Carly Fiorina--it's a rigged game--excluded from the ABC debate


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The "Chickens have come home to roost." Carly Fiorina excluded from the Saturday ABC debate-(after she beat John Kasich & Chris Christie) with real votes in Iowa. They're on the stage, she isn't. This debate is just prior to the New Hampshire primary.

She is polling ahead of Chris Christie & Ben Carson in New Hampshire. They're on the stage, she isn't.

The Republican Party's primary responsibility is to insure that all candidates are treated equally & fairly. Now, imagine if Ted Cruz had just won Iowa--and ABC used some obscure poll that showed him trailing behind all the other candidates, and excluded him from being in the debate. The roof of the Republican National Headquarters would have been blown sky-high--and they would have demanded that he was on that stage or they would have threatened to cancel the debate. They're no where to be found right now when it comes to Carly Fiorina. They're desperately trying to point fingers at ABC--but again it's the primary responsibility of the party to do something about this, and they're not.

Republicans have a serious problem with women, as was made very clear in 2012. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a second term for Barack Obama. Romney's fate was sealed long before he ever became the nominee--by the right wing dragging the party into issues of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal-legitimate" rape questions. Women were Offended into Barack Obama's column. This move by the Republican party only confirms what women believe about the Republican party. (That they're oppressive to women).
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

I don't think the Republican party can afford to lose any more women. Carly Fiorina is winning in every WOMAN Republican straw poll in this nation.

Carly Fiorina supporters on social media are threatening change of party status, even the men on her boards are furious. Many are stating they'll never give another dime to the Republican party again. They are cancelling all Republican memberships, and many are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich & Ted Cruz have all stated she deserves to be in this debate--and the RNC is still not listening.

Current polling in New Hampshire:

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She's a woman. She doesn't belong anywhere near politics, nevermind on a debate stage or a ballot. Hell, she (and all other women) shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
It's obvious we don't need a Fed Elections Commission anymore. Because the parties have just usurped the complete control of the debates. The rules are arbitrary. Even stupid when the networks confuse pre-rehearsed town halls with actual debates.

And the issues of the PARTIES getting revenue from the networks aint even on the radar.

The rigging has been there a LONG time. That's why my political energy has ALWAYS gone into ballot access and debate access for 3rd party candidates.
Neither is Trump.. With 25% negative ratings. But that doesn't seem to matter right now does it?

She has been declared one of BEST PERFORMERS in every debate she's attended. It should NEVER be about support levels. It should be about messaging. Otherwise -- you get reality stars and folks who think carpet bombing Syria and leaving another MidEast vacuum behind are gonna get US folks killed..
She's a woman. She doesn't belong anywhere near politics, nevermind on a debate stage or a ballot. Hell, she (and all other women) shouldn't even be allowed to vote.

If that's your attitude you're going to get your ass kicked by women in the voting booth. They are majority voting block in this country today at 54%. And they are in fact the reason Barack Obama got a 2nd term.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

IOW--The RNC cheating Carly Fiorina out of her earned and rightful spot on the debate stage--only insures that you're going to get a Woman President, but it probably won't be the one that you would have preferred--LOL

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I think the podiums should be given out much like the CollegeFootball team ratings are done. By ranking the PREVIOUS debate performances. Not by general polling. Makes more sense. Has less to do with PAC money or the blubbering of the talking heads..

Validate that the person WATCHED the debate and let them vote on it. Google could figure out how to do that.
Kinda like the Hashtag voting on American Idol.

Let one NEWCOMER participate in each round. Not rocket science.

By those rules --- Fiorina would be IN --- and the weakling me too's would be OUT.
I think the podiums should be given out much like the CollegeFootball team ratings are done. By ranking the PREVIOUS debate performances. Not by general polling. Makes more sense. Has less to do with PAC money or the blubbering of the talking heads..

Validate that the person WATCHED the debate and let them vote on it. Google could figure out how to do that.
Kinda like the Hashtag voting on American Idol.

Let one NEWCOMER participate in each round. Not rocket science.

It's the Republican Party that has done this. And it's because too many GOP candidates entered this race in the 1st place. Typically you have 6 candidates. there were 15 males and 1 female. They had to be broken up into 2 ridiculous stages.

There is no second stage now--so why would they exclude (only) Carly Fiorina--especially when she beat Kasich & Christie in Iowa and is polling ahead of Carson & Christie now. They have plenty of room on the stage to include her?

It is the Republican Party's sole, primary responsibility to make certain that all candidates are treated equally and fairly, and they're not doing that. They're trying to blame ABC--but they could demand that she is on this stage and they're not.

Is the RNC that afraid of her? It's either that or the RNC just can't stand the thought of a woman President, and they're doing everything they can to insure she doesn't get anywhere close to the nomination. Take your pick. This has nothing to do with ABC--it has everything to do with RNC. Republican gender bias in full view.

Hillary Clinton has just been given a huge gift--that she is going to use in her campaign.


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There are eight candidates left. They should all be in the debate. No reason to exclude any of them at this point.
There are eight candidates left. They should all be in the debate. No reason to exclude any of them at this point.

Exactly, they've done debates this year with 11 candidates on one stage. Now they're saying no to 8, and it's only CARLY FIORINA that has been excluded, even though she beat Chris Christie & John Kasich in Iowa, and is currently polling ahead of Ben Carson and Chris Christie in New Hampshire.

You look at all of her supporters that have spent so much time, have donated money to her campaign, and imagine how they feel right now. They are PISSED-- and they have every right to be.

She has been winning in every WOMAN Republican straw poll across this country.

So what does that say about a party that doesn't have enough respect for their women base (who are really the workers of the party) to NOT demand that their favorite candidate is put on a debate stage, after she rightfully won that place.

Maybe deep down the Republican party just wants to be an all male party. They may get their wish with this stunt.
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Someone is shocked elections are rigged? The establishment in both parties have been rigging elections for decades wake up people.

Here's the point:

You look at all of her supporters that have spent so much time, have donated money to her campaign, and imagine how they feel right now. They are PISSED-- and they have every right to be.

She has been winning in every WOMAN Republican straw poll across this country.

So what does that say about a party that doesn't have enough respect for their women base (who are really the workers of the party) to NOT demand that their favorite candidate is put on a debate stage, after she rightfully won that place.

Maybe deep down the Republican party just wants to be an all male party. They may get their wish.
Fiorina is a known failure and needs to go away. Unfortunately like Palin she probably won't.
Her popularity was 2 minutes. Then it phased out after her random attacks on Trump. I mean, Trump never even mentioned her from the start during debates.
Fiorina is a known failure and needs to go away. Unfortunately like Palin she probably won't.
Well Palin was actually a solid governor and served her term. Carly got fired by her own company.
So why the F is Fuckerino even in the race? She needs to go away pronto.
Ugh donors I guess. Ask the same thing about Jeb too.
Fuck "Jeb" and his whole shit family.
If that's your attitude you're going to get your ass kicked by women in the voting booth. They are majority voting block in this country today at 54%. And they are in fact the reason Barack Obama got a 2nd term.
IOW--The RNC cheating Carly Fiorina out of her earned and rightful spot on the debate stage--only insures that you're going to get a Woman President, but it probably won't be the one that you would have preferred--LOL

Neither of the female candidates deserves to be anywhere near a voting booth, nevermind a ballot. It's just one of the signs as to how far this nationa has fallen that candidates have to pander to people who shouldn't be voting in the first place.
If that's your attitude you're going to get your ass kicked by women in the voting booth. They are majority voting block in this country today at 54%. And they are in fact the reason Barack Obama got a 2nd term.
IOW--The RNC cheating Carly Fiorina out of her earned and rightful spot on the debate stage--only insures that you're going to get a Woman President, but it probably won't be the one that you would have preferred--LOL

Neither of the female candidates deserves to be anywhere near a voting booth, nevermind a ballot. It's just one of the signs as to how far this nationa has fallen that candidates have to pander to people who shouldn't be voting in the first place.
Dude you will never get laid hating on females like that.
CNN bent the rules for her. ABC made this decision...not the RNC. It's time to winnow down the field. 1.9% in Iowa...4% in New Hampshire. 7% Nationally. She's had her shot and her support has stayed flat.

Time to fold her tent. Everyone else in the second tier is gone now...Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum...and now it's Fiorina's turn. Should she get special treatment because she is female? No. That is the point of equality...everyone treated the same.

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