double speak.

How does she justify saying Hillary doesn't think it is a life until it leaves the hospital? If that is true, I'll vote against Hillary too, but I need some proof first. If it is not true, then she is a dishonorable liar. Where is the proof?
Get a life, she was speaking metaphorically.

Bullshit. There are countless right wingers who now think what she said is gospel.

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