Carrie Prejan almost walks off of Larry King Live

ANOTHER 15 min of fame person writing a book :banghead:

Does it have her sextape included....that would get people to buy it :cool:

That's right. She may be taking the wrong path here, sell the tape, laugh about it and be rich the rest of her life..

If she's gonna be an opportunist, she might just as well do it right. :razz:
The problem with the tape is, she could be prosecuted for producing it, since she was underage at the time of production. The ex-boyfriend could be similarly prosecuted, for distributing it to TMZ.

TMZ says they have it. CNN, citing "Anonymous sources" says this was why Prejean settled the suit. Prejean told Hannity that indeed, the tape exists and she made it.

King could have been a gentleman and asked her straight up about the tape, instead of trying to hit her over the head with the earlier un-sourced "news" report by CNN. And she should have been ready to hit back.

"When you go into a bully's back yard for a fight, you hit him in the mouth right away with everything you've got and go hard, full speed until it's over." -- Jimmy Johnson.

That makes sense.
Larry King interviewing Carrie Prejean...lemme see...

...that would be how many phoney boobs in the same place at the same time??
I've never understood martyrdom, why engage in it even. I did laugh the way she held her book up - well the ghost writer's book. She held it like a child being told to do something wrong and wasn't quite sure. I imagine her porno flick must have shown the same sweet adolescence, 'ah, jeez I'm only doing this for you!' LOL
She acted like a spoiled brat.

Of course he pushed the subject. That is his job. He tried to get her to answer the question a couple of times and when she refused to answer, as was her right, he moved on. But she continued to act like a little brat.

I don't watch Larry very often, but I don't feel like he did anything wrong.

If she didn't expect that question then she is a literal fool as well as whoever it is that is managing her dying career.

You know what's crazy, I wouldn't even know about this except for reading this thread.

2 Pages Already.

My 2 cents.

Who gives a ****?

It's just another reality show folks!
If I wanked off on Larry King I bet I'd be in big trouble-------oooooo---"walks off"-----never mind.
ANOTHER 15 min of fame person writing a book :banghead:

Does it have her sextape included....that would get people to buy it :cool:

That's right. She may be taking the wrong path here, sell the tape, laugh about it and be rich the rest of her life..

If she's gonna be an opportunist, she might just as well do it right. :razz:
The problem with the tape is, she could be prosecuted for producing it, since she was underage at the time of production. The ex-boyfriend could be similarly prosecuted, for distributing it to TMZ.

TMZ says they have it. CNN, citing "Anonymous sources" says this was why Prejean settled the suit. Prejean told Hannity that indeed, the tape exists and she made it.

King could have been a gentleman and asked her straight up about the tape, instead of trying to hit her over the head with the earlier un-sourced "news" report by CNN. And she should have been ready to hit back.

"When you go into a bully's back yard for a fight, you hit him in the mouth right away with everything you've got and go hard, full speed until it's over." -- Jimmy Johnson.

Ok, I just heard her ex said she was 20 when that tape was made and it was one of many. Maybe that's why she settled.
"Almost walked off..."


There is no way in hell that publicity hound was going to walk off. It was a nice little rouse though.
He wasn't being inappropriate at all. He did move along.

She should be angry at her handlers, not King. :rolleyes:

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